=begin locale/driver/jruby.rb Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Masao Mutoh You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same license terms as Ruby. Original: Ruby-GetText-Package-1.92.0. $Id: jruby.rb 27 2008-12-03 15:06:50Z mutoh $ =end require 'locale/driver/env' require 'java' module Locale module Driver # Locale::Driver::JRuby module for JRuby # Detect the user locales and the charset. # This is a low-level class. Application shouldn't use this directly. module JRuby $stderr.puts self.name + " is loaded." if $DEBUG if java.lang.System.getProperties['os.name'].downcase =~ /windows/ require 'locale/driver/win32_table' extend ::Locale::Driver::Win32Table end module_function def locales #:nodoc: locales = ::Locale::Driver::Env.locales unless locales locale = java.util.Locale.getDefault locales = TagList.new([Locale::Tag::Common.new(locale.getLanguage, nil, locale.getCountry, [locale.getVariant])]) end locales end def charset charset = ::Locale::Driver::Env.charset unless charset charset = java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset.name end charset end end end @@locale_driver_module = Driver::JRuby end