require 'calabash-cucumber' module Briar module Alerts_and_Sheets # of interest # touch("view:'_UIModalItemAlertContentView' descendant view:'_UIModalItemTableViewCell' marked:'OK'") def alert_exists? (alert_id=nil) if device.ios7? res = send_uia_command command: 'uia.alert() != null' res['value'] else if alert_id.nil? !query('alertView').empty? else !query("alertView marked:'#{alert_id}'").empty? end end end def should_see_alert (alert_id=nil) unless alert_exists? alert_id if alert_id.nil? screenshot_and_raise 'should see alert view' else screenshot_and_raise "should see alert view marked '#{alert_id}'" end end end def should_not_see_alert (alert_id=nil) if alert_exists? alert_id if alert_id.nil? screenshot_and_raise 'should not see alert view' else screenshot_and_raise "should not see alert view marked '#{alert_id}'" end end end def should_see_alert_with_title (title, timeout=BRIAR_WAIT_TIMEOUT) if device.ios7? warn 'WARN: cannot distinguish between alert titles and messages' should_see_alert if uia_query(:view, marked: "#{title}").empty? screenshot_and_raise "expected to see alert with title '#{title}'" end else qstr = 'alertView child label' msg = "waited for '#{timeout}' for alert with title '#{title}'" wait_for(:timeout => timeout, :retry_frequency => BRIAR_WAIT_RETRY_FREQ, :post_timeout => BRIAR_WAIT_STEP_PAUSE, :timeout_message => msg) do query(qstr, :text).include?(title) end end end def should_see_alert_with_message (message, timeout=BRIAR_WAIT_TIMEOUT) if device.ios7? warn 'WARN: cannot distinguish between alert titles and messages' should_see_alert if uia_query(:view, marked: "#{message}").empty? screenshot_and_raise "expected to see alert with title '#{message}'" end else qstr = 'alertView child label' msg = "waited for '#{timeout}' for alert with message '#{message}'" wait_for(:timeout => timeout, :retry_frequency => BRIAR_WAIT_RETRY_FREQ, :post_timeout => BRIAR_WAIT_STEP_PAUSE, :timeout_message => msg) do query(qstr, :text).include?(message) end end end def alert_button_exists? (button_id) if device.ios7? should_see_alert not uia_query(:view, marked: "#{button_id}").empty? else query('alertView child button child label', :text).include?(button_id) end end def should_see_alert_button (button_id) unless alert_button_exists? button_id screenshot_and_raise "could not find alert view with button '#{button_id}'" end end def dismiss_alert_with_button (button_label) touch_alert_button(button_label) if device.ios7? wait_for_view_to_disappear button_label else wait_for_view_to_disappear 'alertView' end end def touch_alert_button(button_title) should_see_alert if device.ios7? touch("view marked:'#{button_title}'") else touch("alertView child button marked:'#{button_title}'") end step_pause end end end