#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest') require 'mocha' require 'puppettest' require 'puppettest/parsertesting' require 'puppettest/resourcetesting' # so, what kind of things do we want to test? # we don't need to test function, since we're confident in the # library tests. We do, however, need to test how things are actually # working in the language. # so really, we want to do things like test that our ast is correct # and test whether we've got things in the right scopes class TestScope < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest::ParserTesting include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting def setup Puppet::Node::Environment.clear super end def to_ary(hash) hash.collect { |key,value| [key,value] } end def test_variables config = mkcompiler topscope = config.topscope midscope = config.newscope(topscope) botscope = config.newscope(midscope) scopes = {:top => topscope, :mid => midscope, :bot => botscope} # Set a variable in the top and make sure all three can get it topscope.setvar("first", "topval") scopes.each do |name, scope| assert_equal("topval", scope.lookupvar("first"), "Could not find var in #{name}") end # Now set a var in the midscope and make sure the mid and bottom can see it but not the top midscope.setvar("second", "midval") assert_equal(:undefined, scopes[:top].lookupvar("second"), "Found child var in top scope") [:mid, :bot].each do |name| assert_equal("midval", scopes[name].lookupvar("second"), "Could not find var in #{name}") end # And set something in the bottom, and make sure we only find it there. botscope.setvar("third", "botval") [:top, :mid].each do |name| assert_equal(:undefined, scopes[name].lookupvar("third"), "Found child var in top scope") end assert_equal("botval", scopes[:bot].lookupvar("third"), "Could not find var in bottom scope") # Test that the scopes convert to hash structures correctly. # For topscope recursive vs non-recursive should be identical assert_equal(topscope.to_hash(false), topscope.to_hash(true), "Recursive and non-recursive hash is identical for topscope") # Check the variable we expect is present. assert_equal({"first" => "topval"}, topscope.to_hash, "topscope returns the expected hash of variables") # Now, check that midscope does the right thing in all cases. assert_equal( {"second" => "midval"}, midscope.to_hash(false), "midscope non-recursive hash contains only midscope variable") assert_equal( {"first" => "topval", "second" => "midval"}, midscope.to_hash(true), "midscope recursive hash contains topscope variable also") # Finally, check the ability to shadow symbols by adding a shadow to # bottomscope, then checking that we see the right stuff. botscope.setvar("first", "shadowval") assert_equal( {"third" => "botval", "first" => "shadowval"}, botscope.to_hash(false), "botscope has the right non-recursive hash") assert_equal( {"third" => "botval", "first" => "shadowval", "second" => "midval"}, botscope.to_hash(true), "botscope values shadow parent scope values") end def test_declarative # set to declarative top = mkscope sub = mkscope(:parent => top) assert_nothing_raised { top.setvar("test","value") } assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { top.setvar("test","other") } assert_nothing_raised { sub.setvar("test","later") } assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError) { top.setvar("test","yeehaw") } end def test_parent config = mkcompiler top = config.topscope # Make a subscope sub = config.newscope(top) assert_equal(top, sub.parent, "Did not find parent scope correctly") assert_equal(top, sub.parent, "Did not find parent scope on second call") end # Make sure we know what we consider to be truth. def test_truth assert_equal( true, Puppet::Parser::Scope.true?("a string"), "Strings not considered true") assert_equal( true, Puppet::Parser::Scope.true?(true), "True considered true") assert_equal( false, Puppet::Parser::Scope.true?(""), "Empty strings considered true") assert_equal( false, Puppet::Parser::Scope.true?(false), "false considered true") assert_equal( false, Puppet::Parser::Scope.true?(:undef), "undef considered true") end def test_virtual_definitions_do_not_get_evaluated parser = mkparser config = mkcompiler # Create a default source parser.known_resource_types.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "") config.topscope.source = parser.known_resource_types.hostclass("") # And a scope resource scope_res = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(:file, "/file", :scope => config.topscope) config.topscope.resource = scope_res args = AST::ASTArray.new( :children => [nameobj("arg")] ) # Create a top-level define parser.known_resource_types.add Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "one", :arguments => [%w{arg}], :code => AST::ASTArray.new( :children => [ resourcedef("file", "/tmp", {"owner" => varref("arg")}) ] )) # create a resource that calls our third define obj = resourcedef("one", "boo", {"arg" => "parentfoo"}) # And mark it as virtual obj.virtual = true # And then evaluate it obj.evaluate config.topscope # And run the loop. config.send(:evaluate_generators) %w{File}.each do |type| objects = config.resources.find_all { |r| r.type == type and r.virtual } assert(objects.empty?, "Virtual define got evaluated") end end if defined? ::ActiveRecord # Verify that we can both store and collect an object in the same # run, whether it's in the same scope as a collection or a different # scope. def test_storeandcollect catalog_cache_class = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.cache_class facts_cache_class = Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.cache_class node_cache_class = Puppet::Node.indirection.cache_class Puppet[:storeconfigs] = true Puppet::Rails.init sleep 1 children = [] Puppet[:code] = " class yay { @@host { myhost: ip => \"\" } } include yay @@host { puppet: ip => \"\" } Host <<||>>" config = nil # We run it twice because we want to make sure there's no conflict # if we pull it up from the database. node = mknode node.merge "hostname" => node.name 2.times { |i| catalog = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node).compile assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Resource, catalog.resource(:host, "puppet")) assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Resource, catalog.resource(:host, "myhost")) } ensure Puppet[:storeconfigs] = false Puppet::Resource::Catalog.indirection.cache_class = catalog_cache_class Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.cache_class = facts_cache_class Puppet::Node.indirection.cache_class = node_cache_class end else $stderr.puts "No ActiveRecord -- skipping collection tests" end def test_namespaces scope = mkscope assert_equal( [""], scope.namespaces, "Started out with incorrect namespaces") assert_nothing_raised { scope.add_namespace("fun::test") } assert_equal(["fun::test"], scope.namespaces, "Did not add namespace correctly") assert_nothing_raised { scope.add_namespace("yay::test") } assert_equal(["fun::test", "yay::test"], scope.namespaces, "Did not add extra namespace correctly") end # #629 - undef should be "" or :undef def test_lookupvar_with_undef scope = mkscope scope.setvar("testing", :undef) assert_equal(:undef, scope.lookupvar("testing"), "undef was not returned as :undef") end end