# frozen_string_literal: true begin require "java" require "jruby" # ojdbc7.jar or ojdbc6.jar file should be in application ./lib directory or in load path or in ENV['PATH'] java_version = java.lang.System.getProperty("java.version") # Dropping Java SE 6(1.6) or older version without deprecation cycle. # Rails 5.0 already requires CRuby 2.2.2 or higher and JRuby 9.0 supporging CRuby 2.2 requires Java SE 7. if java_version < "1.7" raise "ERROR: Java SE 6 or older version is not supported. Upgrade Java version to Java SE 7 or higher" end # Oracle 11g client ojdbc6.jar is also compatible with Java 1.7 # Oracle 12c Release 1 client provides ojdbc7.jar # Oracle 12c Release 2 client provides ojdbc8.jar ojdbc_jars = %w(ojdbc8.jar ojdbc7.jar ojdbc6.jar) if ENV_JAVA["java.class.path"] !~ Regexp.new(ojdbc_jars.join("|")) # On Unix environment variable should be PATH, on Windows it is sometimes Path env_path = (ENV["PATH"] || ENV["Path"] || "").split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) # Look for JDBC driver at first in lib subdirectory (application specific JDBC file version) # then in Ruby load path and finally in environment PATH ["./lib"].concat($LOAD_PATH).concat(env_path).detect do |dir| # check any compatible JDBC driver in the priority order ojdbc_jars.any? do |ojdbc_jar| if File.exists?(file_path = File.join(dir, ojdbc_jar)) require file_path true end end end end ORACLE_DRIVER = Java::oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.new java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver ORACLE_DRIVER # set tns_admin property from TNS_ADMIN environment variable if !java.lang.System.get_property("oracle.net.tns_admin") && ENV["TNS_ADMIN"] java.lang.System.set_property("oracle.net.tns_admin", ENV["TNS_ADMIN"]) end rescue LoadError, NameError # JDBC driver is unavailable. raise LoadError, "ERROR: ActiveRecord oracle_enhanced adapter could not load Oracle JDBC driver. Please install #{ojdbc_jars.join(' or ') } library." end module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters # JDBC database interface for JRuby module OracleEnhanced class JDBCConnection < OracleEnhanced::Connection #:nodoc: attr_accessor :active alias :active? :active attr_accessor :auto_retry alias :auto_retry? :auto_retry @auto_retry = false def initialize(config) @active = true @config = config new_connection(@config) end # modified method to support JNDI connections def new_connection(config) username = nil if config[:jndi] jndi = config[:jndi].to_s ctx = javax.naming.InitialContext.new ds = nil # tomcat needs first lookup method, oc4j (and maybe other application servers) need second method begin env = ctx.lookup("java:/comp/env") ds = env.lookup(jndi) rescue ds = ctx.lookup(jndi) end # check if datasource supports pooled connections, otherwise use default if ds.respond_to?(:pooled_connection) @raw_connection = ds.pooled_connection else @raw_connection = ds.connection end # get Oracle JDBC connection when using DBCP in Tomcat or jBoss if @raw_connection.respond_to?(:getInnermostDelegate) @pooled_connection = @raw_connection @raw_connection = @raw_connection.innermost_delegate elsif @raw_connection.respond_to?(:getUnderlyingConnection) @pooled_connection = @raw_connection @raw_connection = @raw_connection.underlying_connection end config[:driver] ||= @raw_connection.meta_data.connection.java_class.name username = @raw_connection.meta_data.user_name else # to_s needed if username, password or database is specified as number in database.yml file username = config[:username] && config[:username].to_s password = config[:password] && config[:password].to_s database = config[:database] && config[:database].to_s || "XE" host, port = config[:host], config[:port] privilege = config[:privilege] && config[:privilege].to_s # connection using TNS alias, or connection-string from DATABASE_URL using_tns_alias = !host && !config[:url] && ENV["TNS_ADMIN"] if database && (using_tns_alias || host == "connection-string") url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@#{database}" else unless database.match(/^(\:|\/)/) # assume database is a SID if no colon or slash are supplied (backward-compatibility) database = ":#{database}" end url = config[:url] || "jdbc:oracle:thin:@#{host || 'localhost'}:#{port || 1521}#{database}" end prefetch_rows = config[:prefetch_rows] || 100 # get session time_zone from configuration or from TZ environment variable time_zone = config[:time_zone] || ENV["TZ"] || java.util.TimeZone.default.getID properties = java.util.Properties.new properties.put("user", username) properties.put("password", password) properties.put("defaultRowPrefetch", "#{prefetch_rows}") if