import { get, set } from '@ember/-internals/metal';
import { Object as EmberObject } from '@ember/-internals/runtime';
import { getHash } from './util';
@module @ember/routing
let popstateFired = false;
function _uuid() {
    return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
        let r, v;
        r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
        v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 3) | 8;
        return v.toString(16);
  HistoryLocation implements the location API using the browser's
  history.pushState API.

  Using `HistoryLocation` results in URLs that are indistinguishable from a
  standard URL. This relies upon the browser's `history` API.


  ```app/router.js {
    this.route('posts', function() {

    location: 'history'

  This will result in a url of `/posts/new`.

  Keep in mind that your server must serve the Ember app at all the routes you

  @class HistoryLocation
  @extends EmberObject
export default class HistoryLocation extends EmberObject {
    constructor() {
        this.implementation = 'history';
          Will be pre-pended to path upon state change
          @property rootURL
          @default '/'
        this.rootURL = '/';
      Returns normalized location.hash
      @method getHash
    getHash() {
        return getHash(get(this, 'location'));
    init() {
        let base = document.querySelector('base');
        let baseURL = '';
        if (base) {
            baseURL = base.getAttribute('href');
        set(this, 'baseURL', baseURL);
        set(this, 'location', get(this, 'location') || window.location);
        this._popstateHandler = undefined;
      Used to set state on first call to setURL
      @method initState
    initState() {
        let history = get(this, 'history') || window.history;
        set(this, 'history', history);
        if (history && 'state' in history) {
            this.supportsHistory = true;
        let state = this.getState();
        let path = this.formatURL(this.getURL());
        if (state && state.path === path) {
            // preserve existing state
            // used for webkit workaround, since there will be no initial popstate event
            this._previousURL = this.getURL();
        else {
      Returns the current `location.pathname` without `rootURL` or `baseURL`
      @method getURL
      @return url {String}
    getURL() {
        let location = get(this, 'location');
        let path = location.pathname;
        let rootURL = get(this, 'rootURL');
        let baseURL = get(this, 'baseURL');
        // remove trailing slashes if they exists
        rootURL = rootURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
        baseURL = baseURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
        // remove baseURL and rootURL from start of path
        let url = path
            .replace(new RegExp(`^${baseURL}(?=/|$)`), '')
            .replace(new RegExp(`^${rootURL}(?=/|$)`), '')
            .replace(/\/\/$/g, '/'); // remove extra slashes
        let search = || '';
        url += search + this.getHash();
        return url;
      Uses `history.pushState` to update the url without a page reload.
      @method setURL
      @param path {String}
    setURL(path) {
        let state = this.getState();
        path = this.formatURL(path);
        if (!state || state.path !== path) {
      Uses `history.replaceState` to update the url without a page reload
      or history modification.
      @method replaceURL
      @param path {String}
    replaceURL(path) {
        let state = this.getState();
        path = this.formatURL(path);
        if (!state || state.path !== path) {
      Get the current `history.state`. Checks for if a polyfill is
      required and if so fetches this._historyState. The state returned
      from getState may be null if an iframe has changed a window's
      The object returned will contain a `path` for the given state as well
      as a unique state `id`. The state index will allow the app to distinguish
      between two states with similar paths but should be unique from one another.
      @method getState
      @return state {Object}
    getState() {
        if (this.supportsHistory) {
            return get(this, 'history').state;
        return this._historyState;
     Pushes a new state.
     @method pushState
     @param path {String}
    pushState(path) {
        let state = { path, uuid: _uuid() };
        get(this, 'history').pushState(state, null, path);
        this._historyState = state;
        // used for webkit workaround
        this._previousURL = this.getURL();
     Replaces the current state.
     @method replaceState
     @param path {String}
    replaceState(path) {
        let state = { path, uuid: _uuid() };
        get(this, 'history').replaceState(state, null, path);
        this._historyState = state;
        // used for webkit workaround
        this._previousURL = this.getURL();
      Register a callback to be invoked whenever the browser
      history changes, including using forward and back buttons.
      @method onUpdateURL
      @param callback {Function}
    onUpdateURL(callback) {
        this._popstateHandler = () => {
            // Ignore initial page load popstate event in Chrome
            if (!popstateFired) {
                popstateFired = true;
                if (this.getURL() === this._previousURL) {
        window.addEventListener('popstate', this._popstateHandler);
      Used when using `{{action}}` helper.  The url is always appended to the rootURL.
      @method formatURL
      @param url {String}
      @return formatted url {String}
    formatURL(url) {
        let rootURL = get(this, 'rootURL');
        let baseURL = get(this, 'baseURL');
        if (url !== '') {
            // remove trailing slashes if they exists
            rootURL = rootURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
            baseURL = baseURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
        else if (baseURL[0] === '/' && rootURL[0] === '/') {
            // if baseURL and rootURL both start with a slash
            // ... remove trailing slash from baseURL if it exists
            baseURL = baseURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
        return baseURL + rootURL + url;
      Cleans up the HistoryLocation event listener.
      @method willDestroy
    willDestroy() {
    _removeEventListener() {
        if (this._popstateHandler) {
            window.removeEventListener('popstate', this._popstateHandler);