# Postmark Gem [](https://travis-ci.org/wildbit/postmark-gem) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/wildbit/postmark-gem) This gem is the official wrapper for the [Postmark HTTP API](http://postmarkapp.com). Postmark allows you to send your application's emails with high delivery rates, including bounce/spam processing and detailed statistics. In addition, Postmark can parse incoming emails which are forwarded back to your application. ## Install the gem With Bundler: ``` ruby gem 'postmark' ``` Without Bundler: ``` bash gem install postmark ``` ## Get a Postmark API token In order to send emails using Postmark ruby gem, you will need a [Postmark](http://postmarkapp.com) account. If you don't have one please register at https://postmarkapp.com/sign_up. If you didn’t create any servers yet, please create one, proceed to the `Credentials` tab and copy an API token. API tokens should be frequently rotated for security reasons. ## Communicating with the API Make sure you have a [sender signature](https://postmarkapp.com/signatures) for every From email address you specify. Create an instance of `Postmark::ApiClient` to start sending emails. ``` ruby your_api_token = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' client = Postmark::ApiClient.new(your_api_token) ``` `Postmark::ApiClient` accepts various options: ``` ruby client = Postmark::ApiClient.new(your_api_token, http_open_timeout: 15) ``` Some useful options are: * `secure` (`true` or `false`): set to false to disable SSL connection. * `http_read_timeout` (positive number): limit HTTP read time to `n` seconds. * `http_open_timeout` (positive number): limit HTTP open time to `n` seconds. * `proxy_host` (string): proxy address to use. * `proxy_port` (positive number): proxy port to use. * `proxy_user` (string): proxy user. * `proxy_pass` (string): proxy password. ## Sending a plain text message ``` ruby client.deliver(from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Re: Come on, Sheldon. It will be fun.', text_body: 'That\'s what you said about the Green Lantern ' \ 'movie. You were 114 minutes of wrong.') # => {:to=>"Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T02:45:16.2059023-04:00", :message_id=>"b2b268e3-6a70-xxxx-b897-49c9eb8b1d2e", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Sending an HTML message with open tracking Simply pass an HTML document as html_body parameter to `#deliver`. You can also enable open tracking by setting `track_opens` to `true`. ``` ruby client.deliver(from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?', html_body: '<p>Any group big enough to trample me to death. ' \ 'General rule of thumb is 36 adults or 70 ' \ 'children.</p>', track_opens: true) # => {:to=>"Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T02:51:08.8789433-04:00", :message_id=>"75c28987-564e-xxxx-b6eb-e8071873ac06", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Sending a message with link tracking To track visited links for emails you send, make sure to have links in html_body, text_body or both when passing them to `#deliver`. You need to enable link tracking by setting `track_links` parameter to one of the following options: `:html_only`, `:text_only`, `:html_and_text` or `:none`. Depending on parameter you set, link tracking will be enabled on plain text body, html body, both or none. Optionally you can also use string values as parameters 'HtmlOnly', 'TextOnly', 'HtmlAndText' or 'None'. ``` ruby client.deliver(from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?', html_body: '<p>Any group big enough to trample me to death. ' \ 'General <a href="http://www.example.com">rule of thumb</a> is 36 adults or 70 ' \ 'children.</p>', text_body: 'Any group big enough to trample me to death. General rule of thumb is 36 adults or 70 children - http://www.example.com.', track_links: :html_and_text) # => {:to=>"Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T02:51:08.8789433-04:00", :message_id=>"75c28987-564e-xxxx-b6eb-e8071873ac06", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Sending a message with metadata To send metadata for emails you send, all you need to do is provide metadata for your messages in form of hash map. ``` ruby client.deliver(from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?', html_body: '<p>Any group big enough to trample me to death. ' \ 'General <a href="http://www.example.com">rule of thumb</a> is 36 adults or 70 ' \ 'children.