require 'builder' module Fog module VcloudDirector class Compute class Real require 'fog/vcloud_director/generators/compute/instantiate_vapp_template_params' # Create a vApp from a vApp template. # # The response includes a Task element. You can monitor the task to to # track the creation of the vApp. # # @param [String] vapp_name # @param [String] template_id # @param [Hash] options # @return [Excon::Response] # * body<~Hash>: # # @see # @since vCloud API version 0.9 def instantiate_vapp_template(vapp_name, template_id, options={}) params = populate_uris(options.merge(:vapp_name => vapp_name, :template_id => template_id)) # @todo Move all the logic to a generator. data = generate_instantiate_vapp_template_request(params) request( :body => data, :expects => 201, :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml'}, :method => 'POST', :parser =>, :path => "vdc/#{params[:vdc_id]}/action/instantiateVAppTemplate" ) end private def populate_uris(options = {}) options[:vdc_id] || raise("vdc_id option is required") options[:vdc_uri] = vdc_end_point(options[:vdc_id]) options[:network_uri] = network_end_point(options[:network_id]) if options[:network_id] options[:template_uri] = vapp_template_end_point(options[:template_id]) || raise("template_id option is required") options[:endpoint] = end_point options end def generate_instantiate_vapp_template_request(options ={}) # TODO: this is old format for customizing vapp networks, please use :vapp_networks instead to let # us do the XML building magic for you if options.key?(:network_name) || options.key?(:network_uri) options[:InstantiationParams] = { :NetworkConfig => [{ :networkName => options[:network_name], :networkHref => options[:network_uri], # :fenceMode => "bridged" }] } unless options[:InstantiationParams] network_config = options[:InstantiationParams][:NetworkConfig] network_config.each_with_index { |_, i| network_config[i][:networkHref] = network_end_point(network_config[i].delete(:networkId)) if network_config[i].key?(:networkId) } end options[:name] = options.delete(:vapp_name) if options[:vapp_name] options[:Description] = options.delete(:description) unless options[:Description] if options[:vms_config] then options[:source_vms] = options.delete(:vms_config) options[:source_vms].each_with_index {|vm, i|options[:source_vms][i][:StorageProfileHref] = options[:source_vms][i].delete(:storage_profile_href) } end options[:Source] = options.delete(:template_uri) if options[:template_uri] options[:source_vms].each_with_index { |_, i| options[:source_vms][i][:href] = vapp_template_vm_end_point(options[:source_vms][i].delete(:vm_id)) if options[:source_vms][i].has_key?(:vm_id) } end def xmlns { 'xmlns' => "", "xmlns:ovf" => "", "xmlns:xsi" => "", "xmlns:xsd" => "" } end def vdc_end_point(vdc_id = nil) end_point + ( vdc_id ? "vdc/#{vdc_id}" : "vdc" ) end def network_end_point(network_id = nil) end_point + ( network_id ? "network/#{network_id}" : "network" ) end def vapp_template_end_point(vapp_template_id = nil) end_point + ( vapp_template_id ? "vAppTemplate/#{vapp_template_id}" : "vAppTemplate" ) end def vapp_template_vm_end_point(vm_id = nil) end_point + ( vm_id ? "vAppTemplate/#{vm_id}" : "vAppTemplate" ) end def endpoint end_point end end class Mock # Assume the template is a single VM with one network interface and one disk. def instantiate_vapp_template(vapp_name, template_id, options={}) unless data[:catalog_items].values.find {|i| i[:template_id] == template_id} raise 'No such template.' ) end unless data[:vdcs][options[:vdc_id]] raise 'No such VDC.' ) end vapp_uuid = uuid vapp_id = "vapp-#{vapp_uuid}" owner = { :href => make_href("vApp/#{vapp_id}"), :type => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml' } task_id = enqueue_task( "Creating Virtual Application #{vapp_name}(#{vapp_uuid})", 'vdcInstantiateVapp', owner, :on_success => lambda do # Add to the VDC data[:vapps][vapp_id] = { :name => vapp_name, :vdc_id => options[:vdc_id], :description => 'From Template', :networks => [ {:parent_id => default_network_uuid } ] } vm_id = "vm-#{uuid}" data[:vms][vm_id] = { :name => vapp_name, :parent_vapp => vapp_id, :nics => [ { :network_name => 'Default Network', :mac_address => '7d:68:a2:a0:a4:f8', :ip_address => nil } ] } data[:disks][uuid] = { :name => 'Hard Disk 1', :capacity => 10240, :parent_vm => vm_id } end ) body = { :href => make_href("vApp/#{vapp_id}"), :Tasks => { :Task => { :xmlns => xmlns, :xmlns_xsi => xmlns_xsi, :xsi_schemaLocation => xsi_schema_location, }.merge(task_body(task_id)) } } :status => 202, :headers => {'Content-Type' => "#{body[:type]};version=#{api_version}"}, :body => body ) end end end end end