# Generates a makefile for buiding the extension. #-- # Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati # See the file named LICENSE for details. require 'mkmf' # check for POSIX threads library hasPthread = have_library('pthread', 'pthread_create') # check for ruby library require 'rbconfig' rubyLibArgs = Config::CONFIG.values.grep(/^-lruby/) rubyLibNames = rubyLibArgs.map {|a| a.sub /^-l/, ''} rubyLibNames.unshift 'ruby' # try most common name first rubyLibNames.uniq! hasRuby = rubyLibNames.inject(false) do |verdict, name| verdict ||= have_library(name, 'ruby_init') end hasPthread && hasRuby && create_makefile('ruby-vpi')