</p>', text_body: 'Any group big enough to trample me to death. General rule of thumb is 36 adults or 70 children - http://www.example.com.', metadata: {'Example1' => 'value', 'Example2' => 'value'}) # => {:to=>"Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T02:51:08.8789433-04:00", :message_id=>"75c28987-564e-xxxx-b6eb-e8071873ac06", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Sending a message with attachments You can add [attachments](http://developer.postmarkapp.com/developer-build.html#attachments) to your messages. Keep in mind message size limit (contents and attachment) is currently 10 MB. For inline attachments it is possible to specify content IDs via the `content_id` attribute. ``` ruby client.deliver(from: 'leonard@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Dr. Sheldon Cooper <sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Have you seen these pictures of yours?', text_body: 'You look like a real geek!', html_body: '<p>You look like a real geek!</p><center><img src="cid:42"></center>', attachments: [File.open('1.jpeg'), {name: 'sheldon.jpeg', content: [File.read('2.jpeg')].pack('m'), content_type: 'image/jpeg'}, {name: 'logo.png', content: [File.read('1.png')].pack('m'), content_type: 'image/png', content_id: 'cid:42'}]) # => {:to=>"Dr. Sheldon Cooper <sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T02:56:12.2828813-04:00", :message_id=>"8ec0d283-8b93-xxxx-9d65-241d1777cf0f", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Sending a multipart message ``` ruby client.deliver(from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Re: Anything Can Happen Thursday', text_body: 'Apparently the news didn\'t reach my digestive ' \ 'system, which when startled has it\'s own version ' \ 'of "Anything Can Happen Thursday"', html_body: '<p>Apparently the news didn’t reach my ' \ 'digestive system, which when startled has ' \ 'it’s own version of “Anything Can '\ 'Happen Thursday”</p>') # => {:to=>"Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T02:58:00.089828-04:00", :message_id=>"bc973458-1315-xxxx-b295-6aa0a2b631ac", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Tagging messages You can categorize outgoing email using the optional `:tag` property. If you use different tags for the different types of emails your application generates, you will be able to get detailed statistics for them through the Postmark user interface. ``` ruby client.deliver(from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Re: You cleaned my apartment???', text_body: 'I couldn\'t sleep knowing that just outside my ' \ 'bedroom is our living room and just outside our ' \ 'living room is that hallway and immediately adjacent ' \ 'to that hallway is this!', tag: 'confidential') # => {:to=>"Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T03:00:55.4454938-04:00", :message_id=>"34aed4b3-3a95-xxxx-bd1d-88064909cc93", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Sending to multiple recipients You can pass multiple recipient addresses in the `:to` field and the optional `:cc` and `:bcc` fields. Note that Postmark has a limit of 50 recipients per message in total. You need to take care not to exceed that limit. Otherwise, you will get an error. ``` ruby client.deliver(from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: ['Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>', 'Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>'], cc: ['Dr. Koothrappali <raj@bigbangtheory.com>'], bcc: 'secretsheldonstorage@bigbangtheory.com', subject: 'Re: Come on, Sheldon. It will be fun.', text_body: 'That\'s what you said about the Green Lantern ' \ 'movie. You were 114 minutes of