#ifndef __CS_COMMON #define __CS_COMMON #include <ruby.h> typedef enum { IMPL_ALIAS_INSTANCE, IMPL_ALIAS_SINGLETON, IMPL_PREPEND_INSTANCE, IMPL_PREPEND_SINGLETON, } patch_impl; /* the unused variable warning is triggered for gcc only */ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic push static VALUE cs__send_method; static VALUE cs__alias_method_sym; extern VALUE contrast, agent, patching, policy, assess; extern VALUE core_extensions, core_assess; extern VALUE assess_policy, assess_propagator; extern VALUE funchook_path; extern VALUE components; extern VALUE rb_sym_enter_scope; extern VALUE rb_sym_exit_scope; extern VALUE rb_sym_in_scope; extern VALUE rb_sym_skip_contrast_analysis; extern VALUE rb_sym_skip_assess_analysis; extern VALUE rb_sym_method; extern VALUE rb_sym_hash_get, rb_sym_hash_set, rb_sym_hash_tracked; static VALUE patcher; static VALUE rb_sym_instance_method; static VALUE rb_sym_register_c_patch; static VALUE rb_sym_alias_instance; static VALUE rb_sym_alias_singleton; static VALUE rb_sym_prepend_instance; static VALUE rb_sym_prepend_singleton; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop void patch_via_funchook(void *original_function, void *hook_function); void contrast_alias_method(const VALUE target, const char *to, const char *from); VALUE contrast_register_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, VALUE *, const VALUE)); VALUE contrast_register_singleton_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, VALUE *, const VALUE)); VALUE contrast_register_prepend_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, VALUE *, const VALUE)); VALUE contrast_register_singleton_prepend_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, VALUE *, const VALUE)); VALUE contrast_register_prepend_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, VALUE *, const VALUE)); VALUE _contrast_register_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, VALUE *, const VALUE), patch_impl patch_impl); VALUE _contrast_check_prepended(VALUE self, VALUE method_name, VALUE is_instance); extern VALUE contrast_check_prepended(VALUE self, VALUE method_name, VALUE is_instance); extern VALUE contrast_lookout_prepended(VALUE self, VALUE object_name, VALUE method_name, VALUE is_instance); /* check if method is prepended and register instance alias or prepend patch */ VALUE contrast_check_and_register_instance_patch(const char *module_name, const char *method_name, VALUE(c_fn)(const int, VALUE *, const VALUE)); VALUE contrast_patcher(void); void Init_cs__common(void); #endif /* __CS_COMMON */