require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) class BaseTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_default assert true end describe 'aldebaran::Base subclasses' do class TestApp < aldebaran::Base get '/' do 'Hello World' end end it 'include Rack::Utils' do assert TestApp.included_modules.include?(Rack::Utils) end it 'processes requests with #call' do assert TestApp.respond_to?(:call) request = response = request.get('/') assert response.ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', response.body end class TestApp < aldebaran::Base get '/state' do @foo ||= "new" body = "Foo: #{@foo}" @foo = 'discard' body end end it 'does not maintain state between requests' do request = 2.times do response = request.get('/state') assert response.ok? assert_equal 'Foo: new', response.body end end it "passes the subclass to configure blocks" do ref = nil TestApp.configure { |app| ref = app } assert_equal TestApp, ref end it "allows the configure block arg to be omitted and does not change context" do context = nil TestApp.configure { context = self } assert_equal self, context end end describe "aldebaran::Base as Rack middleware" do app = lambda { |env| headers = {'X-Downstream' => 'true'} headers['X-Route-Missing'] = env['aldebaran.route-missing'] || '' [210, headers, ['Hello from downstream']] } class TestMiddleware < aldebaran::Base end it 'creates a middleware that responds to #call with .new' do middleware = assert middleware.respond_to?(:call) end it 'exposes the downstream app' do middleware =!(app) assert_same app, end class TestMiddleware < aldebaran::Base def route_missing env['aldebaran.route-missing'] = '1' super end get '/' do 'Hello from middleware' end end middleware = request = it 'intercepts requests' do response = request.get('/') assert response.ok? assert_equal 'Hello from middleware', response.body end it 'automatically forwards requests downstream when no matching route found' do response = request.get('/missing') assert_equal 210, response.status assert_equal 'Hello from downstream', response.body end it 'calls #route_missing before forwarding downstream' do response = request.get('/missing') assert_equal '1', response['X-Route-Missing'] end class TestMiddleware < aldebaran::Base get '/low-level-forward' do end end it 'can call the downstream app directly and return result' do response = request.get('/low-level-forward') assert_equal 210, response.status assert_equal 'true', response['X-Downstream'] assert_equal 'Hello from downstream', response.body end class TestMiddleware < aldebaran::Base get '/explicit-forward' do response['X-Middleware'] = 'true' res = forward assert_nil res assert_equal 210, response.status assert_equal 'true', response['X-Downstream'] assert_equal ['Hello from downstream'], response.body 'Hello after explicit forward' end end it 'forwards the request downstream and integrates the response into the current context' do response = request.get('/explicit-forward') assert_equal 210, response.status assert_equal 'true', response['X-Downstream'] assert_equal 'Hello after explicit forward', response.body assert_equal '28', response['Content-Length'] end app_content_length = lambda {|env| [200, {'Content-Length' => '16'}, 'From downstream!']} class TestMiddlewareContentLength < aldebaran::Base get '/forward' do res = forward 'From after explicit forward!' end end middleware_content_length = request_content_length = it "sets content length for last response" do response = request_content_length.get('/forward') assert_equal '28', response['Content-Length'] end end end