require 'singleton' require 'yaml' =begin This is a singleton class. You call me this way.. You call me with: Storazzo::RicDiskConfig.instance() Note that being a Singleton, in Unit Tests it's hard to use the /etc/storazzo_config.sample.yaml instead of the real one - yiikes. How do I fix it? Do I unsingleton it? :) Or do I create TWO singletons? :) =end module Storazzo # class Storazzo::Blah # end class Storazzo::RicDiskConfig include Singleton include Storazzo::Common include Storazzo::Colors #@@default_config_location = "~/.storazzo.yaml" DefaultConfigLocation = File.expand_path "~/.storazzo.yaml" # @@default_config_locations = [ # "~/.storazzo.yaml" , # HOME # "./.storazzo.yaml" , # LOCAL DIR # ] DefaultConfigLocations = [ File.expand_path("~/.storazzo.yaml") , # HOME File.expand_path("./.storazzo.yaml") , # LOCAL DIR ] #@@default_gem_location_for_tests DefaultGemLocationForTests = File.expand_path('../../../', __FILE__) + "/etc/storazzo_config.sample.yaml" attr_accessor :config, :config_file, :load_called public # Load from the first valid config. def load(config_path=nil, opts={}) verbose = opts.fetch :verbose, false if already_loaded? # and not self.config.nil? puts "[#{self.class}] VERBOSE load: already loaded" if verbose return self.config end puts "[VERBOSE] Storazzo::RicDiskConfig.load(): BEGIN " if verbose # trying default location raise "DefaultConfigLocation is not a string" unless DefaultConfigLocation.is_a?(String) possible_locations = DefaultConfigLocations # [ @@default_config_location , "./.storazzo.yaml"] puts "DEB possible_locations: #{possible_locations}" if config_path.is_a?(String) #possible_locations = [config_path] + possible_locations # .append() possible_locations = possible_locations.unshift(config_path) # append to front #OR: possible_locations.instert(0, config_path) puts "[LOAD] possible_locations: #{possible_locations}" if verbose end puts "[VERBOSE] Searching these paths in order: #{possible_locations}" if verbose bug "This is not always an array of sTRINGS." raise "possible_locations is not an array" unless possible_locations.is_a?(Array) possible_locations.each do |possible_path| # ASSERT is a string raise "possible_path is not a string" unless possible_path.is_a?(String) deb "before buggy expand_path paz: '#{possible_path}''" paz = File.expand_path(possible_path) rescue possible_path raise "Not a string: #{paz}" unless paz.is_a?(String) if File.exists?(paz) @config_file = paz @config = YAML.load( paz) # YAML.load("file_path")) unless (@config["kind"] == 'StorazzoConfig' rescue false) puts white "RicDiskConfig.load(): Sorry this is wrong Config File. Kind=#{@config["kind"] rescue $!}" next end # #pp @config if verbose config_ver = @config["apiVersion"] #puts @config[:ConfigVersion] deb("OK. Storazzo::RicDiskConfig v'#{config_ver}' parsed correctly") #puts "[VERBOSE] RicDiskConfig.to_s: #{self}" if verbose @load_called = true return self.config end end @load_called = true # only get here if nothing is found raise "No config found across these locations: #{possible_locations}. Consider copying and editing: #{RicDiskConfig.gem_default_config_path}" end # Obsolete, call another class instead. def load_sample_version # puts("Warning! We're destroying the world here. We're taking a Singletong and changing the way it behaves by moving the config file by under her feet. Don't be mad at me if this misbehaves. You saw it coming, my friends. This is why I would NEVER hire you as a Software Developer in my Company.") raise "DEPRECATED! USE SampleRicDiskConfig.load() instead!" # load(DefaultGemLocationForTests, :verbose => true ) end def config_ver raise "I cant compute Version since I cant compute @config. Are you sure you didnt instance this Singleton without calling load?" if @config.nil? @config['apiVersion'] # rescue :StillUnknown #config['ConfigVersion'] end def config_default_folder #self. @config['Config']['DefaultFolder'] #rescue "Unknown config_default_folder: #{$!