# Encoding: UTF-8 [{beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -r \"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/shelltokenize.rb\" <PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n$TM_HG add\n$TM_HG remove --after\n\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "AddRemove", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "865D7DE7-A07B-47C1-AEDC-4A88317A0EB1"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"$TM_HG\" annotate -nud \"$TM_FILEPATH\" 2>&1 \\\n|\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -- \"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/format_annotate.rb\"", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Annotate", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "2593B8FB-279E-4BD1-8935-0D9B1699526F"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "saveModifiedFiles", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nexport TM_HG\nexport CommitWindow=\"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/bin/CommitWindow.app/Contents/MacOS/CommitWindow\"\n\ncd \"${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY:-$TM_DIRECTORY}\"\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -- \"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/hg_commit.rb\"", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Commit", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "A6254651-3866-4F78-8774-10FA1C1D7A6B"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n\nrevs=$(\"$TM_HG\" log -q \"$TM_FILEPATH\" \\\n\t2> >(CocoaDialog progressbar --indeterminate \\\n\t\t--title \"Diff Revisions…\" \\\n\t\t--text \"Retrieving List of Revisions…\" \\\n\t))\n\nrevs=`osascript </dev/null &\texit_discard\nfi\n\n\nrevs=`echo \"$revs\" | tr '\\r' '\\n' | cut -d \":\" -f 1`\nrevs=( $revs )\n\n\n\nrev1=${revs[0]#r}\nrev2=${revs[1]#r}\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:=ruby}\" -I \"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/\" <PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:=ruby}\" -I \"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/\" <PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n\nrevs=$(\"$TM_HG\" log -q \"$TM_FILEPATH\" \\\n\t2> >(CocoaDialog progressbar --indeterminate \\\n\t\t--title \"Diff Revisions…\" \\\n\t\t--text \"Retrieving List of Revisions…\" \\\n\t))\n\nrevs=`osascript</dev/null &\texit_discard\nfi\n\n\nrevs=`echo \"$revs\" | tr '\\r' '\\n' | cut -d \":\" -f 1`\nrevs=( $revs )\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:=ruby}\" -I \"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/\" <PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:=ruby}\" -I \"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/\" <PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\ncd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -r \"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/shelltokenize.rb\" <PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n \n: ${TM_RUBY:=ruby}\nFORMAT_LOG=\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/format_log.rb\"\nHG_STYLE=\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/map-log.changelog\"\n\nif [[ $TM_HG_LOG_LIMIT != 0 ]]\n\tthen HG_LIMIT=\"-l ${TM_HG_LOG_LIMIT:=10}\"\nfi\n\nHG_STYLE_TMP='\"$HG_STYLE\"'\nTM_HG_TMP='\"$TM_HG\"'\n\nif [[ -z $TM_SELECTED_FILES ]]; then\n \"$TM_HG\" log $HG_LIMIT --style \"$HG_STYLE\" \"$TM_FILEPATH\" 2>&1 |\"$TM_RUBY\" -- \"$FORMAT_LOG\"\nelse\n eval \"$TM_HG_TMP\" log $HG_LIMIT --style \"$HG_STYLE_TMP\" \"$TM_SELECTED_FILES\" 2>&1 |\"$TM_RUBY\" -- \"$FORMAT_LOG\"\nfi", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Log", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "DF26FEB2-2E2C-4764-B766-869113AF6E00"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n \n: ${TM_RUBY:=ruby}\nFORMAT_LOG=\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/format_log.rb\"\nHG_STYLE=\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/map-log.changelog\"\n\nif [[ $TM_HG_LOG_LIMIT != 0 ]]\n\tthen HG_LIMIT=\"-l ${TM_HG_LOG_LIMIT:=10}\"\nfi\n\nHG_STYLE_TMP='\"$HG_STYLE\"'\nTM_HG_TMP='\"$TM_HG\"'\n\nif [[ -z $TM_SELECTED_FILES ]]; then\n \"$TM_HG\" log --debug $HG_LIMIT --style \"$HG_STYLE\" \"$TM_FILEPATH\" 2>&1 |\"$TM_RUBY\" -- \"$FORMAT_LOG\"\nelse\n eval \"$TM_HG_TMP\" log --debug $HG_LIMIT --style \"$HG_STYLE_TMP\" \"$TM_SELECTED_FILES\" 2>&1 |\"$TM_RUBY\" -- \"$FORMAT_LOG\"\nfi", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Log -v", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "CFC80127-ED10-465E-9CCE-D9282FD7893D"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n\nexport TM_HG\n\ncd \"${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY:-$TM_DIRECTORY}\"\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -- \"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/hg_pull.rb\"\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Pull from default repo", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "46E15B5C-A621-48E5-AD2B-A893532695A6"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n\nexport TM_HG\n\ncd \"${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY:-$TM_DIRECTORY}\"\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -- \"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/hg_push.rb\"\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Push to default repo", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "75575B16-87B9-40A3-9101-B027DD43D31F"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -r \"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/shelltokenize.rb\" <PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -z $TM_SELECTED_FILES ]]; then\n \"$TM_HG\" revert \"$TM_FILEPATH\"\nelse\n eval \"$TM_HG\" revert $TM_SELECTED_FILES\nfi\n\n# will cause current file to be re-loaded\nrescan_project\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Revert", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "819B19AC-758D-42CB-903F-73A5EDD716BD"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nrevs=$(\"$TM_HG\" log -q \"$TM_FILEPATH\" \\\n\t2> >(CocoaDialog progressbar --indeterminate \\\n\t\t--title \"Revert to Revision…\" \\\n\t\t--text \"Retrieving List of Revisions…\" \\\n\t))\n\nrevs=`osascript</dev/null &\texit_discard\nfi\n\n\nrevs=`echo \"$revs\" | tr '\\r' '\\n' | cut -d \":\" -f 1`\nrevs=( $revs )\n\nif [[ -z $TM_SELECTED_FILES ]]; then\n \"$TM_HG\" revert -r \"${revs[0]#r}\" \"$TM_FILEPATH\"\nelse\n eval \"$TM_HG\" revert -r \"${revs[0]#r}\" $TM_SELECTED_FILES\nfi\n\n# will cause current file to be re-loaded\nrescan_project\n\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Revert to Revision...", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "59DD3EDA-43DB-4819-8C50-CCBBEED5B0F7"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n\nexport CommitWindow=\"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/bin/CommitWindow.app/Contents/MacOS/CommitWindow\"\n\n# show it..\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -r \"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/shelltokenize.rb\" <&1|\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -KU -- \"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/format_status.rb\" \"--status\"}\nEND\n\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Status", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "ED977BA9-3604-4EC9-999B-39C588CD4801"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n$TM_HG rollback", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Undo", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "11743544-9E2A-49BF-BA5D-655EAD6445AA"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n\n\ncd \"${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY:-$TM_DIRECTORY}\"\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -- \"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/hg_update.rb\"\n\n\n\n# will cause current file to be re-loaded\nrescan_project", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "Update", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "B797AE83-EABD-4BB7-AD20-0FB24F824343"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\";\nfi\n\nrevs=$(\"$TM_HG\" log -q \"$TM_FILEPATH\" \\\n\t2> >(CocoaDialog progressbar --indeterminate \\\n\t\t--title \"View Revision…\" \\\n\t\t--text \"Retrieving List of Revisions…\" \\\n\t))\n\nrevs=`osascript</dev/null &\texit_discard\nfi\n\nrevs=`echo \"$revs\" | tr '\\r' '\\n' | cut -d \":\" -f 1`\nrevs=( $revs )\n\nFILENAME=\"/tmp/rev${revs[0]}-$TM_FILENAME\"\n\n\"$TM_HG\" cat -r${revs[0]} --output \"$FILENAME\" \"$TM_FILEPATH\"\nopen -a \"TextMate\" \"$FILENAME\"\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "View Revision...", output: "discard", uuid: "83F27190-D52F-414C-8AC8-7ED3ADAF2FC6"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n \n: ${TM_RUBY:=ruby}\nFORMAT_LOG=\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/format_log.rb\"\nHG_STYLE=\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/map-incoming.changelog\"\n\n\n\"$TM_HG\" incoming -v --style \"$HG_STYLE\" 2>&1 |\"$TM_RUBY\" -- \"$FORMAT_LOG\" \"--in\"\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "incoming", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "C8F5F526-4ED5-4E75-A0D1-D9B5143B20EE"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_HG:=hg}\" \"If you have installed hg, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_HG shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\nif [[ -d \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\" ]]\n then export WorkPath=\"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY\"\n else export WorkPath=\"$TM_DIRECTORY\"; cd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nfi\n \n: ${TM_RUBY:=ruby}\nFORMAT_LOG=\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/format_log.rb\"\nHG_STYLE=\"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/map-log.changelog\"\n\n\n\"$TM_HG\" outgoing -v --style \"$HG_STYLE\" 2>&1 |\"$TM_RUBY\" -- \"$FORMAT_LOG\" \"--out\"\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^M", name: "outgoing", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "25A113EB-AA3B-40F0-B30E-ED2C2F9866C0"}]