module Ironfan # # Ironfan::Server methods that handle Fog action # Server.class_eval do def fog_create_server step(" creating cloud server", :green) lint_fog launch_desc = fog_launch_description Chef::Log.debug(JSON.pretty_generate(launch_desc)) safely do @fog_server = Ironfan.fog_connection.servers.create(launch_desc) end end def lint_fog unless cloud.image_id then raise "No image ID found: nothing in Chef::Config[:ec2_image_info] for AZ #{self.default_availability_zone} flavor #{cloud.flavor} backing #{cloud.backing} image name #{cloud.image_name}, and cloud.image_id was not set directly. See - #{cloud.list_images}" end unless cloud.image_id then cloud.list_flavors ; raise "No machine flavor found" ; end end def fog_launch_description { :image_id => cloud.image_id, :flavor_id => cloud.flavor, # :groups => cloud.security_groups.keys, :key_name => cloud.keypair.to_s, # Fog does not actually create tags when it creates a server. :tags => { :cluster => cluster_name, :facet => facet_name, :index => facet_index, }, :user_data => JSON.pretty_generate(cloud.user_data), :block_device_mapping => block_device_mapping, # :disable_api_termination => cloud.permanent, # :instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior => instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, :availability_zone => self.default_availability_zone, :monitoring => cloud.monitoring, } end # # Takes key-value pairs and idempotently sets those tags on the cloud machine # def fog_create_tags(fog_obj, desc, tags) tags_to_create = tags.reject{|key, val| fog_obj.tags[key] == val.to_s } return if tags_to_create.empty? step(" tagging #{desc} with #{tags_to_create.inspect}", :green) tags_to_create.each do |key, value| Chef::Log.debug( "tagging #{desc} with #{key} = #{value}" ) safely do Ironfan.fog_connection.tags.create({ :key => key, :value => value.to_s, :resource_id => }) end end end def fog_address address_str = or return Ironfan.fog_addresses[address_str] end def discover_volumes! composite_volumes.each do |vol_name, vol| my_vol = volumes[vol_name] next if my_vol.fog_volume next if Ironfan.chef_config[:cloud] == false my_vol.fog_volume = Ironfan.fog_volumes.find do |fv| ( # matches the explicit volume id (vol.volume_id && ( == vol.volume_id) ) || # OR this server's machine exists, and this volume is attached to # it, and in the right place ( fog_server && fv.server_id && vol.device && (fv.server_id == && (fv.device.to_s == vol.device.to_s) ) || # OR this volume is tagged as belonging to this machine ( fv.tags.present? && (fv.tags['server'] == self.fullname) && (fv.tags['device'] == vol.device.to_s) ) ) end next unless my_vol.fog_volume my_vol.volume_id( unless my_vol.volume_id.present? my_vol.availability_zone(my_vol.fog_volume.availability_zone) unless my_vol.availability_zone.present? check_server_id_pairing(my_vol.fog_volume, my_vol.desc) end end def attach_volumes return unless in_cloud? discover_volumes! return if composite_volumes.empty? step(" attaching volumes") composite_volumes.each do |vol_name, vol| next if vol.volume_id.blank? || (vol.attachable != :ebs) if (not vol.in_cloud?) then Chef::Log.debug("Volume not found: #{vol.desc}") ; next ; end if (vol.has_server?) then check_server_id_pairing(vol.fog_volume, vol.desc) ; next ; end step(" - attaching #{vol.desc} -- #{vol.inspect}", :blue) safely do vol.fog_volume.device = vol.device vol.fog_volume.server = fog_server end end end def associate_public_ip address = return unless self.in_cloud? && address desc = "elastic ip #{address} for #{self.fullname}" if (fog_address && fog_address.server_id) then check_server_id_pairing(fog_address, desc) ; return ; end safely do step(" assigning #{desc}", :blue) Ironfan.fog_connection.associate_address(, address) end end def check_server_id_pairing thing, desc return unless thing && thing.server_id && self.in_cloud? type_of_thing = thing.class.to_s.gsub(/.*::/,"") if thing.server_id != ui.warn "#{type_of_thing} mismatch: #{desc} is on #{thing.server_id} not #{}: #{thing.inspect.gsub(/\s+/m,' ')}" false else Chef::Log.debug("#{type_of_thing} paired: #{desc}") true end end end class ServerSlice def sync_keypairs step("ensuring keypairs exist") keypairs ={|svr| [,] } keypairs = keypairs - Ironfan.fog_keypairs.keys keypairs.each do |keypair_name| keypair_obj = Ironfan::Ec2Keypair.create!(keypair_name) Ironfan.fog_keypairs[keypair_name] = keypair_obj end end # Create security groups, their dependencies, and synchronize their permissions def sync_security_groups step("ensuring security groups exist and are correct") security_groups.each{|name,group| } end end end