A /etc/hosts parser. Also supports writing groups of data to the file.

Public Class methods
    # File lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb, line 30
30:         def self.flush_dns_cache!
31:                 if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/
32:                         system("dscacheutil -flushcache")
33:                 end
34:         end
new(filename_or_io = "/etc/hosts")
    # File lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb, line 36
36:         def initialize(filename_or_io = "/etc/hosts")
37:                 if filename_or_io.respond_to?(:readline)
38:                         read_and_parse(filename_or_io)
39:                 else
40:                         File.open(filename_or_io, "rb") do |f|
41:                                 read_and_parse(f)
42:                         end
43:                 end
44:         end
Public Instance methods
add_group_data(marker, data)
    # File lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb, line 67
67:         def add_group_data(marker, data)
68:                 begin_index = find_line(0, "###### BEGIN #{marker} ######")
69:                 end_index = find_line(begin_index + 1, "###### END #{marker} ######") if begin_index
70:                 if begin_index && end_index
71:                         @lines[begin_index + 1 .. end_index - 1] = data.split("\n")
72:                 else
73:                         @lines << "###### BEGIN #{marker} ######"
74:                         @lines.concat(data.split("\n"))
75:                         @lines << "###### END #{marker} ######"
76:                 end
77:         end
    # File lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb, line 50
50:         def host_count
51:                 return @host_names.size
52:         end
    # File lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb, line 46
46:         def ip_count
47:                 return @ips.size
48:         end
    # File lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb, line 54
54:         def resolve(host_name)
55:                 if host_name.downcase == "localhost"
56:                         return ""
57:                 else
58:                         return @host_names[host_name.downcase]
59:                 end
60:         end
    # File lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb, line 62
62:         def resolves_to_localhost?(hostname)
63:                 ip = resolve(hostname)
64:                 return ip == "" || ip == "::1" || ip == ""
65:         end
    # File lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb, line 79
79:         def write(io)
80:                 @lines.each do |line|
81:                         io.puts(line)
82:                 end
83:         end