require 'action_view' require 'action_view/helpers' require 'action_view/helpers/form_helper' module ActionView module Helpers module FormHelper def field_set(object_name, name, content = nil, options = {}, &block) options.delete(:object) options[:name] ||= name options[:id] ||= name content ||= self.capture(&block) if block_given? content_tag("fieldset", raw(content), options).html_safe end protected def singular_class_name(name) ActiveModel::Naming.singular(name) end def pick_form_builder(name) name = "#{name.to_s.classify}FormBuilder" name.constantize rescue NameError Object.const_set(name, rescue ActionView::Base.default_form_builder end end end end module Adva class ExtensibleFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder class_attribute :callbacks self.callbacks = { :before => {}, :after => {} } class_attribute :tabs self.tabs = [] class_attribute :options self.options = { :labels => false, :wrap => false, :default_class_names => {} } class << self [:labels, :wrap].each do |option| define_method(:"#{option}=") { |value| self.options[option] = value } end def default_class_names(type = nil) if type self.options[:default_class_names][type] ||= [] else self.options[:default_class_names] end end def before(object_name, method, string = nil, &block) add_callback(:before, object_name, method, string || block) end def after(object_name, method, string = nil, &block) add_callback(:after, object_name, method, string || block) end def tab(name, options = {}, &block) self.tabs.reject! { |n, b| name == n } self.tabs += [[name, block]] end protected def add_callback(stage, object_name, method, callback) method = method.to_sym callbacks[stage][object_name] ||= { } callbacks[stage][object_name][method] ||= [] callbacks[stage][object_name][method] << callback end end helpers = field_helpers + %w(select date_select datetime_select time_select time_zone_select collection_select) - %w(hidden_field label fields_for apply_form_for_options!) helpers.each do |method_name| class_eval <<-src, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{method_name}(*args, &block) type = #{method_name.to_sym.inspect} options = args.extract_options! options = add_default_class_names(options, type) # options = add_tabindex(options, type) label, wrap, hint = options.delete(:label), options.delete(:wrap), options.delete(:hint) name = args.first hint = I18n.t(hint) if hint.is_a?(Symbol) options[:title] = hint with_callbacks(name) do tag = super(*(args << options), &block) # remember_tabindex(tag, options) tag = labelize(type, tag, name, label) if label || self.options[:labels] tag = wrap(tag) if wrap || self.options[:wrap] tag end end src end def field_set(*args, &block) options = args.extract_options! options = add_default_class_names(options, :field_set) name = args.first name ||= :default_fields @template.concat with_callbacks(name) { legend = options.delete(:legend) || '' legend = @template.content_tag('legend', legend) unless legend.blank? @template.field_set(@object_name, name, nil, objectify_options(options)) do legend.to_s + (block ? : '') end } end def tabs yield if block_given? assign_ivars! @template.content_tag(:div, :class => 'tabs') { { |(name, _), index| active = self.class.tabs.first.first == name %() }.join.html_safe + @template.content_tag(:ul) { { |(name, _), index| @template.content_tag(:li) { title = I18n.t(name, :scope => :'adva.titles') %().html_safe } }.join.html_safe } + { |(name, block), index| klass = self.class.tabs.first.first == name ? 'tab active' : 'tab' @template.content_tag 'fieldset',, id: "tab_#{name}", class: klass, for: "adva_current_tab_#{index}" }.join.html_safe }.html_safe end def tab(name, &block) with_callbacks(:"tab_#{name}") {, &block) } end def buttons(name = :submit_buttons, &block) @template.concat with_callbacks(name) { @template.capture { @template.buttons(&block) } } end def render(*args) @template.send(:render, *args) end protected def labelize(type, tag, method, label = nil) label = case label when String then label when Symbol then I18n.t(label) when TrueClass then scope = [:activerecord, :attributes] + object.class.to_s.underscore.split('/') string = I18n.t(method, :scope => scope) string.is_a?(String) ? string : method.to_s.titleize else nil end case type when :check_box, :radio_button tag + self.label(method, label, :class => 'inline light', :for => extract_id(tag), :id => "#{extract_id(tag)}_label") else self.label(method, label) + tag end end def wrap(tag) @template.content_tag(:p, tag) end def hint(tag, hint) tag + @template.content_tag(:span, "", title: hint, class: 'hint', for: extract_id(tag)) end def add_default_class_names(options, type) options[:class] = (Array(options[:class]) + self.class.default_class_names(type)).join(' ') options.delete(:class) if options[:class].blank? options end def tabindex_increment! @tabindex_count ||= 0 @tabindex_count += 1 end def set_tabindex_position(index = nil, position = nil) position = case position when :after then tabindexes[index] + 1 when :before then tabindexes[index] - 1 when :same then tabindexes[index] else tabindex_increment! end position end def add_tabindex(options, type) index = options[:tabindex] if index.is_a?(Hash) key = index.keys.first options[:tabindex] = set_tabindex_position(index[key], key) elsif index.is_a?(Symbol) options[:tabindex] = set_tabindex_position(index, :same) elsif index.blank? options[:tabindex] = set_tabindex_position end options end def tabindexes @tabindexes ||= {} end def remember_tabindex(tag, options) id = extract_id(tag) tabindexes[:"#{id}"] = options[:tabindex] unless id.blank? end def with_callbacks(method, &block) result = '' result += run_callbacks(:before, method) if method result += yield.to_s result += run_callbacks(:after, method) if method result.html_safe end def run_callbacks(stage, method) if callbacks = callbacks_for(stage, method.to_sym) callbacks.inject('') do |result, callback| result + case callback when Proc assign_ivars! instance_eval(&callback) else callback end.to_s end end || '' end def callbacks_for(stage, method) object_name = @object_name.try(:to_sym) self.callbacks[stage][object_name] and self.callbacks[stage][object_name][method.to_sym] end def assign_ivars! unless @ivars_assigned @template.assigns.each { |key, value| instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) } vars = @template.controller.instance_variable_names vars.each { |name| instance_variable_set(name, @template.controller.instance_variable_get(name)) } @ivars_assigned = true end end # yep, we gotta do this crap because there doesn't seem to be a sane way # to hook into actionview's form_helper methods def extract_id(tag) tag =~ /id="([^"]+)"/ $1 end end end ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = Adva::ExtensibleFormBuilder