# ronin-web 1 "2022-01-01" Ronin Web "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-web - a collection of useful web commands ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-web` [*options*] [*COMMAND* [*ARGS*]] ## DESCRIPTION A collection of useful web commands. ## ARGUMENTS *COMMAND* : The sub-command to execute. *ARGS* : Additional arguments for the sub-command. ## OPTIONS `-h`, `--help` : Prints help information. ## COMMANDS `browser` : Automates a web browser. `completion` : Manages the shell completion rules for `ronin-web`. `diff` : Diffs two web pages. `html` : Performs XPath/CSS-path queries on a URL or HTML file. `irb` : Starts an interactive Ruby shell with ronin-web loaded. `new` : Creates new projects or scripts. `reverse-proxy` : Starts a HTTP proxy server. `screenshot` : Screenshots one or more URLs. `server` : Starts a web server. `session-cookie` : Parses and deserializes various session cookie formats. `spider` : Spiders a website. `user-agent` : Generates a random User-Agent string. `wordlist` : Builds a wordlist by spidering a website. `xml` : Performs XPath queries on a URL or XML file. `help` : Prints help information about this command or another command. ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO [ronin-web-browser](ronin-web-browser.1.md) [ronin-web-completion](ronin-web-completion.1.md) [ronin-web-diff](ronin-web-diff.1.md) [ronin-web-html](ronin-web-html.1.md) [ronin-web-irb](ronin-web-irb.1.md) [ronin-web-new](ronin-web-new.1.md) [ronin-web-reverse-proxy](ronin-web-reverse-proxy.1.md) [ronin-web-screenshot](ronin-web-screenshot.1.md) [ronin-web-server](ronin-web-server.1.md) [ronin-web-session-cookie](ronin-web-session-cookie.1.md) [ronin-web-spider](ronin-web-spider.1.md) [ronin-web-user-agent](ronin-web-user-agent.1.md) [ronin-web-wordlist](ronin-web-wordlist.1.md) [ronin-web-xml](ronin-web-xml.1.md)