DuplicateAccountSearch Complex Type
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Name Type Basic Comments Special Comments
name string   SC1 - SC2
address string   SC1 - SC3
email string   SC4
phoneNumber string   SC1
accountRoleTypes int 0 = Donors & Tributes
1 = Donors Only
2 = Tributes Only
allowEmailOnlyMatch boolean   SC6

Special Comments
SC1) eTapestry doesn't perform an exact match comparison on these fields.  Instead, the string provided is tokenized by spaces and other miscellaneous characters (e.g. comma, periods, etc...) and each token is required to be located on the Account returned.  Examples:
  • A name search of Robert Smith will match Robert Andrew Smith (i.e. tokens Robert and Smith are found within Robert Andrew Smith).
  • An address search of 1234 Main Street #2B will match 1234 Main Street Apt 2B (i.e. tokens 1234, Main, Street, and 2B are found within 1234 Main Street Apt 2B).
  • A phone search of 777-9999 will match 444.777.9999 (i.e. tokens 777 and 9999 are found within 444.777.9999).
SC2) Concerning the token details mentioned in comment SC1, only name tokens greater than one character in length are required to be located on the Account returned.  In essence, single character tokens, which are predominately middle initials, are not utilized during the comparision process.  Example:
  • A name search of Robert A Smith will match Robert Smith.
SC3) Concerning the token details mentioned in comment SC1, common address description tokens (e.g. St, Street, Rd, Road, Dr, Drive, etc...) are ignored.  This is done to avoid a match failure simply due to the difference between the abbreviated version and the full version.  Example:
  • An address search of 1234 Main St will match 1234 Main Street (i.e. tokens 1234 and Main are found within 1234 Main Street).
SC4) eTapestry perfoms an exact match comparison on this field.
SC5) eTapestry will not return user accounts using this type of duplicate account search.
SC6) Set allowEmailOnlyMatch to true when you want to search upon email and other fields primarily, but are willing to match upon email itself as a last resort.
SC7) Review method getDuplicateAccount for more level high requirements of this complex type.