var GlobalAudioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); (function() { var Geiger = function(json) { // Init, json); this.clickFocusable = true; this.selfid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255); var self = this; // Config this.title = json.title; this.query = json.query; this.muted = json.muted || false; this.volume = parseFloat(json.volume || 0.2); this.sound = json.sound || 'sounds/geiger.wav'; this.muted = json.muted || false; // State this.currentEvent = null; this.shouldPlay = false; this.soundBuffer = null; // HTML this.el.append( '
' + '

' + '
' + '
' ); = this.el.find('.box'); this.el.find('h2').text(this.title); this.mute_button = this.el.find('.sound-mute'); this.mute_button.text(this.muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute'); () { self.muted = !self.muted; self.mute_button.text(self.muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute'); }); if (!json.virtual) { // Virtual instance of the geiger counter should not produce any sounds. // Moreover, to save resources, I will not create audio nodes and will // not load data. this.gainer = GlobalAudioContext.createGain(); this.gainer.gain.value = Math.pow(this.volume, 2); this.gainer.connect(GlobalAudioContext.destination); this.compressor = GlobalAudioContext.createDynamicsCompressor(); this.compressor.threshold.value = 0; this.compressor.knee.value = 0; this.compressor.ratio.value = 20; this.compressor.attack.value = 0; this.compressor.release.value = 2; this.compressor.connect(this.gainer); this.request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', this.sound, true); this.request.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; this.request.onload = function () { if (this.status != 200) { toastr.warning ("Could not load sound " + self.sound + ", HTTP status " + this.status); } GlobalAudioContext.decodeAudioData(this.response, function (buffer) { self.soundBuffer = buffer; self.shouldPlay = true; }); }; this.request.onerror = function () { toastr.warning ("Could not load sound " + self.sound + ", general error"); } this.request.send(); if (this.query) { var me = this; this.sub = subs.subscribe(this.query, function(e) { self.playSound(); self.currentEvent = e; }); } } } view.inherit(view.View, Geiger); view.Geiger = Geiger; view.types.Geiger = Geiger; Geiger.prototype.json = function() { return $.extend(, { type: 'Geiger', title: this.title, query: this.query, volume: this.volume, sound: this.sound, muted: this.muted }); } Geiger.prototype.playSound = function() { if (!this.shouldPlay || this.muted) { return; } source = GlobalAudioContext.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = this.soundBuffer; source.connect(this.compressor); source.start(); } var editTemplate = _.template( "" + "
" + "" + '' + "" + "
" + "" + "" ); Geiger.prototype.editForm = function() { return editTemplate(this); } Geiger.prototype.shutdownSound = function() { this.shouldPlay = false; this.gainer.disconnect(); this.compressor.disconnect(); this.gainer = null; this.compressor = null; this.soundBuffer = null; } Geiger.prototype.delete = function() { if (this.sub) { subs.unsubscribe(this.sub); } this.shutdownSound(); return; } })();