module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues READ_PODSPEC_JSON = :READ_PODSPEC_JSON end class ReadPodspecAction < Action def Actions.verify_gem!('cocoapods') path = params[:path] require 'cocoapods-core' spec = Pod::Spec.from_file(path).to_hash UI.success("Reading podspec from file #{path}") Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::READ_PODSPEC_JSON] = spec return spec end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Loads a CocoaPods spec as JSON" end def self.details [ "This can be used for only specifying a version string in your podspec", "- and during your release process you'd read it from the podspec by running", "`version = read_podspec['version']` at the beginning of your lane", "Loads the specified (or the first found) podspec in the folder as JSON, so that you can inspect its `version`, `files` etc. ", "This can be useful when basing your release process on the version string only stored in one place - in the podspec. As one of ", "the first steps you'd read the podspec and its version and the rest of the workflow can use that version string (when e.g. creating a new git tag or a GitHub Release)." ].join("\n") end def self.available_options [ :path, env_name: "FL_READ_PODSPEC_PATH", description: "Path to the podspec to be read", default_value: Dir['*.podspec*'].first, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("File #{value} not found") unless File.exist?(value) end) ] end def self.output [ ['READ_PODSPEC_JSON', 'Podspec JSON payload'] ] end def self.authors ["czechboy0"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include? platform end def self.example_code [ 'spec = read_podspec version = spec["version"] puts "Using Version #{version}"', 'spec = read_podspec(path: "./XcodeServerSDK.podspec")' ] end def self.sample_return_value { 'version' => 1.0 } end def self.return_type :hash_of_strings end def self.category :misc end end end end