## lib/rubyfca.rb -- Formal Concept Analysis tool in Ruby ## Author:: Yoichiro Hasebe (mailto: yohasebe@gmail.com) ## Kow Kuroda (mailto: kuroda@nict.go.jp) ## Copyright:: Copyright 2009 Yoichiro Hasebe and Kow Kuroda ## License:: GNU GPL version 3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'csv' require 'ruby_graphviz' private ## Take two arrays each consisting of 0s and 1s and create their logical disjunction def create_and_ary(a, b) return false if (s = a.size) != b.size result = (0..(s-1)).to_a.map{|i| a[i].to_i & b[i].to_i} return result end ## Take two arrays each consisting of 0s and 1s and create their logical conjunction def create_or_ary(a, b) return false if (s = a.size) != b.size result = (0..(s-1)).to_a.map{|i| a[i].to_i | b[i].to_i} return result end public ## Take care of errors def showerror(sentence, severity) if severity == 0 puts "Warning: #{sentence} The output may not be meaningful." elsif severity == 1 puts "Error: #{sentence} No output generated." exit end end ## Basic structure of the code is the same as Fcastone written in Perl by Uta Priss class FormalContext ## Converte cxt data to three basic structures of objects, attributes, and matrix def initialize(input, mode, label_contraction = false) if input.size == 0 showerror("File is empty", 1) end begin case mode when /cxt\z/ read_cxt(input) when /csv\z/ read_csv(input) end rescue => e showerror("Input data contains a syntax problem.", 1) end @label_contraction = label_contraction end ## process cxt data def read_cxt(input) lines = input.split t1 = 3 if (lines[0] !~ /B/i || (2 * lines[1].to_i + lines[2].to_i + t1) != lines.size) showerror("Wrong cxt format!", 1) end @objects = lines[t1..(lines[1].to_i + t1 - 1)] @attributes = lines[(lines[1].to_i + t1) .. (lines[1].to_i + lines[2].to_i + t1 - 1)] lines = lines[(lines[1].to_i + lines[2].to_i + t1) .. lines.size] @matrix = changecrosssymbol("X", "\\.", lines) end # process csv data using the standard csv library def read_csv(input) input = remove_blank(input) data = CSV.parse(input) @objects = trim_ary(data.transpose.first[1..-1]) @attributes = trim_ary(data.first[1..-1]) @matrix = [] data[1..-1].each do |line| @matrix << line[1..-1].collect { |cell| /x/i =~ cell ? 1 : 0 } end end def remove_blank(input) blank_removed = "" input.each do |line| unless /^\s*$/ =~ line blank_removed << line end end blank_removed end def trim_ary(ary) newary = ary.collect do |cell| cell.strip end newary end ## Apply a formal concept analysis on the matrix def calcurate @concepts, @extM, @intM = ganter_alg(@matrix) @relM, @reltrans, @rank = create_rel(@intM) @gammaM, @muM = gammaMu(@extM, @intM, @matrix) end ## This is an implementation of an algorithm described by Bernhard Ganter ## in "Two basic algorithms in concept analysis." Technische Hochschule ## Darmstadt, FB4-Preprint, 831, 1984. def ganter_alg(matrix) m = matrix ## all arrays except @idx are arrays of arrays of 0's and 1's idx = [] extension = [] intension = [] ext_A = [] int_B = [] endkey = [] temp = [] ## the level in the lattice from the top lvl = 0 ## is lower than the index of leftmost attr idx[lvl] = -1 ## number of attr. and objs anzM = m.size ## only needed for initialization anzG = m[0].size ## initialize extA[0] = [1,...,1] anzG.times do |i| if !ext_A[0] ext_A[0] = [] end ext_A[0] << 1 end ## initialize extB[0] = [0,...,0] anzM.times do |i| if !int_B[0] int_B[0] = [] end int_B[0] << 0 end anzCpt = 0 extension[0] = ext_A[0] intension[0] = int_B[0] anzM.times do |i| endkey << 1 end ## start of algorithm while int_B[lvl] != endkey (anzM - 1).downto(0) do |i| breakkey = false if (int_B[lvl][i] != 1) while (i < idx[lvl]) lvl -= 1 end idx[lvl + 1] = i ext_A[lvl + 1] = create_and_ary(ext_A[lvl], m[i]) 0.upto(i - 1) do |j| if(!breakkey && int_B[lvl][j] != 1) temp = create_and_ary(ext_A[lvl + 1], m[j]) if temp == ext_A[lvl + 1] breakkey = true end end end unless breakkey int_B[lvl + 1] = int_B[lvl].dup int_B[lvl + 1][i] = 1 (i+1).upto(anzM - 1) do |k| if int_B[lvl + 1][k] != 1 temp = create_and_ary(ext_A[lvl + 1], m[k]) if temp == ext_A[lvl + 1] int_B[lvl + 1][k] = 1 end end end lvl += 1 anzCpt += 1 extension[anzCpt] = ext_A[lvl] intension[anzCpt] = int_B[lvl] break end end end end a1 = extension[0].join("") a2 = extension[1].join("") if a1 == a2 shift extension shift intension anzCpt -= 1 end c = [] 0.upto(anzCpt) do |i| c[i] = i end [c, intension, extension] end ## Output arrayconsists of the following: ## r (subconcept superconcept relation) ## rt (trans. closure of r) ## s (ranked concepts) def create_rel(intensions) anzCpt = intensions.size rank = [] sup_con = [] r = [] rt = [] s = [] 0.upto(anzCpt - 1) do |i| 0.upto(anzCpt - 1) do |j| unless r[i] r[i] = [] end r[i][j] = 0; unless rt[i] rt[i] = [] end rt[i][j] = 0; end end 1.upto(anzCpt - 1) do |i| rank[i] = 1 (i - 1).downto(0) do |j| temp = create_and_ary(intensions[j], intensions[i]) if temp == intensions[i] unless sup_con[i] sup_con[i] = [] end sup_con[i] << j r[i][j] = 1 rt[i][j] = 1 sup_con[i].each do |elem| if r[elem][j] == 1 r[i][j] = 0 if rank[elem] >= rank [i] rank[i] = rank[elem] + 1 end break end end end end unless s[rank[i]] s[rank[i]] = [] end s[rank[i]] << i end s = s.collect do |i| i ? i : [0] end [r, rt, s] end def gammaMu(extent, intent, cxt) gamma = [] mu = [] invcxt = [] 0.upto(cxt[0].size - 1) do |i| 0.upto(cxt.size - 1) do |k| invcxt[i] = [] unless invcxt[i] invcxt[i][k] = cxt[k][i] end end 0.upto(intent.size - 1) do |j| 0.upto(cxt.size - 1) do |i| gamma[i] = [] unless gamma[i] if cxt[i] == intent[j] gamma[i][j] = 2 elsif (!@label_contraction && create_or_ary(cxt[i], intent[j]) == cxt[i]) gamma[i][j] = 1 else gamma[i][j] = 0 end end 0.upto(invcxt.size - 1) do |i| # next unless invcxt[i] mu[i] = [] unless mu[i] if invcxt[i] == extent[j] mu[i][j] = 2 elsif (!