wrong.') # => {:to=>"Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>, Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T05:04:16.3247488-04:00", :message_id=>"d647c5d6-xxxx-466d-9411-557dcd5c2297", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Sending a templated email If you have a [template created](https://github.com/wildbit/postmark-gem/wiki/The-Templates-API-support) in Postmark you can send an email using that template. ``` ruby client.deliver_with_template(from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>', template_id: 123, template_model: { name: 'Penny', message: 'Bazinga!' }) # => {:to=>"Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T03:00:55.4454938-04:00", :message_id=>"34aed4b3-3a95-xxxx-bd1d-88064909cc93", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"} ``` ## Sending in batches While Postmark is focused on transactional email, we understand that developers with higher volumes or processing time constraints need to send their messages in batches. To facilitate this we provide a batching endpoint that permits you to send up to 500 well-formed Postmark messages in a single API call. ``` ruby messages = [] messages << {from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Re: Come on, Sheldon. It will be fun.', text_body: 'That\'s what you said about the Green Lantern ' \ 'movie. You were 114 minutes of wrong.'} messages << {from: 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com', to: 'Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>', subject: 'Re: You cleaned my apartment???', text_body: 'I couldn\'t sleep knowing that just outside my ' \ 'bedroom is our living room and just outside our ' \ 'living room is that hallway and immediately ' \ 'adjacent to that hallway is this!', tag: 'confidential'} client.deliver_in_batches(messages) # => [{:to=>"Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T05:19:16.3361118-04:00", :message_id=>"247e43a9-6b0d-4914-a87f-7b74bf76b5cb", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"}, {:to=>"Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-09T05:19:16.3517099-04:00", :message_id=>"26467642-f169-4da8-87a8-b89154067dfb", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"}] ``` ## Parsing inbound Inbound processing allows you (or your users) to send emails to Postmark, which we then process and deliver to you via a web hook in a nicely formatted JSON document. Here is a simple Ruby/Sinatra application that does basic inbound processing. ``` ruby logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) class Comment attr_accessor :attributes def self.create_from_inbound_hook(message) self.new(:text => message["TextBody"], :user_email => message["From"], :discussion_id => message["MailboxHash"]) end def initialize(attributes={}) @attributes = attributes end end post '/inbound' do request.body.rewind comment = Comment.create_from_inbound_hook(Postmark::Json.decode(request.body.read)) logger.info comment.inspect end ``` If you don’t like that the fields of the Inbound JSON document are all in CamelCase, you can use the `Postmark::Inbound.to_ruby_hash` method to give it some Ruby flavor. ``` postmark_hash = Postmark::Json.decode(request.body.read) ruby_hash = Postmark::Inbound.to_ruby_hash(postmark_hash) # => {:from=>"myUser@theirDomain.com", :from_full=>{:email=>"myUser@theirDomain.com", :name=>"John Doe"}, :to=>"451d9b70cf9364d23ff6f9d51d870251569e+ahoy@inbound.postmarkapp.com", :to_full=>[{:email=>"451d9b70cf9364d23ff6f9d51d870251569e+ahoy@inbound.postmarkapp.com", :name=>""}], :cc=>"\"Full name\" <sample.cc@emailDomain.com>, \"Another Cc\" <another.cc@emailDomain.com>", :cc_full=>[{:email=>"sample.cc@emailDomain.com", :name=>"Full name"}, {:email=>"another.cc@emailDomain.com", :name=>"Another Cc"}], :reply_to=>"myUsersReplyAddress@theirDomain.com", :subject=>"This is an inbound message", :message_id=>"22c74902-a0c1-4511-804f2-341342852c90", :date=>"Thu, 5 Apr 2012 16:59:01 +0200", :mailbox_hash=>"ahoy", :text_body=>"[ASCII]", :html_body=>"[HTML(encoded)]", :tag=>"", :headers=>[{:name=>"X-Spam-Checker-Version", :value=>"SpamAssassin 3.3.1 (2010-03-16) onrs-ord-pm-inbound1.wildbit.com"}, {:name=>"X-Spam-Status", :value=>"No"}, {:name=>"X-Spam-Score", :value=>"-0.1"}, {:name=>"X-Spam-Tests", :value=>"DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,SPF_PASS"}, {:name=>"Received-SPF", :value=>"Pass (sender SPF authorized) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=mail-gy0-f180.google.com; envelope-from=myUser@theirDomain.com; receiver=451d9b70cf9364d23ff6f9d51d870251569e+ahoy@inbound.postmarkapp.com"}, {:name=>"DKIM-Signature", :value=>"v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=wildbit.com; s=google; h=mime-version:reply-to:date:message-id:subject:from:to:cc :content-type; bh=cYr/+oQiklaYbBJOQU3CdAnyhCTuvemrU36WT7cPNt0=; b=QsegXXbTbC4CMirl7A3VjDHyXbEsbCUTPL5vEHa7hNkkUTxXOK+dQA0JwgBHq5C+1u iuAJMz+SNBoTqEDqte2ckDvG2SeFR+Edip10p80TFGLp5RucaYvkwJTyuwsA7xd78NKT Q9ou6L1hgy/MbKChnp2kxHOtYNOrrszY3JfQM="}, {:name=>"MIME-Version", :value=>"1.0"}, {:name=>"Message-ID", :value=>"<CAGXpo2WKfxHWZ5UFYCR3H_J9SNMG+5AXUovfEFL6DjWBJSyZaA@mail.gmail.com>"}], :attachments=>[{:name=>"myimage.png", :content=>"[BASE64-ENCODED CONTENT]", :content_type=>"image/png", :content_length=>4096}, {:name=>"mypaper.doc", :content=>"[BASE64-ENCODED CONTENT]", :content_type=>"application/msword", :content_length=>16384}]} ``` ## Working with bounces Use `#get_bounces` to retrieve a list of bounces (use `:count` and `:offset` parameters to control pagination). ``` ruby client.get_bounces(count: 1, offset: 0) # => [{:id=>654714902, :type=>"Transient", :type_code=>2, :name=>"Message delayed", :message_id=>"1fdf3729-xxxx-4d5c-8a7b-96da7a23268b", :description=>"The server could not temporarily deliver your message (ex: Message is delayed due to network troubles).", :details=>"action: failed\r\n", :email=>"tema@wildbit.org", :bounced_at=>"2013-04-10T01:01:35.0965184-04:00", :dump_available=>true, :inactive=>false, :can_activate=>true, :subject=>"bounce test"}] ``` Use `#get_bounced_tags` to retrieve a list of tags used for bounced emails. ``` ruby client.get_bounced_tags # => ["confidential"] ``` Use `#get_bounce` to get info for a specific bounce using ID: ``` ruby client.get_bounce(654714902) # => {:id=>654714902, :type=>"Transient", :type_code=>2, :name=>"Message delayed", :message_id=>"1fdf3729-xxxx-xxxx-8a7b-96da7a23268b", :description=>"The server could not temporarily deliver your message (ex: Message is delayed due to network troubles).", :details=>"action: failed\r\n", :email=>"tema@wildbit.com", :bounced_at=>"2013-04-10T01:01:35.0965184-04:00", :dump_available=>true, :inactive=>false, :can_activate=>true, :subject=>"bounce test", :content=>"..."} ``` Use `#dump_bounce` to get the full bounce body: ``` ruby client.dump_bounce(654714902) # => {:body=>"Return-Path: <>\r\nReceived: from m1.mtasv.net ( by sc-ord-mail2.mtasv.net id hcjov61jk5ko for <pm_bounces@pm.mtasv.net>; Wed, 10 Apr 2013 01:00:35 -0400 (envelope-from <>)\r\nDate: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 01:00:48 -0400\r\nFrom: postmaster@m1.mtasv.net\r\n..."} ``` There is a `#bounces` enumerator to take the underlying complexity off of your shoulders. Use it to iterate over all of your bounces. ``` ruby client.bounces.first(5) # => [{...}, {...}] ``` You can activate email addresses that were disabled due to a hard bounce by using `#activate_bounce`: ``` ruby client.activate_bounce(654714902) # => {:id=>654714902, :type=>"Transient", :type_code=>2, :name=>"Message delayed", :message_id=>"1fdf3729-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-96da7a23268b", :description=>"The server could not temporarily deliver your message (ex: Message is delayed due to network troubles).", :details=>"action: failed\r\n", :email=>"tema@wildbit.com", :bounced_at=>"2013-04-10T01:01:35.0965184-04:00", :dump_available=>true, :inactive=>false, :can_activate=>true, :subject=>"bounce test"} ``` ## Getting delivery stats Currently delivery stats only include a summary of inactive emails and bounces by type. ``` ruby stats = client.delivery_stats # => {:inactive_mails=>1, :bounces=>[{:name=>"All", :count=>3}, {:type=>"HardBounce", :name=>"Hard