TODO: merge date entries into new TOPIC organized section


Parser Feedback (updated Jan 2013

  If parsing failed and there was a negative (dont) match that prevented further parsing at the failure index, report it in a separate list: "Possibly could have continued if DIDN'T match:"


  One confusing parser failure is when the greedy nature of PEG causes one rule to prevent another from matching.

  Is it possible to a) detect this situation and b) to we provide it as a suggestion to fix (re-order rules) or should the parser automatically try alternaties when parsing fails? Likely the latter changes the Big-O behavior of the algorithm.

Convert ignore_whitespace engine to "delimiters" (Dec 2012)

  Replace engine under the hood for ignore_whitespace:

  * Add global inter-token delimiter pattern with optional, per-rule overrides.
  * ignore_whitespace will still be supported - just sets the global delimiter to /\s*/
  * rewind_whitespace will be removed - override the containing rule's delimiter to ""

  possible syntax:

  rule :rule_name, pattern_a, pattern_b, :delimiter => "" # disable global delimiter; pattern_b must come immediately after pattern_a
  rule :rule_name, pattern_a, pattern_b, :delimiter => "..." # must match "..." between pattern_a and pattern_b


  ignore-whitespace should be considered a "token delimiter" much like the optional delimiter of the "many" node. We could then eliminate the need for "rewind_whitespace" if we allowed you to change the "token delimiter" for a given rule. Often when you need rewind_whitespace, you need it more than once in the same rule. It seems silly to first match the whitespace, and then unmatch it. Let's just allow you to change the delimiter to whatever you want - including the empty string - as well as have a global default (which ignore_whitespace sets to /\s*/).

  The one question is should we provide some way to access what this "token delimiter" matches? Note this gets a little strange with "many" and it's delimiter since it will be matching: match_pattern, token_delimiter, match_delimiter, token_delimiter, match_pattern.

"Python-like" Support (Dec 2012)

  Add clean, easy support for indention based languages like python or coffeescript.

Nodes use ruby ranges instead of "offset" and "length" (Nov 2012)

  Would like to convert all Node member variables "offset" and "length" to "range" -- use Ruby ranges.

Left-Recursion (Nov 2012)

  Left-Recursion: Given what wikipedia says about left-recursion, I don't want to "support it" at the expense of losing linear-time parsing. I think the right answer is to "handle it nicely"

    * detect when we attempt to match a rule-variant that is already being matched at the same character position further up the stack.
    * When we detect such a situation, immediately fail to match - as attempting to match leads to infinite recursion.

  Idea 1: detect and throw error

  Idea 2: This changes parser behavior in that it will not cause an error. Instead, the parser will proceed to attempt to match other variants.

  Idea 3: An alternative behavior for left-recursion could be "greedy". The first time it happens, we proceed to any alternate rules. If there are none, then we fail. If we succeed, then attempt to match with just one recursive loop. If that succeeds, we advance to two recursive loops. This is kind-of like tail recursion optimization except it is more like head-recursion in this sense :).

Arbitrary Nested Patterns (Dec 2010)

  rule :my_rule, dont.match("hi", "there", /mom|dad/)

  This just streamlines some rules into one-liners.

Add "or(a,b)" Pattern Matcher (Dec 2010)

  Including an or(a,b) pattern matcher.

Pluralize Many-Rules (?) (Aug 2011)

  When matching "many(:stick)", it would be nice to be able to refer to all the matches as "sticks" not "stick". Need "pluralize".

  Counter: our namespace is already pretty overloaded. This may confuse things.

Add Shared Methods for all Nodes for a specific Parser

  I want the ability to add methods to the base-class for all Nodes on a per-parser basis.

  This means that each parser needs to define a new node base-class, derived from BabelBridge::Node, from which all the Rule Nodes derive.

Better handling of EmptyNode? (Dec 2010)

  Right now an Optional node that is not matched returns an instance of EmptyNode. However, in the parsed result, ideally that match-slot would have the value "nil". How can we accomplish that simply?

TODO-FEATURE: The "expecting" feature is so good I wonder if we should add the ability to make and apply suggestions to "repair the parse".
  This would need:
    a) default values for regex terminals
      . string terminals are their own default values
      . default values for regex should be verified to match the regex
    b) an interactive prompter if there is more than one option

TODO-IMPROVEMENT: "Expecting" should show line numbers instead of char numbers, but it should only be calculated on demand. This means we need a smarter formatter for our possible-error-logging.

IDEA: could use the "-" prefix operator to mean "dont":