}" end def already_loaded? #return load_called == true end def to_s size = File.size(@config_file) rescue -1 #puts yellow "DEB: #{@config["apiVersion"]}" #"RicDiskConfig(ver=#{config_ver}, file=#{config_file}), #{white(size)} bytes" # - config_default_folder=#{self.config_default_folder}" "POLY_#{self.class}_(ver=#{config_ver}, file=#{config_file}), #{white(size)} bytes" # - config_default_folder=#{self.config_default_folder}" end def to_verbose_s h = {} h[:description] = "This is a Verbose Hash describing a RicDiskConfig or its child RicDiskSampleConfig to understand why it keeps failing.." h[:to_s] = self.to_s h[:class] = self.class h[:file] = __FILE__ h[:id] = self.object_id h[:get_bucket_paths] = self.get_bucket_paths() h[:get_local_folders] = self.get_local_folders() return h end def get_config(opts={}) return load(opts) if @config.nil? @config end def self.gem_default_config_path Storazzo.root + "/etc/storazzo_config.sample.yaml" end # returns all folders from file which are Directories # This method is FLAKY! Sometimes gives error. # LocalFolderTest#test_show_all_shouldnt_fail_and_should_return_a_non_empty_array: # TypeError: no implicit conversion of Hash into String # /Users/ricc/git/storazzo/lib/storazzo/ric_disk_config.rb:38:in `expand_path' # /Users/ricc/git/storazzo/lib/storazzo/ric_disk_config.rb:38:in `block in load' # /Users/ricc/git/storazzo/lib/storazzo/ric_disk_config.rb:37:in `each' # /Users/ricc/git/storazzo/lib/storazzo/ric_disk_config.rb:37:in `load' # /Users/ricc/git/storazzo/lib/storazzo/ric_disk_config.rb:83:in `get_config' # /Users/ricc/git/storazzo/lib/storazzo/ric_disk_config.rb:95:in `get_local_folders' def get_local_folders config = get_config #puts config['Config']['AdditionalMountDirs'] config['Config']['AdditionalMountDirs'].map{|folder| File.expand_path(folder) rescue folder # TypeError: no implicit conversion of Hash into String }.filter{|f|} end def get_bucket_paths get_config['Config']['Backends']['GoogleCloudStorage']['BucketPaths'].map{|complex_gcs_struct| complex_gcs_struct['path']} end # UGLY CODE, copipasted from binary for ARGV, ex autosbrodola def iterate_through_file_list_for_disks(files_list=[], opts={}) verbose = opts.fetch :verbose, true # I decided i wont accept an emopty list, this is not how you use the gem, you lazy XXX! # if files_list == [] # or files_list.nil? # empty -> ALL # deb "iterate_through_file_list_for_disks(): no args provided" # dirs = RicDisk.find_active_dirs() # puts "DEB find_active_dirs: #{green dirs}" # dirs.each {|dir| # RicDisk.write_config_yaml_to_disk(dir) # RicDisk.calculate_stats_files(dir) # dir is inutile # } # TODO refactor in option sbrodola_afterwards=true. :) # else raise "Wrong input, I need an array here: #{files_list} " unless files_list.is_a?(Array) puts "iterate_through_file_list_for_disks(): I consider files_list as a list of directories to parse :)" if verbose #dirs = RicDisk.find_active_dirs() files_list.each do |dir| dir = File.expand_path(dir) if #if dirs.include?(dir) puts "iterate_through_file_list_for_disks() Legit dir: #{green dir}" if verbose rd = puts "RicDisk: #{rd}" rd.write_config_yaml_to_disk(dir) #RicDisk.write_config_yaml_to_disk(dir) #RicDisk.calculate_stats_files (CLASS) => will become OBJECT compute_stats_files rd.compute_stats_files() # dir is inutile # TODO else raise("Doesnt seem a dir to me, quitting: #{dir}") end end #end end #/iterate_through_file_list_for_disks def config_hash config['Config'] end def self.get_config self.instance.load unless self.instance.load_called self.instance.get_config end end # class Storazzo::RicDiskConfig end # module Storazzo