# frozen_string_literal: true # +AutoIncrement+ module AutoIncrement # +AutoIncrement::Incrementor+ class Incrementor def initialize(column = nil, options = {}) if column.is_a? Hash options = column column = nil end @column = column || options[:column] || :code @options = options.reverse_merge initial: 1, force: false @options[:scope] = [@options[:scope]].compact unless @options[:scope].is_a?(Array) @options[:model_scope] = [@options[:model_scope]].compact unless @options[:model_scope].is_a?(Array) deprecated_warning end def before_create(record) @record = record write if can_write? end alias before_validation before_create alias before_save before_create private def can_write? @record.send(@column).blank? || @options[:force] end def write @record.send :write_attribute, @column, increment end def build_scopes(query) @options[:scope].each do |scope| query = query.where(scope => @record.send(scope)) if scope.present? && @record.respond_to?(scope) end query end def build_model_scope(query) @options[:model_scope].reject(&:nil?).each do |scope| query = query.send(scope) end query end def maximum query = build_scopes(build_model_scope(@record.class)) query.lock if lock? if string? query.select("#{@column} max") .order(Arel.sql("LENGTH(#{@column}) DESC, #{@column} DESC")) .first.try :max else query.maximum @column end end def lock? @options[:lock] == true end def increment max = maximum max.blank? ? @options[:initial] : max.next end def string? @options[:initial].instance_of?(String) end def deprecated_warning return if @options[:scope].empty? ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn <<~WARNING.squish Passing a scope to auto_increment is deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Please use model_scope instead. WARNING end end end