// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_SOCKStREAMBUF_CPp_ #define DLIB_SOCKStREAMBUF_CPp_ #include "sockstreambuf.h" #include "../assert.h" #include namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // output functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sockstreambuf::int_type sockstreambuf:: overflow ( int_type c ) { if (c != EOF) { *pptr() = c; pbump(1); } if (flush_out_buffer() == EOF) { // an error occurred return EOF; } return c; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::streamsize sockstreambuf:: xsputn ( const char* s, std::streamsize num ) { // Add a sanity check here DLIB_ASSERT(num >= 0, "\tstd::streamsize sockstreambuf::xsputn" << "\n\tThe number of bytes to write can't be negative" << "\n\tnum: " << num << "\n\tthis: " << this ); std::streamsize space_left = static_cast(epptr()-pptr()); if (num <= space_left) { std::memcpy(pptr(),s,static_cast(num)); pbump(static_cast(num)); return num; } else { std::memcpy(pptr(),s,static_cast(space_left)); s += space_left; pbump(space_left); std::streamsize num_left = num - space_left; if (flush_out_buffer() == EOF) { // the write was not successful so return that 0 bytes were written return 0; } if (num_left < out_buffer_size) { std::memcpy(pptr(),s,static_cast(num_left)); pbump(num_left); return num; } else { if (con.write(s,num_left) != num_left) { // the write was not successful so return that 0 bytes were written return 0; } return num; } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // input functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sockstreambuf::int_type sockstreambuf:: underflow( ) { if (gptr() < egptr()) { return static_cast(*gptr()); } int num_put_back = static_cast(gptr() - eback()); if (num_put_back > max_putback) { num_put_back = max_putback; } // copy the putback characters into the putback end of the in_buffer std::memmove(in_buffer+(max_putback-num_put_back), gptr()-num_put_back, num_put_back); if (flushes_output_on_read()) { if (flush_out_buffer() == EOF) { // an error occurred return EOF; } } int num = con.read(in_buffer+max_putback, in_buffer_size-max_putback); if (num <= 0) { // an error occurred or the connection is over which is EOF return EOF; } // reset in_buffer pointers setg (in_buffer+(max_putback-num_put_back), in_buffer+max_putback, in_buffer+max_putback+num); return static_cast(*gptr()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::streamsize sockstreambuf:: xsgetn ( char_type* s, std::streamsize n ) { std::streamsize temp = n; while (n > 0) { int num = static_cast(egptr() - gptr()); if (num >= n) { // copy data from our buffer std::memcpy(s, gptr(), static_cast(n)); gbump(static_cast(n)); return temp; } // read more data into our buffer if (num == 0) { if (underflow() == EOF) break; continue; } // copy all the data from our buffer std::memcpy(s, gptr(), num); n -= num; gbump(num); s += num; } return temp-n; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_SOCKStREAMBUF_CPp_