bounce", :count=>2}, {:type=>"Transient", :name=>"Message delayed", :count=>1}]} ``` ## Server Info The gem also allows you to read and update the server info: ``` ruby client.server_info # => {:name=>"Testing", :color=>"blue", :bounce_hook_url=>"", :inbound_hash=>"c2ffffff74f8643e5f6086c81", :inbound_hook_url=>"", :smtp_api_activated=>true} ``` For example, you can use `#update_server_info` to set inbound hook URL: ``` ruby client.update_server_info inbound_hook_url: 'http://example.org/bounces' ``` # Using Postmark with the [Mail](http://rubygems.org/gems/mail) library You can use Postmark with the `mail` gem. ``` bash gem install mail ``` Make sure you have a [sender signature](https://postmarkapp.com/signatures) for every `From` email address you specify. To send a `Mail::Message` via Postmark you’ll need to specify `Mail::Postmark` as a delivery method for the message: ``` ruby message = Mail.new do # ... delivery_method Mail::Postmark, api_token: 'your-postmark-api-token' end ``` Delivery method accepts all options supported by `Postmark::ApiClient` documented above. A new instance of `Postmark::ApiClient` is created every time you deliver a message to preserve thread safety. If you would prefer to use Postmark as the default delivery method for all `Mail::Message` instances, you can call `Mail.defaults` method during the initialization step of your app: ``` ruby Mail.defaults do delivery_method Mail::Postmark, api_token: 'your-postmark-api-token' end ``` ## Plain text message ``` ruby require 'rubygems' require 'postmark' require 'mail' require 'json' message = Mail.new do from 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Re: Come on, Sheldon. It will be fun.' body 'That\'s what you said about the Green Lantern movie. You' \ 'were 114 minutes of wrong.' delivery_method Mail::Postmark, :api_token => 'your-postmark-api-token' end message.deliver # => #<Mail::Message:70355890541720, Multipart: false, Headers: <From: sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>, <To: leonard@bigbangtheory.com>, <Message-ID: e439fec0-4c89-475b-b3fc-eb446249a051>, <Subject: Re: Come on, Sheldon. It will be fun.>> ``` ## HTML message (with open tracking) Notice that we set `track_opens` field to `true`, to enable open tracking for this message. ``` ruby require 'rubygems' require 'postmark' require 'mail' require 'json' message = Mail.new do from 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?' content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' body '<p>Any group big enough to trample me to death. General ' \ 'rule of thumb is 36 adults or 70 children.</p>' track_opens true delivery_method Mail::Postmark, :api_token => 'your-postmark-api-token' end message.deliver # => #<Mail::Message:70355902117460, Multipart: false, Headers: <From: sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>, <To: leonard@bigbangtheory.com>, <Message-ID: 3a9370a2-6c24-4304-a03c-320a54cc59f7>, <Subject: Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?>, <Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8>> ``` ## Multipart message (with link tracking) Notice that we set `track_links` field to `:html_and_text`, to enable link tracking for both plain text and html parts for this message. ``` ruby require 'rubygems' require 'postmark' require 'mail' require 'json' message = Mail.new do from 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?' text_part do body 'Any group big enough to trample me to death. General rule of thumb is 36 adults or 70 children - http://www.example.com.' end html_part do content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' body '<p>Any group big enough to trample me to death. ' \ 'General <a href="http://www.example.com">rule of thumb</a> is 36 adults or 70 ' \ 'children.</p>' end track_links :html_and_text delivery_method Mail::Postmark, :api_token => 'your-postmark-api-token' end message.deliver # => #<Mail::Message:70355902117460, Multipart: true, Headers: <From: sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>, <To: leonard@bigbangtheory.com>, <Message-ID: 1a1370a1-6c21-4304-a03c-320a54cc59f7>, <Subject: Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?