module ThorSCMVersion class Prerelease TYPE_FORMAT = /[A-Za-z0-9]+/ FORMAT = /(#{TYPE_FORMAT})\.(\d+)/.freeze DEFAULT_TYPE = 'alpha' class << self # Reads the prerelease segment of the version. While semver # provides a more general format, the format with # thor-scmversion is more strictly defined: # # Examples: # str = 'alpha.1' # str = 'beta.10' # str = 'rc.2' # # @param [String] str String in the format /[A-Za-z]+\.\d+/ # @return [Prerelease] def from_string(str) return nil if str.nil? matchdata = str.match(FORMAT) type, version = matchdata.captures unless matchdata.nil? raise if (matchdata.nil? || matchdata.captures.size != 2) new(type, version) end end attr_reader :version attr_reader :type # initialize # # @param [String] type Type of prerelease # @param [responds_to? :to_i] version Version of the given type of prerelease # # Examples: # 'beta', 1 #=> x.x.x-beta.1 def initialize(type = DEFAULT_TYPE, version = 1) @version = version.to_i @type = type.nil? || type.empty? ? DEFAULT_TYPE : type end def to_s "#{@type}.#{@version}" end def <=>(other) raise ArgumentError unless kind_of? other.class if self.type == other.type self.version <=> other.version else self.type <=> other.type end end def >(other) raise ArgumentError unless kind_of? other.class return (self <=> other) == 1 end def <(other) raise ArgumentError unless kind_of? other.class return (self <=> other) == -1 end def ==(other) other && kind_of?(other.class) && self.version == other.version && self.type == other.type end # Delegate methods to @version so this object acts like an Integer def method_missing(method, *args, &blk) @version = self.version.send(method, *args, &blk) self end end end