With tabs/spaces, no paras: * item1 + item2 - item3 With tabs/spaces, paras: - item1 * item2 + item3 With tabs/spaces, no paras: 1. item1 20. item2 3. item3 With tabs/spaces, paras: 1. item1 2. item2 3. item3 Nested, without paras: * item1 * item2 * item3 Nested, with paras: + item1 * item2 * item3 (level 3) Ordered, without paras: 1. item1 2. item2 * do * it * now 3. item3 Ordered, with paras: 1. item1 2. item2 * do * it * now 3. item3 Mixed tabs and spaces: * some text * nested