# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true class Oydid def self.read_vc(identifier, options) vc_location = "" if !options[:location].nil? vc_location = options[:location] end if vc_location.to_s == "" vc_location = DEFAULT_LOCATION end vc_url = vc_location.sub(/(\/)+$/,'') + "/credentials/" + identifier holder = options[:holder].to_s rescue nil if holder.to_s == "" msg = "missing holder information" return [nil, msg] exit end private_key = options[:holder_privateKey].to_s rescue nil if private_key.to_s == "" msg = "missing private document key information" return [nil, msg] exit end # authenticate against repository init_url = vc_location + "/oydid/init" sid = SecureRandom.hex(20).to_s response = HTTParty.post(init_url, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: { "session_id": sid, "public_key": Oydid.public_key(private_key, options).first }.to_json ).parsed_response rescue {} if response["challenge"].nil? msg = "missing challenge for repository authentication" return [nil, msg] exit end challenge = response["challenge"].to_s # sign challenge and request token token_url = vc_location + "/oydid/token" response = HTTParty.post(token_url, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: { "session_id": sid, "signed_challenge": Oydid.sign(challenge, private_key, options).first }.to_json).parsed_response rescue {} access_token = response["access_token"].to_s rescue nil if access_token.nil? msg = "invalid repository authentication (access_token)" return [nil, msg] exit end retVal = HTTParty.get(vc_url, headers: {'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + access_token}) if retVal.code != 200 if retVal.code == 401 msg = "unauthorized (valid Bearer token required)" else msg = retVal.parsed_response("error").to_s rescue "invalid response from " + vc_url.to_s end return [nil, msg] end return [retVal.parsed_response, ""] end def self.create_vc(content, options) vercred = {} # set the context, which establishes the special terms used if content["@context"].nil? vercred["@context"] = ["https://www.w3.org/ns/credentials/v2"] else vercred["@context"] = content["@context"] end if vercred["@context"].to_s == "" || vercred["@context"].to_s == "{}" || vercred["@context"].to_s == "[]" return [nil, "invalid '@context'"] end if content["type"].nil? vercred["type"] = ["VerifiableCredential"] else vercred["type"] = content["type"] end if vercred["type"].to_s == "" || vercred["type"].to_s == "{}" || vercred["type"].to_s == "[]" return [nil, "invalid 'type'"] end if content["issuer"].nil? vercred["issuer"] = options[:issuer] else vercred["issuer"] = content["issuer"] end if vercred["issuer"].to_s == "" || vercred["issuer"].to_s == "{}" || vercred["issuer"].to_s == "[]" return [nil, "invalid 'issuer'"] end if options[:ts].nil? vercred["issuanceDate"] = Time.now.utc.iso8601 else vercred["issuanceDate"] = Time.at(options[:ts]).utc.iso8601 end if content["credentialSubject"].nil? vercred["credentialSubject"] = {"id": options[:holder]}.merge(content) else vercred["credentialSubject"] = content["credentialSubject"] end if vercred["credentialSubject"].to_s == "" || vercred["credentialSubject"].to_s == "{}" || vercred["credentialSubject"].to_s == "[]" return [nil, "invalid 'credentialSubject'"] end if content["proof"].nil? proof = {} proof["type"] = "Ed25519Signature2020" proof["verificationMethod"] = options[:issuer].to_s proof["proofPurpose"] = "assertionMethod" proof["proofValue"] = sign(vercred["credentialSubject"].to_json_c14n, options[:issuer_privateKey], []).first vercred["proof"] = proof else vercred["proof"] = content["proof"] end if vercred["proof"].to_s == "" || vercred["proof"].to_s == "{}" || vercred["proof"].to_s == "[]" return [nil, "invalid 'proof'"] end # specify the identifier of the credential vercred["identifier"] = hash(vercred.to_json) return [vercred, ""] end def self.create_vc_proof(content, options) proof = {} proof["type"] = "Ed25519Signature2020" proof["verificationMethod"] = options[:issuer].to_s proof["proofPurpose"] = "assertionMethod" proof["proofValue"] = sign(content.to_json_c14n, options[:issuer_privateKey], []).first return [proof, ""] end def self.publish_vc(vc, options) vc = vc.transform_keys(&:to_s) identifier = vc["identifier"] rescue nil if identifier.nil? return [nil, "invalid format (missing identifier"] exit end if vc["credentialSubject"].is_a?