module Yawast module Scanner class Apache def self.check_banner(banner) #don't bother if this doesn't look like Apache return unless banner.include? 'Apache' @apache = true modules = banner.split(' ') server = modules[0] #hack - fix '(distro)' issue, such as with 'Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)' # if we don't do this, it triggers a false positive on the module check if /\(\w*\)/.match modules[1] server += " #{modules[1]}" modules.delete_at 1 end #print the server info no matter what we do next Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "Apache Server: #{server}" modules.delete_at 0 if modules.count > 0 Yawast::Utilities.puts_warn 'Apache Server: Module listing enabled' modules.each { |mod| Yawast::Utilities.puts_warn "\t\t#{mod}" } puts '' #check for special items modules.each do |mod| if mod.include? 'OpenSSL' Yawast::Utilities.puts_warn "OpenSSL Version Disclosure: #{mod}" puts '' end end end end def self.check_all(uri, head) #this check for @apache may yield false negatives.. meh. if @apache #run all the defined checks check_server_status(uri.copy) check_server_info(uri.copy) end end def self.check_server_status(uri) uri.path = '/server-status' uri.query = '' if uri.query != nil ret = Yawast::Shared::Http.get(uri) if ret.include? 'Apache Server Status' Yawast::Utilities.puts_vuln "Apache Server Status page found: #{uri}" puts '' end end def self.check_server_info(uri) uri.path = '/server-info' uri.query = '' if uri.query != nil ret = Yawast::Shared::Http.get(uri) if ret.include? 'Apache Server Information' Yawast::Utilities.puts_vuln "Apache Server Info page found: #{uri}" puts '' end end end end end