module Tap module Support module Declarations def self.set_declaration_base(base) # TODO -- warn if base is Object -- conflict with Rake declaration_base = base.to_s declaration_base = "" if ["Object", "Tap"].include?(declaration_base) base.instance_variable_set(:@tap_declaration_base, declaration_base.underscore) end def self.included(base) set_declaration_base(base) end def self.extended(base) set_declaration_base(base) end def tasc(name, configs={}, options={}, &block) Tap::Task.subclass(nest(name), configs, options, &block) end def task(name, configs={}, options={}, &block) options[:arity] = arity(block) tasc(name, configs, options, &task_block(block)).new end def file_tasc(name, configs={}, options={}, &block) Tap::FileTask.subclass(nest(name), configs, options, &block) end def file_task(name, configs={}, options={}, &block) options[:arity] = arity(block) file_tasc(nest(name), configs, options, &task_block(block)).new end def worcflow(name, configs={}, options={}, &block) Tap::Workflow.subclass(nest(name), configs, options, &block) end def workflow(name, configs={}, options={}, &block) options[:arity] = arity(block) worcflow(name, configs, options, &task_block(block)).new end protected def config(key, value=nil, options={}, &block) caller.each_with_index do |line, index| case line when /^(([A-z]:)?[^:]+):(\d+)/ options[:desc] = Support::Lazydoc.register($1, $3.to_i - 1) break end end if options[:desc] == nil [:config, key, value, options, block] end def config_attr(key, value=nil, options={}, &block) caller.each_with_index do |line, index| case line when /^(([A-z]:)?[^:]+):(\d+)/ options[:desc] = Support::Lazydoc.register($1, $3.to_i - 1) break end end if options[:desc] == nil [:config_attr, key, value, options, block] end def c Support::Validation end private def nest(name) # use self if self is a Module or Class, # or self.class if self is an instance. File.join((self.kind_of?(Module) ? self : self.class).instance_variable_get(:@tap_declaration_base), name.to_s) end def arity(block) arity = block.arity case when arity > 0 then arity -= 1 when arity < 0 then arity += 1 end arity end def task_block(block) lambda do |*inputs| inputs.unshift(self) arity = block.arity n = inputs.length unless n == arity || (arity < 0 && (-1-n) <= arity) raise"wrong number of arguments (#{n} for #{arity})") end*inputs) end end end end end