# messengerjs-rails messengerjs-rails is a Rails (3.1 and above) wrapper for [Messenger](http://github.hubspot.com/messenger/) javascript library. # Messenger - Show messages in your app. - Wrap AJAX requests with progress, success and error messages, and add retry to your failed requests. - Add actions (undo, cancel, etc.) to your messages. ![Messenger](https://raw.github.com/HubSpot/messenger/master/docs/images/messenger.gif) #### [Demo and Usage](http://hubspot.github.com/messenger/docs/welcome) #### [Docs](http://github.hubspot.com/messenger/) ## Requirement/Dependency: 1. jQuery 2. Plays well with, but doesn't require, Bootstrap ## Installation Add the following to your gemfile: gem "messengerjs-rails", "~>" Add the following directive to your application.coffee / application.js: //= require jquery-rails * * //= require messenger //= require messenger-theme-future Add the following directive to your application.scss / application.css. There are four themes/styles provided (future, air, block and ice), change required stylesheet as needed. *= require messenger *= require messenger-spinner *= require messenger-theme-future ## Todos 1. Provide a Rails Middleware for replacing conventional flash messages. ## Versioning Every attempt is made to mirror the currently shipping Messenger version number wherever possible. The major, minor, and patch version numbers will always represent the Messenger version. ## Contributing Feel free to open an issue ticket if you find something that could be improved. ## Acknowledgements Special thanks to [HubSpot](http://dev.hubspot.com/) and all Messenger contributors. Copyright Ben Song(zbin.song@gmail.com), released under the MIT License.