shared_examples_for 'a parser' do let(:parser) { subject || } it 'has a root node' do expect(parser.root).to be_a Krikri::Parser::Value end it 'has a record' do expect(parser.record).to eql record end describe '#parse' do let(:args) { [1, 2, 3] } it 'wraps a record in this parser' do expect(described_class.parse(record)).to be_a described_class end it 'uses parser args' do expect(described_class) .to receive(:new).with(record, *args).and_return(:parsed) expect(described_class.parse(record, *args)).to eq :parsed end it 'returns the record if already parsed' do expect(described_class.parse(parser)).to eq parser end end end shared_examples_for 'a parser value' do let(:value) { subject || } let(:child) { value.children.first } let(:attr) { value.attributes.first } describe '#children' do it 'has children' do expect(value.children).to all(be_a(String)) end end describe '#[]' do it 'gives a ValueArray' do expect(value[child]).to be_a Krikri::Parser::ValueArray end it 'retrieves a child node' do expect(value[child]).to include(an_instance_of(described_class)) end it 'gives an empty ValueArray for non-nodes' do expect(value['fake']).to be_empty end end describe '#child?' do it 'knows its children' do expect(value.child?(child)).to be true end it 'knows its non-children' do expect(value.child?(:fake)).to be false end end describe '#value' do it 'gives a datatype representation' do expect(value[child].first.value).to respond_to :to_s end end describe '#values?' do it 'has typed values' do expect(value[child].first.values?).to be true end end end shared_examples_for 'a parser value that has attributes' do let(:value) { subject || } let(:child) { value.children.first } let(:attr) { value.attributes.first } describe '#attributes' do it 'has an attribute list as symbols' do expect(value.attributes).to all(be_a(Symbol)) end end describe '#attribute?' do it 'knows its attributes' do expect(value.attribute?(attr)).to be true end it 'knows its non-attributes' do expect(value.attribute?(:fake)).to be false end end describe 'attribute accessors' do it 'responds to attributes with #method_missing' do expect(value.send(attr)).to respond_to :to_s end it 'raises not found if attribute does not exist' do expect { value.send(:fake) }.to raise_error NoMethodError end end end