prefetch_rows properties.put("internal_logon", privilege) if privilege begin @raw_connection = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties) rescue # bypass DriverManager to work in cases where ojdbc*.jar # is added to the load path at runtime and not on the # system classpath @raw_connection = ORACLE_DRIVER.connect(url, properties) end # Set session time zone to current time zone if ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone == :local @raw_connection.setSessionTimeZone(time_zone) elsif ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone == :utc @raw_connection.setSessionTimeZone("UTC") end # Set default number of rows to prefetch # @raw_connection.setDefaultRowPrefetch(prefetch_rows) if prefetch_rows end cursor_sharing = config[:cursor_sharing] || "force" exec "alter session set cursor_sharing = #{cursor_sharing}" if cursor_sharing # Initialize NLS parameters OracleEnhancedAdapter::DEFAULT_NLS_PARAMETERS.each do |key, default_value| value = config[key] || ENV[key.to_s.upcase] || default_value if value exec "alter session set #{key} = '#{value}'" end end self.autocommit = true schema = config[:schema] && config[:schema].to_s if schema.blank? # default schema owner @owner = username.upcase unless username.nil? else exec "alter session set current_schema = #{schema}" @owner = schema end @raw_connection end def logoff @active = false if defined?(@pooled_connection) @pooled_connection.close else @raw_connection.close end true rescue false end def commit @raw_connection.commit end def rollback @raw_connection.rollback end def autocommit? @raw_connection.getAutoCommit end def autocommit=(value) @raw_connection.setAutoCommit(value) end # Checks connection, returns true if active. Note that ping actively # checks the connection, while #active? simply returns the last # known state. def ping exec_no_retry("select 1 from dual") @active = true rescue Java::JavaSql::SQLException => e @active = false raise OracleEnhanced::ConnectionException, e.message end # Resets connection, by logging off and creating a new connection. def reset! logoff rescue nil begin new_connection(@config) @active = true rescue Java::JavaSql::SQLException => e @active = false raise OracleEnhanced::ConnectionException, e.message end end # mark connection as dead if connection lost def with_retry(&block) should_retry = auto_retry? && autocommit? begin yield if block_given? rescue Java::JavaSql::SQLException => e raise unless e.message =~ /^(Closed Connection|Io exception:|No more data to read from socket|IO Error:)/ @active = false raise unless should_retry should_retry = false reset! rescue nil retry end end def exec(sql) with_retry do exec_no_retry(sql) end end def exec_no_retry(sql) case sql when /\A\s*(UPDATE|INSERT|DELETE)/i s = @raw_connection.prepareStatement(sql) s.executeUpdate # it is safer for CREATE and DROP statements not to use PreparedStatement # as it does not allow creation of triggers with :NEW in their definition when /\A\s*(CREATE|DROP)/i s = @raw_connection.createStatement() # this disables SQL92 syntax processing of {...} which can result in statement execution errors # if sql contains {...} in strings or comments s.setEscapeProcessing(false) s.execute(sql) true else s = @raw_connection.prepareStatement(sql) s.execute true end ensure s.close rescue nil end def prepare(sql) Cursor.new(self, @raw_connection.prepareStatement(sql)) end def database_version @database_version ||= (md = raw_connection.getMetaData) && [md.getDatabaseMajorVersion, md.getDatabaseMinorVersion] end class Cursor def initialize(connection, raw_statement) @connection = connection @raw_statement = raw_statement end def bind_params(*bind_vars) index = 1 bind_vars.flatten.each do |var| if Hash === var var.each { |key, val| bind_param key, val } else bind_param index, var index += 1 end end end def bind_param(position, value) case value when Integer @raw_statement.setLong(position, value) when Float @raw_statement.setFloat(position, value) when BigDecimal @raw_statement.setBigDecimal(position, value) when Java::OracleSql::BLOB @raw_statement.setBlob(position, value) when Java::OracleSql::CLOB @raw_statement.setClob(position, value) when Java::OracleSql::NCLOB @raw_statement.setClob(position, value) when Type::OracleEnhanced::Raw @raw_statement.setString(position, OracleEnhanced::Quoting.encode_raw(value)) when String @raw_statement.setString(position, value) when Java::OracleSql::DATE @raw_statement.setDATE(position, value) when Java::JavaSql::Timestamp @raw_statement.setTimestamp(position, value) when Time new_value = Java::java.sql.Timestamp.new(value.year - 1900, value.month - 