#!/usr/bin/ruby -w ############################################################################### # # Example of how to use the WriteExcel merge_cells() workbook # method with complex formatting and rotation. # # # reverse('©'), September 2002, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org # # original written in Perl by John McNamara # converted to Ruby by Hideo Nakamura, cxn03651@msj.biglobe.ne.jp # require 'rubygems' require 'writeexcel' # Create a new workbook and add a worksheet workbook = WriteExcel.new('merge5.xls') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet # Increase the cell size of the merged cells to highlight the formatting. (3..8).each { |col| worksheet.set_row(col, 36) } [1, 3, 5].each { |n| worksheet.set_column(n, n, 15) } ############################################################################### # # Rotation 1, letters run from top to bottom # format1 = workbook.add_format( :border => 6, :bold => 1, :color => 'red', :valign => 'vcentre', :align => 'centre', :rotation => 270 ) worksheet.merge_range('B4:B9', 'Rotation 270', format1) ############################################################################### # # Rotation 2, 90° anticlockwise # format2 = workbook.add_format( :border => 6, :bold => 1, :color => 'red', :valign => 'vcentre', :align => 'centre', :rotation => 90 ) worksheet.merge_range('D4:D9', 'Rotation 90°', format2) ############################################################################### # # Rotation 3, 90° clockwise # format3 = workbook.add_format( :border => 6, :bold => 1, :color => 'red', :valign => 'vcentre', :align => 'centre', :rotation => -90 ) worksheet.merge_range('F4:F9', 'Rotation -90°', format3) workbook.close