class Content include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps field :slug, type: String validates :slug, presence: true, uniqueness: true key :slug field :title, type: String validates :title, presence: true field :body, type: Textile # optional html block of text for this content embeds_one :seo, class_name: 'Content::Seo' # optional SEO fields accepts_nested_attributes_for :seo # mongoid BUG see embeds_many :resources, class_name: 'Content::Resource' # optional 1-n resources like images, videos, REST urls, etc accepts_nested_attributes_for :resources # mongoid BUG see recursively_embeds_many # optionaal 1-n embedded child Content objects, the editable field controls if user can change accepts_nested_attributes_for :child_contents # mongoid BUG see # embeds_one :constraint # the constraints of what fields are required, what child objects can be defined and how many, etc. def ancestry parent_content ? parent_content.ancestry << id : [id] end def self.find_by_ancestry(ancestry = nil, id) return self.find(id) unless ancestry parent = Content.find(ancestry.shift) while(parent_slug = ancestry.shift and parent_slug != id) do parent = parent.child_contents.find(parent_slug) end if parent parent.child_contents.find(id) end def child_order=(order) return unless order order = order.split(',') order.each {|e| e.strip!} self.child_contents = self.child_contents.sort_by {|kid| order.find_index( } end def to_param parent_content ? parent_content.to_param + '/' + id : id end class Resource include Mongoid::Document embedded_in :content field :slug, type: String field :uri, type: String # the URI of the entity we're linking to field :content_type, type: String # mime type if there is one end class Seo include Mongoid::Document embedded_in :content field :description, type: String field :keywords, type: String field :metatitle, type: String # validates :description, :keywords, :metatitle, presence: true end end