Verifing and decrypting documents. Overview. Since the template is just an XML file, it might be created in advance and saved in a file. It's also possible for application to create templates without using XML Security Library functions. Also in some cases template should be inserted in the signed or encrypted data (for example, if you want to create an enveloped or enveloping signature). Signature verification and data decryption do not require template because all the necessary information is provided in the signed or encrypted document.
The verification or decryption processing model.
Verifying a signed document The typical siganture verification process includes following steps: Load keys, X509 certificates, etc. in the keys manager . Create signature context xmlSecDSigCtx using xmlSecDSigCtxCreate or xmlSecDSigCtxInitialize functions. Select start verification <dsig:Signature/> node in the signed XML document. Verify signature by calling xmlSecDSigCtxVerify function. Check returned value and verification status (status member of xmlSecDSigCtx structure). If necessary, consume returned data from the context. Destroy signature context xmlSecDSigCtx using xmlSecDSigCtxDestroy or xmlSecDSigCtxFinalize functions. Verifying a document. signKey = xmlSecCryptoAppKeyLoad(key_file,xmlSecKeyDataFormatPem, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(dsigCtx->signKey == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: failed to load public pem key from \"%s\"\n", key_file); goto done; } /* set key name to the file name, this is just an example! */ if(xmlSecKeySetName(dsigCtx->signKey, key_file) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: failed to set key name for key from \"%s\"\n", key_file); goto done; } /* Verify signature */ if(xmlSecDSigCtxVerify(dsigCtx, node) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: signature verify\n"); goto done; } /* print verification result to stdout */ if(dsigCtx->status == xmlSecDSigStatusSucceeded) { fprintf(stdout, "Signature is OK\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Signature is INVALID\n"); } /* success */ res = 0; done: /* cleanup */ if(dsigCtx != NULL) { xmlSecDSigCtxDestroy(dsigCtx); } if(doc != NULL) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); } return(res); } ]]> Full Program Listing Decrypting an encrypted document The typical decryption process includes following steps: Load keys, X509 certificates, etc. in the keys manager . Create encryption context xmlSecEncCtx using xmlSecEncCtxCreate or xmlSecEncCtxInitialize functions. Select start decryption <enc:EncryptedData> node. Decrypt by calling xmlSecencCtxDecrypt function. Check returned value and if necessary consume encrypted data. Destroy encryption context xmlSecEncCtx using xmlSecEncCtxDestroy or xmlSecEncCtxFinalize functions. Decrypting a document. encKey = xmlSecKeyReadBinaryFile(xmlSecKeyDataDesId, key_file); if(encCtx->encKey == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: failed to load des key from binary file \"%s\"\n", key_file); goto done; } /* set key name to the file name, this is just an example! */ if(xmlSecKeySetName(encCtx->encKey, key_file) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: failed to set key name for key from \"%s\"\n", key_file); goto done; } /* decrypt the data */ if((xmlSecEncCtxDecrypt(encCtx, node) < 0) || (encCtx->result == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: decryption failed\n"); goto done; } /* print decrypted data to stdout */ if(encCtx->resultReplaced != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Decrypted XML data:\n"); xmlDocDump(stdout, doc); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Decrypted binary data (%d bytes):\n", xmlSecBufferGetSize(encCtx->result)); if(xmlSecBufferGetData(encCtx->result) != NULL) { fwrite(xmlSecBufferGetData(encCtx->result), 1, xmlSecBufferGetSize(encCtx->result), stdout); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); /* success */ res = 0; done: /* cleanup */ if(encCtx != NULL) { xmlSecEncCtxDestroy(encCtx); } if(doc != NULL) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); } return(res); } ]]> Full Program Listing