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EeoptparseEe EeeEeparseee Ee initializee Ee--ttye1Eerescue in parseEe (defined in Ee)Ee2 Please use --help for a listing of valid optionseEeparserEeblock in parsereEEe/Usage: rspec [options] [files or directories] Ee-I PATHEe?Specify PATH to add to $LOAD_PATH (may be used more than once).Eeblock (2 levels) in parsereEe-rEe--require PATHEeRequire a file.eEe-OEe--options PATHEe*Specify the path to a custom options file.eEe--order TYPE[:SEED]Ee)Run examples by the specified order type.EeE [defined] examples and groups are run in the order they are definedEe6 [rand] randomize the order of groups and examplesEe [random] alias for randEe' [random:SEED] e.g. --order random:123eEe --seed SEEDEe Equivalent of --order rand:SEED.Eerand:Ee--bisect[=verbose]EeBRepeatedly runs the suite in order to isolate the failures to the Ee smallest reproducible case.eeeEe--[no-]fail-fast[=COUNT]Ee@Abort the run after a certain number of failures (1 by default).eEe$rescue in block (2 levels) in parserEe2Expected an integer value for `--fail-fast`, got: eEe--failure-exit-code CODEEe9Override the exit code used when there are failing specs.eEe-XEe --[no-]drbEeRun examples via DRb.eEe--drb-port PORTEe"Port to connect to the DRb server.eEe **** Output **** Ee-fEe--format FORMATTEREeChoose a formatter.Ee [p]rogress (default - dots)Ee+ [d]ocumentation (group and example names)Ee [h]tmlEe [j]sonEe custom formatter class nameeEe-oEe --out FILEEe>Write output to a file instead of $stdout. This option appliesEe= to the previously specified --format, or the default formatEe if no format is specified.EeprogressEe--deprecation-out FILEEe8Write deprecation warnings to a file instead of $stderr.eEe-bEe --backtraceEeEnable full backtrace.eEe-cEe--colorEe--colourEeeeeEe --force-colorEe--force-colourEe@Force the output to be in color, even if the output is not a TTYeEe7Please only use one of `--force-color` and `--no-color`eEe --no-colorEe --no-colourEe@Force the output to not be in color, even if the output is a TTYEe3Please only use one of --force-color and --no-colorEe-pEe--[no-]profile [COUNT]EeIEnable profiling of examples and list the slowest examples (default: 10).e EeiNon integer specified as profile count, separate your path from options with -- e.g. `rspec --profile -- Ee`Ee --dry-runEe0Print the formatter output of your suite withoutEe running any examples or hookse!Ee-wEe --warningsEeEnable ruby warningsEe **** Filtering/tags **** In addition to the following options for selecting specific files, groups, or examples, you can select individual examples by appending the line number(s) to the filename: rspec path/to/a_spec.rb:37:87 You can also pass example ids enclosed in square brackets: rspec path/to/a_spec.rb[1:5,1:6] # run the 5th and 6th examples/groups defined in the 1st group Ee--only-failuresEe?Filter to just the examples that failed the last time they ran.Ee-nEe--next-failureEe4Apply `--only-failures` and abort after one failure.Ee? (Equivalent to `--only-failures --fail-fast --order defined`)EedefinedEe-PEe--pattern PATTERNEe;Load files matching pattern (default: "spec/**/*_spec.rb").e"Ee,Ee--exclude-pattern PATTERNEeGLoad files except those matching pattern. Opposite effect of --pattern.e#Ee-eEe--example STRINGEe;Run examples whose full nested names include STRING (may beEe used more than once)e$Ee-tEe--tag TAG[:VALUE]Ee8Run examples with the specified tag, or exclude examplesEeby adding ~ before the tag.Ee - e.g. ~slowEe' - TAG is always converted to a symbole%e&e'e(Ee:eEetrueEefalseEenile)e*e+ e,-Ee--default-path PATHEe8Set the default path where RSpec looks for examples (canEe& be a path to a file or a directory).e.Ee **** Utility **** Ee--initEe#Initialize your project with RSpec.Ee-vEe --versionEeDisplay the version.Ee-dEe--IEe-hEe--helpEeYou're looking at it.Eeblock (3 levels) in parsereEeadd_tag_filtereEe set_fail_faste/eEeconfigure_only_failurese0e1EefailedEeRSpecEeCoreEeParserEeargsEesourceEenewEe@original_argsEe original_argsEeoptionsEeeEefailureEe OptionParserEe InvalidOptionEe#$!EemessageEeto_sEe<[Ʋ 7Ceqճ 8Rj޴)Ijʵ.Tn׶ 8Mhշ*E[sɸ'CXrݹ+C]vӺ #9\~ػ 'WvҼ %Ahҽ*HnǾ:Uxֿ-Fco{