@label_contraction && create_or_ary(invcxt[i], extent[j]) == invcxt[i]) mu[i][j] = 1 else mu[i][j] = 0 end end end [gamma, mu] end def changecrosssymbol(char1, char2, lns) rel = [] lns.each do |ln| ary = [] elems = ln.split(//) elems.each do |elem| if /#{char1}/i =~ elem ary << 1 elsif /#{char2}/i =~ elem ary << 0 end end rel << ary end rel end ## Generate Graphviz dot data (not creating a file) ## For options, see 'rubyfca' def generate_dot(opts) index_max_width = @concepts.size.to_s.split(//).size clattice = RubyGraphviz.new("clattice", :rankdir => "", :nodesep => "0.4", :ranksep => "0.2") if opts[:circle] and opts[:legend] legend = RubyGraphviz.new("legend", :rankdir => "TB", :lebelloc => "t", :centered => "false") legend.node_default(:shape => "plaintext") legend.edge_default(:color => "gray60") if opts[:coloring] legends = [] end if opts[:circle] clattice.node_default(:shape => "circle", :style => "filled") clattice.edge_default(:dir => "none", :minlen => "2") clattice.edge_default(:color => "gray60") if opts[:coloring] else clattice.node_default(:shape => "record", :margin => "0.2,0.055") clattice.edge_default(:dir => "none") clattice.edge_default(:color => "gray60") if opts[:coloring] end 0.upto(@concepts.size - 1) do |i| objfull = [] attrfull = [] 0.upto(@gammaM.size - 1) do |j| if @gammaM[j][i] == 2 obj = opts[:full] ? @objects[j] + " " + [0x261C].pack("U") : @objects[j] objfull << obj elsif @gammaM[j][i] == 1 objfull << @objects[j] end end 0.upto(@muM.size - 1) do |k| if @muM[k][i] == 2 att = opts[:full] ? @attributes[k] + " " + [0x261C].pack("U") : @attributes[k] attrfull << att elsif @muM[k][i] == 1 attrfull << @attributes[k] end end concept_id = i + 1 attr_str = attrfull.join('
') attr_str = attr_str == "" ? " " : attr_str if opts[:coloring] == 0 or /\A\s+\z/ =~ attr_str attr_color = "white" elsif opts[:coloring] == 1 attr_color = "lightblue" elsif opts[:coloring] == 2 attr_color = "gray87" end obj_str = objfull.join('
') obj_str = obj_str == "" ? " " : obj_str if opts[:coloring] == 0 or /\A\s+\z/ =~ obj_str obj_color = "white" elsif opts[:coloring] == 1 obj_color = "pink" elsif opts[:coloring] == 2 obj_color = "gray92" end label = "<" + "" + "" + "
>" if opts[:circle] and opts[:legend] leg = "<" + "" + "" + "
>" if !attrfull.empty? or !objfull.empty? legend.node("cl#{concept_id}k", :label => concept_id, :style => "invis") legend.node("cl#{concept_id}v", :label => leg, :fillcolor => "white") legend.rank("cl#{concept_id}k", "cl#{concept_id}v", :style => "invis", :length => "0.0") if legends[-1] legend.edge("cl#{legends[-1]}k", "cl#{concept_id}k", :style => "invis", :length => "0.0") end legends << concept_id end end if opts[:circle] clattice.node("c#{i}", :width => "0.5", :fontsize => "14.0", :label => concept_id) else clattice.node("c#{i}", :label => label, :shape => "plaintext", :height => "0.0", :width => "0.0", :margin => "0.0") end end 0.upto(@relM.size - 1) do |i| 0.upto(@relM.size - 1) do |j| if @relM[i][j] == 1 clattice.edge("c#{i}", "c#{j}") end end end clattice.subgraph(legend) if opts[:circle] and opts[:legend] clattice.to_dot end ## Generate an actual graphic file (Graphviz dot needs to be installed properly) def generate_img(outfile, image_type, opts) dot = generate_dot(opts) isthere_dot = `dot -V 2>&1` if isthere_dot !~ /dot.*version/i showerror("Graphviz's dot program cannot be found.", 1) else if opts[:straight] cmd = "dot | neato -n -T#{image_type} -o#{outfile} 2>rubyfca.log" else cmd = "dot -T#{image_type} -o#{outfile} 2>rubyfca.log" end IO.popen(cmd, 'r+') do |io| io.puts dot end end end end