>, <Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=--==_mimepart_58380d6029b17_20543fd48543fa14977a>, <TRACK-LINKS: HtmlAndText>> ``` ## Message with metadata ``` ruby message = Mail.new do from 'leonard@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Dr. Sheldon Cooper <sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Have you seen these pictures of yours?' body 'You look like a real geek!' add_file '1.jpeg' metadata {"Example1"=>"value","Example2"=>"value"} delivery_method Mail::Postmark, :api_token => 'your-postmark-api-token' end message.deliver # => #<Mail::Message:70185826686240, Multipart: true, Headers: <From: leonard@bigbangtheory.com>, <To: sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>, <Message-ID: ba644cc1-b5b1-4bcb-aaf8-2f290b5aad80>, <Subject: Have you seen these pictures of yours?>, <Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=--==_mimepart_5121f9f1ec653_12c53fd569035ad817726>> ``` ## Message with attachments ``` ruby message = Mail.new do from 'leonard@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Dr. Sheldon Cooper <sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Have you seen these pictures of yours?' body 'You look like a real geek!' add_file '1.jpeg' delivery_method Mail::Postmark, :api_token => 'your-postmark-api-token' end message.attachments['sheldon.jpeg'] = File.read('2.jpeg') message.deliver # => #<Mail::Message:70185826686240, Multipart: true, Headers: <From: leonard@bigbangtheory.com>, <To: sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>, <Message-ID: ba644cc1-b5b1-4bcb-aaf8-2f290b5aad80>, <Subject: Have you seen these pictures of yours?>, <Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=--==_mimepart_5121f9f1ec653_12c53fd569035ad817726>> ``` You can also make an attachment inline: ``` ruby message.attachments.inline['sheldon.jpeg'] = File.read('2.jpeg') ``` Then simply use `Mail::Part#url` method to reference it from your email body. ``` erb <p><img src="<%= message.attachments['sheldon.jpeg'].url %>" alt="Dr. Sheldon Cooper"></p> ``` ## Multipart message You can send multipart messages containing both text and HTML using the Postmark gem. ``` ruby require 'rubygems' require 'postmark' require 'mail' require 'json' message = Mail.new do from 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Re: Anything Can Happen Thursday' delivery_method Mail::Postmark, :api_token => 'your-postmark-api-token' text_part do body 'Apparently the news didn\'t reach my digestive system,' \ ' which when startled has it\'s own version of "Anything' \ ' Can Happen Thursday"' end html_part do content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' body '<p>Apparently the news didn’t reach my digestive ' \ 'system, which when startled has it’s own version ' \ 'of “Anything Can Happen Thursday”</p>' end end message.deliver # => #<Mail::Message:70355901588620, Multipart: true, Headers: <From: sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>, <To: leonard@bigbangtheory.com>, <Message-ID: cadba131-f6d6-4cfc-9892-16ee738ba54c>, <Subject: Re: Anything Can Happen Thursday>, <Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=--==_mimepart_50ef7a6234a69_a4c73ffd01035adc207b8>> ``` ## Tagged message Postmark also lets you tag your messages. ``` ruby require 'rubygems' require 'postmark' require 'mail' require 'json' message = Mail.new do from 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Re: You cleaned my apartment???' body 'I couldn\'t sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom is ' \ 'our living room and just outside our living room is that ' \ 'hallway and immediately adjacent to that hallway is this!' tag 'confidential' delivery_method Mail::Postmark, :api_token => 'your-postmark-api-token' end message.deliver # => #<Mail::Message:70168327829580, Multipart: false, Headers: <From: sheldon@bigbangtheory.com>, <To: penny@bigbangtheory.com>, <Message-ID: af2570fd-3481-4b45-8b27-a249806d891a>, <Subject: Re: You cleaned my apartment???