class OperaWatir::Element extend Forwardable def initialize(node) self.node = node end # TODO Need support for this in Webdriver def hash node.hashCode end def ==(other) node.equals other.node end def eql?(other) is_a?(other.class) && self == other end def hash node.hashCode end # Attributes def attr(name) node.getAttribute(name.to_s) end # TODO Move to Webdriver # Relies on getAttribute returning nil def has_attribute?(name) !attr(name).nil? end def method_missing(name, *args, &blk) if !(block_given? || !args.empty?) && has_attribute?(name) attr(name) else super end end def id attr(:id) end def type attr(:type) end def class_name attr(:class) end def_delegator :node, :isEnabled, :enabled? def_delegator :node, :isSelected, :checked? alias_method :set?, :checked? def_delegator :node, :isSelected, :selected? def_delegator :node, :toggle, :toggle_check! def_delegator :node, :getText, :text def_delegator :node, :getHTML, :html alias_method :to_s, :text def_delegator :node, :getValue, :value def_delegator :node, :getElementName, :tag_name def_delegator :node, :clear, :clear def disabled? !enabled? end def check! result = node.toggle if(result != true) node.toggle end end def uncheck! result = node.toggle if(result != false) node.toggle end end # Events def click!(x=0, y=0), y.to_i) end def click_async 1 end def double_click 2 end def triple_click 3 end def quadruple_click 4 end def right_click node.rightClick end def drag_and_drop_on(other) node.dragAndDropOn other.node end def drag_and_drop_by(x, y) node.dragAndDropBy(x.to_i, y.to_i) end def_delegator :node, :submit, :submit! def text=(string) # Focus before typing node.sendKeys(string.split('').to_java(:string)) end alias_method :set, :text= def trigger!(event, x = 0, y = 0) loc = location x += loc[:x] y += loc[:y] # In the case that event is given as symbol, we convert it to a # string. event = event.to_s event =~ /on(.*)/i event = $1 if $1 event = event.downcase.to_sym # TODO Should this be moved to OperaDriver instead? case event when :abort, :blur, :change, :error, :focus, :load, :reset, :resize, :scroll, :submit, :unload type = 'HTMLEvents'; init = "initEvent(\"#{event.to_s}\", true, true)" when :click, :dblclick, :mousedown, :mousemove, :mouseout, :mouseover, :mouseup type = 'MouseEvents' init = "initMouseEvent(\"#{event.to_s}\", true, true, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)" else raise Exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Event on#{event} is not a valid ECMAscript event for OperaWatir." end script = "var event = document.createEvent(\"#{type}\"); " + "event.#{init}; " + "locator.dispatchEvent(event);" node.callMethod(script) end def visible? node.isVisible() end # UI def screenshot(file_name, time_out) node.saveScreenshot(file_name, time_out) end def_delegator :node, :getImageHash, :visual_hash def location loc = node.getLocation {:x => loc.x.to_i, :y => loc.y.to_i} end private attr_accessor :node # Finders def find_elements_by_id(value) node.findElementsById(value) do |n| end end def find_elements_by_class_name(value) node.findElementsByClassName(value) do |n| end end def find_elements_by_tag_name(value) node.findElementsByTagName(value) do |n| end end def find_elements_by_css(value) node.findElementsByCssSelector(value) do |n| end end def find_elements_by_xpath(value) node.findElementsByXPath(value) do |n| end end end