require 'solidus_braintree_spec_helper' RSpec.describe SolidusBraintree::TransactionsController, type: :controller do routes { SolidusBraintree::Engine.routes } let!(:country) { create :country } let(:line_item) { create :line_item, price: 50 } let(:order) do Spree::Order.create!( line_items: [line_item], email: '', bill_address: create(:address, country: country), ship_address: create(:address, country: country), user: create(:user) ) end let(:payment_method) { create_gateway } before do allow(controller).to receive(:spree_current_user) { order.user } allow(controller).to receive(:current_order) { order } create :shipping_method, cost: 5 create :state, abbr: "WA", country: country end cassette_options = { cassette_name: "transactions_controller/create", match_requests_on: [:braintree_uri] } describe "POST create", vcr: cassette_options do subject(:post_create) { post :create, params: params } let!(:country) { create :country, iso: 'US' } let(:params) do { transaction: { nonce: "fake-valid-nonce", payment_type: SolidusBraintree::Source::PAYPAL, phone: "1112223333", email: "", address_attributes: { name: "Wade Wilson", address_line_1: "123 Fake Street", city: "Seattle", zip: "98101", state_code: "WA", country_code: "US" } }, payment_method_id: } end before do create :state, abbr: "WA", country: country end context "when import has invalid address" do before { params[:transaction][:address_attributes][:city] = nil } it "raises a validation error" do expect { post_create }.to raise_error( SolidusBraintree::TransactionsController::InvalidImportError, "Import invalid: " \ "Address is invalid, " \ "Address City can't be blank" ) end end context "when the transaction is valid", vcr: { cassette_name: 'transaction/import/valid', match_requests_on: [:braintree_uri] } do it "imports the payment" do expect { post_create }.to change { order.payments.count }.by(1) expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq 55 end context "when no end state is provided" do it "advances the order to confirm" do post_create expect(order).to be_confirm end end context "when end state provided is delivery" do let(:params) { super().merge(state: 'delivery') } it "advances the order to delivery" do post_create expect(order).to be_delivery end end context "with provided address" do it "creates a new address" do # Creating the order also creates 3 addresses, we want to make sure # the transaction import only creates 1 new one order expect { post_create }.to change(Spree::Address, :count).by(1) expect(Spree::Address.last.address1).to eq "123 Fake Street" end end context "without country ISO" do before do params[:transaction][:address_attributes][:country_code] = "" params[:transaction][:address_attributes][:country_name] = "United States" end it "creates a new address, looking up the ISO by country name" do order expect { post_create }.to change(Spree::Address, :count).by(1) expect( eq "US" end end context "without transaction address" do before { params[:transaction].delete(:address_attributes) } it "does not create a new address" do order expect { post_create }.not_to(change(Spree::Address, :count)) end end context "when format is HTML" do context "when import! leaves the order in confirm" do it "redirects the user to the confirm page" do expect(post_create).to redirect_to '/checkout/confirm' end end context "when import! completes the order" do before { allow(order).to receive(:complete?).and_return(true) } it "displays the order to the user" do expect(post_create).to redirect_to "/orders/#{order.number}" end end end context "when format is JSON" do before { params[:format] = :json } it "has a successful response" do post_create expect(response).to be_successful end end end context "when the transaction is invalid" do before { params[:transaction][:email] = nil } context "when format is HTML" do it "raises an error including the validation messages" do expect { post_create }.to raise_error( SolidusBraintree::TransactionsController::InvalidImportError, "Import invalid: Email can't be blank" ) end end context "when format is JSON" do before { params[:format] = :json } it "has a failed status" do post_create expect(response).to have_http_status :unprocessable_entity end it "returns the errors as JSON" do post_create expect(JSON.parse(response.body)["errors"]["email"]).to eq ["can't be blank"] end end end end end