require 'test_helper' # was the web request successful? # was the user redirected to the right page? # was the user successfully authenticated? # was the correct object stored in the response? # was the appropriate message delivered in the json payload? class DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest describe DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsController do describe "Successful registration" do before do @mails_sent = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count post '/auth', { confirm_success_url: Faker::Internet.url, user: { email:, password: "secret123", password_confirmation: "secret123", unpermitted_param: '(x_x)' } } @user = assigns(:user) @data = JSON.parse(response.body) @mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last end test "request should be successful" do assert_equal 200, response.status end test "user should have been created" do assert end test "user should not be confirmed" do assert_nil @user.confirmed_at end test "new user data should be returned as json" do assert @data['data']['email'] end test "new user should receive confirmation email" do assert_equal, @mail['to'].to_s end test "new user password should not be returned" do assert_nil @data['data']['password'] end test "only one email was sent" do assert_equal @mails_sent + 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count end end describe "Adding extra params" do before do @redirect_url = Faker::Internet.url @operating_thetan = 2 post '/auth', { confirm_success_url: @redirect_url, user: { email:, password: "secret123", password_confirmation: "secret123", favorite_color: @fav_color, operating_thetan: @operating_thetan } } @user = assigns(:user) @data = JSON.parse(response.body) @mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last @mail_reset_token = @mail.body.match(/confirmation_token=([^&]*)&/)[1] @mail_redirect_url = CGI.unescape(@mail.body.match(/redirect_url=(.*)\"/)[1]) @mail_config_name = CGI.unescape(@mail.body.match(/config=([^&]*)&/)[1]) end test 'redirect_url is included as param in email' do assert_equal @redirect_url, @mail_redirect_url end test "additional sign_up params should be considered" do assert_equal @operating_thetan, @user.operating_thetan end test 'config_name param is included in the confirmation email link' do assert @mail_config_name end test "client config name falls back to 'default'" do assert_equal "default", @mail_config_name end end describe "Mismatched passwords" do before do post '/auth', { confirm_success_url: Faker::Internet.url, user: { email:, password: "secret123", password_confirmation: "bogus" } } @user = assigns(:user) @data = JSON.parse(response.body) end test "request should not be successful" do assert_equal 403, response.status end test "user should have been created" do assert_nil end test "error should be returned in the response" do assert @data['errors'].length end test "full_messages should be included in error hash" do assert @data['errors']['full_messages'].length end end describe "Existing users" do before do @existing_user = users(:confirmed_email_user) post '/auth', { confirm_success_url: Faker::Internet.url, user: { email:, password: "secret123", password_confirmation: "secret123" } } @user = assigns(:user) @data = JSON.parse(response.body) end test "request should not be successful" do assert_equal 403, response.status end test "user should have been created" do assert_nil end test "error should be returned in the response" do assert @data['errors'].length end end describe "Destroy user account" do describe "success" do before do @existing_user = users(:confirmed_email_user) @auth_headers = @existing_user.create_new_auth_token @client_id = @auth_headers['client'] # ensure request is not treated as batch request age_token(@existing_user, @client_id) delete "/auth", {}, @auth_headers @data = JSON.parse(response.body) end test 'request is successful' do assert_equal 200, response.status end test "existing user should be deleted" do refute User.where(id: end end describe 'failure: no auth headers' do before do delete "/auth", {} @data = JSON.parse(response.body) end test 'request returns 404 (not found) status' do assert_equal 404, response.status end end end describe "Update user account" do describe "existing user" do before do @existing_user = users(:confirmed_email_user) @auth_headers = @existing_user.create_new_auth_token @client_id = @auth_headers['client'] # ensure request is not treated as batch request age_token(@existing_user, @client_id) end describe "success" do before do # test valid update param @new_operating_thetan = 1000000 put "/auth", { user: { operating_thetan: @new_operating_thetan } }, @auth_headers @data = JSON.parse(response.body) @existing_user.reload end test "Request was successful" do assert_equal 200, response.status end test "User attribute was updated" do assert_equal @new_operating_thetan, @existing_user.operating_thetan end end describe "error" do before do # test invalid update param @new_operating_thetan = "blegh" put "/auth", { user: { operating_thetan: @new_operating_thetan } }, @auth_headers @data = JSON.parse(response.body) @existing_user.reload end test "Request was NOT successful" do assert_equal 403, response.status end test "Errors were provided with response" do assert @data["errors"].length end end end describe "invalid user" do before do @existing_user = users(:confirmed_email_user) @auth_headers = @existing_user.create_new_auth_token @client_id = @auth_headers['client'] # ensure request is not treated as batch request expire_token(@existing_user, @client_id) # test valid update param @new_operating_thetan = 3 put "/auth", { user: { operating_thetan: @new_operating_thetan } }, @auth_headers @data = JSON.parse(response.body) @existing_user.reload end test "Response should return 404 status" do assert_equal 404, response.status end test "User should not be updated" do refute_equal @new_operating_thetan, @existing_user.operating_thetan end end end describe "Alternate user class" do before do post "/mangs", { confirm_success_url: Faker::Internet.url, mang: { email:, password: "secret123", password_confirmation: "secret123" } } @user = assigns(:mang) @data = JSON.parse(response.body) @mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last end test "request should be successful" do assert_equal 200, response.status end test "use should be a Mang" do assert_equal "Mang", end test "Mang should be destroyed" do @user.confirm! @auth_headers = @user.create_new_auth_token @client_id = @auth_headers['client'] # ensure request is not treated as batch request age_token(@user, @client_id) delete "/mangs", {}, @auth_headers assert_equal 200, response.status refute Mang.where(id: end end describe "Passing client config name" do before do @config_name = 'altUser' post "/mangs", { confirm_success_url: Faker::Internet.url, config_name: @config_name, mang: { email:, password: "secret123", password_confirmation: "secret123" } } @user = assigns(:mang) @data = JSON.parse(response.body) @mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last @user.reload @mail_reset_token = @mail.body.match(/confirmation_token=([^&]*)&/)[1] @mail_redirect_url = CGI.unescape(@mail.body.match(/redirect_url=(.*)\"/)[1]) @mail_config_name = CGI.unescape(@mail.body.match(/config=([^&]*)&/)[1]) end test 'config_name param is included in the confirmation email link' do assert_equal @config_name, @mail_config_name end end describe "Skipped confirmation" do setup do User.set_callback(:create, :before, :skip_confirmation!) post "/auth", { user: { email:, password: "secret123", password_confirmation: "secret123" }, confirm_success_url: Faker::Internet.url } @user = assigns(:user) @token = response.headers["access-token"] @client_id = response.headers["client"] end teardown do User.skip_callback(:create, :before, :skip_confirmation!) end test "user was created" do assert @user end test "user was confirmed" do assert @user.confirmed? end test "auth headers were returned in response" do assert response.headers["access-token"] assert response.headers["token-type"] assert response.headers["client"] assert response.headers["expiry"] assert response.headers["uid"] end test "response token is valid" do assert @user.valid_token?(@token, @client_id) end end end end