>, <TAG: confidential>> ``` ## Sending in batches You can also send `Mail::Message` objects in batches. Create an instance of `Postmark::ApiClient` as described in "Communicating with the API" section. ``` ruby messages = [] messages << Mail.new do from 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Leonard Hofstadter <leonard@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Re: Come on, Sheldon. It will be fun.' body 'That\'s what you said about the Green Lantern movie. You' \ 'were 114 minutes of wrong.' end messages << Mail.new do from 'sheldon@bigbangtheory.com' to 'Penny <penny@bigbangtheory.com>' subject 'Re: You cleaned my apartment???' body 'I couldn\'t sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom is ' \ 'our living room and just outside our living room is that ' \ 'hallway and immediately adjacent to that hallway is this!' tag 'confidential' end client.deliver_messages(messages) # => [{:to=>"leonard@bigbangtheory.com", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-10T01:59:29.830486-04:00", :message_id=>"8ad0e8b0-xxxx-xxxx-951d-223c581bb467", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"}, {:to=>"penny@bigbangtheory.com", :submitted_at=>"2013-05-10T01:59:29.830486-04:00", :message_id=>"33c6240c-xxxx-xxxx-b0df-40bdfcf4e0f7", :error_code=>0, :message=>"OK"}] ``` After delivering a batch you can check on each message’s delivery status: ``` ruby messages.first.delivered? # => true messages.all?(&:delivered) # => true ``` Or even get a related Postmark response: ``` ruby messages.first.postmark_response # => {"To"=>"leonard@bigbangtheory.com", "SubmittedAt"=>"2013-05-10T01:59:29.830486-04:00", "MessageID"=>"8ad0e8b0-xxxx-xxxx-951d-223c581bb467", "ErrorCode"=>0, "Message"=>"OK"} ``` ## Accessing Postmark Message-ID You might want to save identifiers of messages you send. Postmark provides you with a unique Message-ID, which you can [use to retrieve bounces](http://blog.postmarkapp.com/post/24970994681/using-messageid-to-retrieve-bounces) later. This example shows you how to access the Message-ID of a sent email message. ``` ruby message = Mail.new # ... message.deliver message['Message-ID'] # => cadba131-f6d6-4cfc-9892-16ee738ba54c message.message_id # => "cadba131-f6d6-4cfc-9892-16ee738ba54c" ``` # Exploring Other Gem Features ## The Account API Support Postmark allows you to automatically scale your sending infrastructure with the Account API. Learn how in the [Account API Support](https://github.com/wildbit/postmark-gem/wiki/The-Account-API-Support) guide. ## The Triggers API Support [The Triggers API](https://github.com/wildbit/postmark-gem/wiki/The-Triggers-API-Support) can be used to tell Postmark to automatically track opens for all messages with a certain tag. ## The Messages API Support If you ever need to access your messages or their metadata (i.e. open tracking info), [the Messages API](https://github.com/wildbit/postmark-gem/wiki/The-Messages-API-support) is a great place to start. ## The Templates API Support [The Templates API](https://github.com/wildbit/postmark-gem/wiki/The-Templates-API-support) can be used to fully manage your templates. ## The Stats API Support [The Stats API](https://github.com/wildbit/postmark-gem/wiki/The-Stats-API-support) can be used to access statistics on your emails sent by date and tag. ## ActiveModel-like Interface For Bounces To provide an interface similar to ActiveModel for bounces, the Postmark gem adds `Postmark::Bounce` class. This class uses the shared `Postmark::ApiClient` instance configured through the Postmark module. ``` ruby require 'rubygems' require 'postmark' require 'mail' require 'json' Postmark.response_parser_class = :Json Postmark.api_token = 'your-postmark-api-token' # Get bounces information: (array of bounce objects) Postmark::Bounce.all # => [#<Postmark::Bounce:0x007ff09c04ae18 @id=580516117, @email="sheldon@bigbangtheory.com", @bounced_at=2012-10-21 00:01:56 +0800, @type="HardBounce", @name=nil, @details="smtp;550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. Learn more at http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=6596 