1, value.day, value.hour, value.min, value.sec, value.usec * 1000) @raw_statement.setTimestamp(position, new_value) when NilClass # TODO: currently nil is always bound as NULL with VARCHAR type. # When nils will actually be used by ActiveRecord as bound parameters # then need to pass actual column type. @raw_statement.setNull(position, java.sql.Types::VARCHAR) else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to bind variable with type #{value.class}" end end def bind_returning_param(position, bind_type) @returning_positions ||= [] @returning_positions << position if bind_type == Integer @raw_statement.registerReturnParameter(position, java.sql.Types::BIGINT) end end def exec @raw_result_set = @raw_statement.executeQuery true end def exec_update @raw_statement.executeUpdate end def metadata @metadata ||= @raw_result_set.getMetaData end def column_types @column_types ||= (1..metadata.getColumnCount).map { |i| metadata.getColumnTypeName(i).to_sym } end def column_names @column_names ||= (1..metadata.getColumnCount).map { |i| metadata.getColumnName(i) } end alias :get_col_names :column_names def fetch(options = {}) if @raw_result_set.next get_lob_value = options[:get_lob_value] row_values = [] column_types.each_with_index do |column_type, i| row_values << @connection.get_ruby_value_from_result_set(@raw_result_set, i + 1, column_type, get_lob_value) end row_values else @raw_result_set.close nil end end def get_returning_param(position, type) rs_position = @returning_positions.index(position) + 1 rs = @raw_statement.getReturnResultSet if rs.next # Assuming that primary key will not be larger as long max value returning_id = rs.getLong(rs_position) rs.wasNull ? nil : returning_id else nil end end def close @raw_statement.close end end def select(sql, name = nil, return_column_names = false) with_retry do select_no_retry(sql, name, return_column_names) end end def select_no_retry(sql, name = nil, return_column_names = false) stmt = @raw_connection.prepareStatement(sql) rset = stmt.executeQuery # Reuse the same hash for all rows column_hash = {} metadata = rset.getMetaData column_count = metadata.getColumnCount cols_types_index = (1..column_count).map do |i| col_name = _oracle_downcase(metadata.getColumnName(i)) next if col_name == "raw_rnum_" column_hash[col_name] = nil [col_name, metadata.getColumnTypeName(i).to_sym, i] end cols_types_index.delete(nil) rows = [] get_lob_value = !(name == "Writable Large Object") while rset.next hash = column_hash.dup cols_types_index.each do |col, column_type, i| hash[col] = get_ruby_value_from_result_set(rset, i, column_type, get_lob_value) end rows << hash end return_column_names ? [rows, cols_types_index.map(&:first)] : rows ensure rset.close rescue nil stmt.close rescue nil end def write_lob(lob, value, is_binary = false) if is_binary lob.setBytes(1, value.to_java_bytes) else lob.setString(1, value) end end # To allow private method called from `JDBCConnection` def describe(name) super end # Return java.sql.SQLException error code def error_code(exception) case exception when Java::JavaSql::SQLException exception.getErrorCode else nil end end def get_ruby_value_from_result_set(rset, i, type_name, get_lob_value = true) case type_name when :NUMBER d = rset.getNUMBER(i) if d.nil? nil elsif d.isInt Integer(d.stringValue) else BigDecimal(d.stringValue) end when :BINARY_FLOAT rset.getFloat(i) when :VARCHAR2, :CHAR, :LONG, :NVARCHAR2, :NCHAR rset.getString(i) when :DATE if dt = rset.getDATE(i) d = dt.dateValue t = dt.timeValue Time.send(Base.default_timezone, d.year + 1900, d.month + 1, d.date, t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds) else nil end when :TIMESTAMP, :TIMESTAMPTZ, :TIMESTAMPLTZ, :"TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE", :"TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE" ts = rset.getTimestamp(i) ts && Time.send(Base.default_timezone, ts.year + 1900, ts.month + 1, ts.date, ts.hours, ts.minutes, ts.seconds, ts.nanos / 1000) when :CLOB get_lob_value ? lob_to_ruby_value(rset.getClob(i)) : rset.getClob(i) when :NCLOB get_lob_value ? lob_to_ruby_value(rset.getClob(i)) : rset.getClob(i) when :BLOB get_lob_value ? lob_to_ruby_value(rset.getBlob(i)) : rset.getBlob(i) when :RAW raw_value = rset.getRAW(i) raw_value && raw_value.getBytes.to_a.pack("C*") else nil end end private def lob_to_ruby_value(val) case val when ::Java::OracleSql::CLOB if val.isEmptyLob nil else val.getSubString(1, val.length) end when ::Java::OracleSql::NCLOB if val.isEmptyLob nil else val.getSubString(1, val.length) end when ::Java::OracleSql::BLOB if val.isEmptyLob nil else String.from_java_bytes(val.getBytes(1, val.length)) end end end end end end end