# frozen_string_literal: true require "rack/test" require "stringio" RSpec.describe "Hanami web app", :app_integration do include Rack::Test::Methods let(:app) { Hanami.app } around do |example| with_tmp_directory(Dir.mktmpdir, &example) end before do module TestApp module Middlewares class Core def initialize(app) @app = app end end class Prepare < Core def call(env) env["tested"] = [] @app.call(env) end end class AppendOne < Core def call(env) env["tested"] << "one" @app.call(env) end end class AppendTwo < Core def call(env) env["tested"] << "two" @app.call(env) end end end end end specify "Setting middlewares in the config" do write "config/app.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami" module TestApp class App < Hanami::App config.logger.stream = StringIO.new config.middleware.use Middlewares::AppendOne config.middleware.use Middlewares::Prepare, before: Middlewares::AppendOne config.middleware.use Middlewares::AppendTwo, after: Middlewares::AppendOne end end RUBY write "config/routes.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami/router" module TestApp class Routes < Hanami::Routes slice :main, at: "/" do root to: "home.index" end end end RUBY write "slices/main/actions/home/index.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami/action" module Main module Actions module Home class Index < Hanami::Action def handle(req, res) res.body = req.env["tested"].join(".") end end end end end RUBY require "hanami/boot" get "/" expect(last_response).to be_successful expect(last_response.body).to eql("one.two") end specify "Setting middlewares in the router" do write "config/app.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami" module TestApp class App < Hanami::App config.logger.stream = StringIO.new end end RUBY write "config/routes.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami/router" module TestApp class Routes < Hanami::Routes slice :main, at: "/" do use TestApp::Middlewares::AppendOne use TestApp::Middlewares::Prepare, before: TestApp::Middlewares::AppendOne use TestApp::Middlewares::AppendTwo, after: TestApp::Middlewares::AppendOne root to: "home.index" end end end RUBY write "slices/main/actions/home/index.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami/action" module Main module Actions module Home class Index < Hanami::Action def handle(req, res) res.body = req.env["tested"].join(".") end end end end end RUBY require "hanami/boot" get "/" expect(last_response).to be_successful expect(last_response.body).to eql("one.two") end specify "Setting a middleware that requires a block" do write "config/app.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami" module TestApp class TestMiddleware def initialize(app, &block) @app = app @block = block end def call(env) @block.call(env) @app.call(env) end end class App < Hanami::App config.logger.stream = StringIO.new config.middleware.use(TestApp::TestMiddleware) { |env| env["tested"] = "yes" } end end RUBY write "config/routes.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami/router" module TestApp class Routes < Hanami::Routes slice :main, at: "/" do root to: "home.index" end end end RUBY write "slices/main/actions/home/index.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami/action" module Main module Actions module Home class Index < Hanami::Action def handle(req, res) res.body = req.env["tested"] end end end end end RUBY require "hanami/boot" get "/" expect(last_response).to be_successful expect(last_response.body).to eql("yes") end context "Using module as a middleware" do it "sets the module as the middleware" do mod = Module.new app = Class.new(Hanami::App) { config.middleware.use(mod) } expect(app.config.middleware.stack["/"][0]).to include(mod) end end context "Setting an unsupported middleware" do it "raises meaningful error when an unsupported middleware spec was passed" do expect { Class.new(Hanami::App) do config.middleware.use("oops") end }.to raise_error(Hanami::UnsupportedMiddlewareSpecError) end it "raises meaningful error when corresponding file failed to load" do expect { Class.new(Hanami::App) do config.middleware.namespaces.delete(Hanami::Middleware) config.middleware.use(:body_parser) end }.to raise_error(Hanami::UnsupportedMiddlewareSpecError) end end context "with simple app" do before do write "config/app.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami" module TestApp class App < Hanami::App config.logger.stream = File.new("/dev/null", "w") end end RUBY write "lib/test_app/middleware/authentication.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Middleware class Authentication def self.inspect "" end def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) env["AUTH_USER_ID"] = user_id = "23" status, headers, body = @app.call(env) headers["X-Auth-User-ID"] = user_id [status, headers, body] end end end end RUBY write "config/routes.rb", <<~RUBY require "test_app/middleware/authentication" module TestApp class Routes < Hanami::Routes root to: ->(*) { [200, {"Content-Length" => "4"}, ["Home"]] } slice :admin, at: "/admin" do use TestApp::Middleware::Authentication root to: "home.show" end end end RUBY write "slices/admin/actions/home/show.rb", <<~RUBY module Admin module Actions module Home class Show < Hanami::Action def handle(req, res) res.body = "Hello from admin (User ID " + req.env['AUTH_USER_ID'] + ")" end end end end end RUBY require "hanami/boot" end it "excludes root scope" do get "/" expect(last_response.status).to eq 200 expect(last_response.body).to eq "Home" expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") end it "excludes not found routes in root scope" do get "/foo" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).to eq "Not Found" expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") end context "within slice" do it "uses Rack middleware" do get "/admin" expect(last_response.status).to eq 200 expect(last_response.body).to eq "Hello from admin (User ID 23)" expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") end it "uses Rack middleware for not found paths" do get "/admin/users" expect(last_response.status).to be(404) expect(last_response.body).to eq "Not Found" expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") end end end context "with complex app" do let(:app_modules) { %i[TestApp Admin APIV1] } before do write "config/app.