(Array) cs = vc["credentialSubject"].last.transform_keys(&:to_s) rescue nil else cs = vc["credentialSubject"].transform_keys(&:to_s) rescue nil end holder = cs["id"] rescue nil if holder.nil? return [nil, "invalid format (missing holder)"] exit end vc_location = "" if !options[:location].nil? vc_location = options[:location] end if vc_location.to_s == "" vc_location = DEFAULT_LOCATION end vc["identifier"] = vc_location.sub(/(\/)+$/,'') + "/credentials/" + identifier # build object to post vc_data = { "identifier": identifier, "vc": vc, "holder": holder } vc_url = vc_location.sub(/(\/)+$/,'') + "/credentials" retVal = HTTParty.post(vc_url, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: vc_data.to_json ) if retVal.code != 200 err_msg = retVal.parsed_response("error").to_s rescue "invalid response from " + vc_url.to_s return [nil, err_msg] end return [vc["identifier"], ""] end def self.read_vp(identifier, options) vp_location = "" if !options[:location].nil? vp_location = options[:location] end if vp_location.to_s == "" vp_location = DEFAULT_LOCATION end vp_url = vp_location.sub(/(\/)+$/,'') + "/presentations/" + identifier retVal = HTTParty.get(vp_url) if retVal.code != 200 msg = retVal.parsed_response("error").to_s rescue "invalid response from " + vp_url.to_s return [nil, msg] end return [retVal.parsed_response, ""] end def self.create_vp(content, options) verpres = {} # set the context, which establishes the special terms used verpres["@context"] = ["https://www.w3.org/ns/credentials/v2"] verpres["type"] = ["VerifiablePresentation"] verpres["verifiableCredential"] = [content].flatten proof = {} proof["type"] = "Ed25519Signature2020" if options[:ts].nil? proof["created"] = Time.now.utc.iso8601 else proof["created"] = Time.at(options[:ts]).utc.iso8601 end proof["verificationMethod"] = options[:holder].to_s proof["proofPurpose"] = "authentication" # private_key = generate_private_key(options[:issuer_privateKey], "ed25519-priv", []).first proof["proofValue"] = sign([content].flatten.to_json_c14n, options[:holder_privateKey], []).first verpres["proof"] = proof # specify the identifier of the credential verpres["identifier"] = hash(verpres.to_json) return [verpres, ""] end def self.publish_vp(vp, options) vc = vp.transform_keys(&:to_s) identifier = vp["identifier"] rescue nil if identifier.nil? return [nil, "invalid format (missing identifier"] exit end proof = vp["proof"].transform_keys(&:to_s) rescue nil holder = proof["verificationMethod"] rescue nil if holder.nil? return [nil, "invalid format (missing holder)"] exit end vp_location = "" if !options[:location].nil? vp_location = options[:location] end if vp_location.to_s == "" vp_location = DEFAULT_LOCATION end vp["identifier"] = vp_location.sub(/(\/)+$/,'') + "/presentations/" + identifier # build object to post vp_data = { "identifier": identifier, "vp": vp, "holder": holder } vp_url = vp_location.sub(/(\/)+$/,'') + "/presentations" retVal = HTTParty.post(vp_url, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: vp_data.to_json ) if retVal.code != 200 err_msg = retVal.parsed_response("error").to_s rescue "invalid response from " + vp_url.to_s return [nil, err_msg] end return [vp["identifier"], ""] end def self.verify_vp(content, options) retVal = {} if content["identifier"].nil? return [nil, "invalid VP (unknown identifier"] exit end retVal[:identifier] = content["identifier"].to_s proofValue = content["proof"]["proofValue"].to_s rescue nil if proofValue.nil? return [nil, "invalid VP (unknown proofValue"] exit end vercred = content["verifiableCredential"].to_json_c14n rescue nil if vercred.nil? return [nil, "invalid VP (unknown verifiableCredential"] exit end holder = content["proof"]["verificationMethod"].to_s rescue nil if holder.nil? return [nil, "invalid VP (unknown holder"] exit end pubKey, msg = getPubKeyFromDID(holder) if pubKey.nil? return [nil, "cannot verify public key"] exit end result, msg = verify(vercred, proofValue, pubKey) if result.to_s == "" return [nil, msg] exit end if result return [retVal, ""] else return [nil, "signature verification failed"] end end end