require 'setup/core_ext' require 'setup/constants' module Setup # Common base class for all Setup build classes. # class Base # attr :project # attr :config # attr_accessor :trial # attr_accessor :trace # attr_accessor :quiet # attr_accessor :force # attr_accessor :io # def initialize(project, configuration, options={}) @project = project @config = configuration initialize_hooks options.each do |k,v| __send__("#{k}=", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=") end end # Hooking into the setup process, use extension scripts # according to the name of the class. For instance to # augment the behavior of the Installer, use: # # script/.setup/installer.rb # def initialize_hooks file = META_EXTENSION_DIR + "/#{}.rb" if File.exist?(file) script = (class << self; self; end).class_eval(script) end end # def trial? ; @trial ; end # def trace? ; @trace ; end # def quiet? ; @quiet ; end # def force? ; @force ; end # def rootdir project.rootdir end # Shellout executation. def bash(*args) $stderr.puts args.join(' ') if trace? system(*args) or raise RuntimeError, "system(#{{|a| a.inspect }.join(' ')}) failed" end # DEPRECATE alias_method :command, :bash # Shellout a ruby command. def ruby(*args) bash(config.rubyprog, *args) end # Ask a question of the user. #def ask(question, answers=nil) # $stdout.puts "#{question}" # $stdout.puts " [#{answers}] " if answers # until inp = $stdin.gets ; sleep 1 ; end # inp.strip #end # def trace_off #:yield: begin save, @trace = trace?, false yield ensure @trace = save end end # F I L E U T I L I T I E S # def rm_f(path) io.puts "rm -f #{path}" if trace? or trial? return if trial? force_remove_file(path) end # def force_remove_file(path) begin remove_file(path) rescue end end # def remove_file(path) File.chmod 0777, path File.unlink(path) end # def rmdir(path) io.puts "rmdir #{path}" if trace? or trial? return if trial? Dir.rmdir(path) end end # class Error < StandardError end end