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami" module TestApp class App < Hanami::App config.logger.stream = File.new("/dev/null", "w") end end RUBY write "lib/test_app/middleware/elapsed.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Middleware class Elapsed def self.inspect "" end def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) with_time_instrumentation do @app.call(env) end end private def with_time_instrumentation starting = now status, headers, body = yield ending = now headers["X-Elapsed"] = (ending - starting).round(5).to_s [status, headers, body] end def now Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end end end end RUBY write "lib/test_app/middleware/authentication.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Middleware class Authentication def self.inspect "" end def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) env["AUTH_USER_ID"] = user_id = "23" status, headers, body = @app.call(env) headers["X-Auth-User-ID"] = user_id [status, headers, body] end end end end RUBY write "lib/test_app/middleware/rate_limiter.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Middleware class RateLimiter def self.inspect "" end def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) headers["X-API-Rate-Limit-Quota"] = "4000" [status, headers, body] end end end end RUBY write "lib/test_app/middleware/api_version.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Middleware class ApiVersion def self.inspect "" end def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) headers["X-API-Version"] = "1" [status, headers, body] end end end end RUBY write "lib/test_app/middleware/api_deprecation.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Middleware class ApiDeprecation def self.inspect "" end def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) status, headers, body = @app.call(env) headers["X-API-Deprecated"] = "API v1 is deprecated" [status, headers, body] end end end end RUBY write "lib/test_app/middleware/scope_identifier.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Middleware class ScopeIdentifier def self.inspect "" end def initialize(app, scope) @app = app @scope = scope end def call(env) status, header, body = @app.call(env) header["X-Identifier-" + @scope] = "true" [status, header, body] end def inspect "Scope identifier: " + @scope.inspect end end end end RUBY write "config/routes.rb", <<~RUBY require "test_app/middleware/elapsed" require "test_app/middleware/authentication" require "test_app/middleware/rate_limiter" require "test_app/middleware/api_version" require "test_app/middleware/api_deprecation" require "test_app/middleware/scope_identifier" module TestApp class Routes < Hanami::Routes use TestApp::Middleware::Elapsed use TestApp::Middleware::ScopeIdentifier, "Root" root to: ->(*) { [200, {"Content-Length" => "4"}, ["Home (complex app)"]] } mount ->(*) { [200, {"Content-Length" => "7"}, ["Mounted"]] }, at: "/mounted" slice :admin, at: "/admin" do use TestApp::Middleware::Authentication use TestApp::Middleware::ScopeIdentifier, "Admin" root to: "home.show" end # Without leading slash # See: https://github.com/hanami/api/issues/8 scope "api" do use TestApp::Middleware::RateLimiter use TestApp::Middleware::ScopeIdentifier, "API" root to: ->(*) { [200, {"Content-Length" => "3"}, ["API"]] } slice :api_v1, at: "/v1" do use TestApp::Middleware::ApiVersion use TestApp::Middleware::ApiDeprecation use TestApp::Middleware::ScopeIdentifier, "API-V1" root to: "home.show" end end end end RUBY write "slices/admin/actions/home/show.rb", <<~RUBY module Admin module Actions module Home class Show < Hanami::Action def handle(req, res) res.body = "Hello from admin (User ID " + req.env['AUTH_USER_ID'] + ")" end end end end end RUBY write "slices/api_v1/actions/home/show.rb", <<~RUBY module APIV1 module Actions module Home class Show < Hanami::Action def handle(req, res) res.body = "API v1" end end end end end RUBY require "hanami/boot" end it "uses Rack middleware" do get "/" expect(last_response.status).to be(200) expect(last_response.body).to eq("Home (complex app)") expect(last_response.headers["X-Identifier-Root"]).to eq("true") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Elapsed") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Rate-Limit-Quota") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Version") end it "uses Rack middleware for other paths" do get "/foo" expect(last_response.status).to be(404) expect(last_response.headers["X-Identifier-Root"]).to eq("true") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Elapsed") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Rate-Limit-Quota") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Version") end context "scoped" do it "uses Rack middleware" do get "/admin" expect(last_response.status).to be(200) expect(last_response.headers["X-Identifier-Admin"]).to eq("true") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Elapsed") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Rate-Limit-Quota") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Version") end it "uses Rack middleware for other paths" do get "/admin/users" expect(last_response.status).to be(404) expect(last_response.headers["X-Identifier-Admin"]).to eq("true") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Elapsed") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Elapsed") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Rate-Limit-Quota") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Version") end # See: https://github.com/hanami/api/issues/8 it "uses Rack middleware for scope w/o leading slash" do get "/api" expect(last_response.status).to be(200) expect(last_response.headers["X-Identifier-Api"]).to eq("true") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Elapsed") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-API-Rate-Limit-Quota") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-API-Version") end # See: https://github.com/hanami/api/issues/8 it "uses Rack middleware for nested scope w/o leading slash" do get "/api/v1" expect(last_response.status).to be(200) expect(last_response.headers["X-Identifier-API-V1"]).to eq("true") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-Elapsed") expect(last_response.headers).to_not have_key("X-Auth-User-ID") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-API-Rate-Limit-Quota") expect(last_response.headers).to have_key("X-API-Deprecated") expect(last_response.headers["X-API-Version"]).to eq("1") end end end end