c13si5382730vcw.23", @tag=nil, @dump_available=false, @inactive=true, @can_activate=true, @message_id="876d40fe-ab2a-4925-9d6f-8d5e4f4926f5", @subject="Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?">] # Find specific bounce by id: bounce = Postmark::Bounce.find(5) # => #<Postmark::Bounce:0x007ff09c04ae18 @id=580516117, @email="sheldon@bigbangtheory.com", @bounced_at=2012-10-21 00:01:56 +0800, @type="HardBounce", @name=nil, @details="smtp;550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. Learn more at http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=6596 c13si5382730vcw.23", @tag=nil, @dump_available=false, @inactive=true, @can_activate=true, @message_id="876d40fe-ab2a-4925-9d6f-8d5e4f4926f5", @subject="Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?"> bounce.dump # string, containing raw SMTP data # => "Return-Path: <>\r\nDate: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 01:00:04 -0400\r\nFrom: postmaster@p1.mtasv.net\r\n..." bounce.activate # reactivate hard bounce # => #<Postmark::Bounce:0x007ff09c04ae18 @id=580516117, @email="sheldon@bigbangtheory.com", @bounced_at=2012-10-21 00:01:56 +0800, @type="HardBounce", @name=nil, @details="smtp;550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. Learn more at http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=6596 c13si5382730vcw.23", @tag=nil, @dump_available=false, @inactive=true, @can_activate=true, @message_id="876d40fe-ab2a-4925-9d6f-8d5e4f4926f5", @subject="Re: What, to you, is a large crowd?"> ``` ## Error handling For the gem version `1.11.0` and above, use the following template to handle the errors you care about: ``` ruby def handle_postmark_errors # Any Postmark request yield error rescue Postmark::InvalidApiKeyError => error # Authentication error # TODO: Make sure your API token is correct puts error error rescue Postmark::TimeoutError => error # Network timeout, auto-retried :max_retries times # TODO: Save message locally, try again once the network issues are resolved # Consider increasing `http_open_timeout` and `http_read_timeout`. puts error error rescue Postmark::InternalServerError => error # Postmark server error, auto-retried :max_retries times # TODO: Save message locally, try again later. puts error error rescue Postmark::HttpClientError => error # Corrupted response from Postmark, auto-retried :max_retries times # TODO: Save message locally, try again later. puts error error rescue Postmark::InactiveRecipientError => error # You tried to send to one or more recipients marked as inactive in # Postmark # TODO: Mark listed recipients as inactive in your local db or reactivate # using the Bounces API puts "Inactive recipients: #{error.recipients.join(', ')}" puts error error rescue Postmark::ApiInputError => error # Postmark rejected your request as invalid # TODO: Look up the error code and resolve the problem in your app # List of supported error codes: # https://postmarkapp.com/developer/api/overview#error-codes puts "#{error.error_code} #{error.message}" puts error error rescue Postmark::Error => error # All other Postmark errors # TODO: Log and review as needed puts error error rescue Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, EOFError, Net::ProtocolError, SocketError => error # Standard Ruby network errors, auto-retried :max_reties times # TODO: Save message locally, resolve network issues, try again. puts error error end ``` ## Requirements You will need a Postmark account, server and sender signature set up to use it. If you plan using it in a Rails project, check out the [postmark-rails](https://github.com/wildbit/postmark-rails/) gem, which is meant to integrate with ActionMailer. The plugin will try to use ActiveSupport Json if it is already included. If not, it will attempt using the built-in Ruby Json library. You can also explicitly specify which one to be used, using ``` ruby Postmark.response_parser_class = :Json # :ActiveSupport or :Yajl are also supported. ``` ## Note on Patches/Pull Requests See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Copyright Copyright © 2018 Wildbit LLC. See LICENSE for details.