[ Licensee::Projects::FSProject, Licensee::Projects::GitProject, Licensee::Projects::GitHubProject ].each do |project_type| RSpec.describe project_type do let(:stubbed_org) { '_licensee_test_fixture' } let(:mit) { Licensee::License.find('mit') } let(:other) { Licensee::License.find('other') } let(:fixture) { 'mit' } let(:path) { fixture_path(fixture) } let(:api_base) { 'https://api.github.com/repos' } subject { described_class.new(path) } if described_class == Licensee::Projects::GitProject before do Dir.chdir path do `git init` `git config --local commit.gpgsign false` `git add .` `git commit -m 'initial commit'` end end after do subject.close FileUtils.rm_rf File.expand_path '.git', path end elsif described_class == Licensee::Projects::GitHubProject let(:path) do stub_request( :get, "#{api_base}/#{stubbed_org}/#{fixture}/contents/" ).to_return( status: 200, body: fixture_root_contents_from_api(fixture), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } ) fixture_root_files(fixture).each do |file| relative_path = File.basename(file) parts = [api_base, stubbed_org, fixture, 'contents', relative_path] stub_request(:get, parts.join('/')) .with(headers: { 'accept' => 'application/vnd.github.v3.raw' }) .to_return(status: 200, body: File.read(file)) end "https://github.com/#{stubbed_org}/#{fixture}" end end if described_class == Licensee::Projects::GitProject context 'when initialized with a repo' do let(:repo) { Rugged::Repository.new(path) } subject { described_class.new(repo) } it 'returns the repository' do expect(subject.repository).to be_a(Rugged::Repository) end end context 'when initialized with a revision' do let(:revision) { subject.repository.last_commit.oid } before do subject.instance_variable_set('@revision', revision) end it 'returns the commit' do expect(subject.send(:commit).oid).to eql(revision) end end end it 'returns the license' do expect(subject.license).to be_a(Licensee::License) expect(subject.license).to eql(mit) end it 'returns the matched file' do expect(subject.matched_file).to be_a(Licensee::ProjectFiles::LicenseFile) expect(subject.matched_file.filename).to eql('LICENSE.txt') end it 'returns the license file' do expect(subject.license_file).to be_a(Licensee::ProjectFiles::LicenseFile) expect(subject.license_file.filename).to eql('LICENSE.txt') end it "doesn't return the readme" do expect(subject.readme_file).to be_nil end it "doesn't return the package file" do expect(subject.package_file).to be_nil end context 'reading files' do let(:files) { subject.send(:files) } it 'returns the file list' do expect(files.count).to eql(2) license = files.find { |f| f[:name] == 'LICENSE.txt' } expect(license).to_not be_nil if described_class == Licensee::Projects::GitProject expect(files.first).to have_key(:oid) end end it "returns a file's content" do content = subject.send(:load_file, files.first) expect(content).to match('Permission is hereby granted') end if described_class == Licensee::Projects::FSProject context 'with search root argument' do let(:fixture) { 'license-in-parent-folder/license-folder/package' } let(:path) { fixture_path(fixture) } let(:license_folder) { 'license-in-parent-folder/license-folder' } let(:search_root) { fixture_path(license_folder) } let(:subject) { described_class.new(path, search_root: search_root) } let(:files) { subject.send(:files) } it 'looks for licenses in parent directories up to the search root' do # should not include the license in 'license-in-parent-folder' dir expect(files.count).to eql(1) expect(files.first[:name]).to eql('LICENSE.txt') end end context 'without search root argument' do let(:fixture) { 'license-in-parent-folder/license-folder/package' } it 'looks for licenses in current directory only' do expect(files.count).to eql(0) end end end end context 'encoding correctness' do let(:fixture) { 'copyright-encoding' } it "returns a file's content" do expect(subject.license_file.content).to match( 'Copyright © 2013–2016 by Peder Ås, 王二麻子, and Seán Ó Rudaí' ) end end context 'readme detection' do let(:fixture) { 'readme' } subject { described_class.new(path, detect_readme: true) } it 'returns the readme' do expect(subject.readme_file).to be_a(Licensee::ProjectFiles::ReadmeFile) expect(subject.readme_file.filename).to eql('README.md') end it 'returns the license' do expect(subject.license).to be_a(Licensee::License) expect(subject.license).to eql(mit) end end context 'package manager detection' do let(:fixture) { 'gemspec' } # Using a `.gemspec` extension in the fixture breaks `gem release` before do from = "#{fixture_path(fixture)}/project._gemspec" to = "#{fixture_path(fixture)}/project.gemspec" FileUtils.cp(from, to) if described_class == Licensee::Projects::GitProject Dir.chdir fixture_path(fixture) do `git add project.gemspec` `git commit -m 'add real gemspec'` end end end after do FileUtils.rm("#{fixture_path(fixture)}/project.gemspec") end subject { described_class.new(path, detect_packages: true) } it 'returns the package file' do expected = Licensee::ProjectFiles::PackageManagerFile expect(subject.package_file).to be_a(expected) expect(subject.package_file.filename).to eql('project.gemspec') end it 'returns the license' do expect(subject.license).to be_a(Licensee::License) expect(subject.license).to eql(mit) end end context 'multiple licenses' do let(:fixture) { 'multiple-license-files' } it 'returns other for license' do expect(subject.license).to eql(other) end it 'returns nil for matched_file' do expect(subject.matched_file).to be_nil end it 'returns nil for license_file' do expect(subject.license_file).to be_nil end it 'returns both licenses' do expect(subject.licenses.count).to eql(2) expect(subject.licenses.first).to eql(Licensee::License.find('mpl-2.0')) expect(subject.licenses.last).to eql(mit) end it 'returns both matched_files' do expect(subject.matched_files.count).to eql(2) expect(subject.matched_files.first.filename).to eql('LICENSE') expect(subject.matched_files.last.filename).to eql('LICENSE.txt') end it 'returns both license_files' do expect(subject.license_files.count).to eql(2) expect(subject.license_files.first.filename).to eql('LICENSE') expect(subject.license_files.last.filename).to eql('LICENSE.txt') end end context 'lgpl' do let(:gpl) { Licensee::License.find('gpl-3.0') } let(:lgpl) { Licensee::License.find('lgpl-3.0') } let(:fixture) { 'lgpl' } it 'license returns lgpl' do expect(subject.license).to eql(lgpl) end it 'matched_file returns copying.lesser' do expect(subject.matched_file).to_not be_nil expect(subject.matched_file.filename).to eql('COPYING.lesser') end it 'license_file returns copying.lesser' do expect(subject.license_file).to_not be_nil expect(subject.license_file.filename).to eql('COPYING.lesser') end it 'returns both licenses' do expect(subject.licenses.count).to eql(2) expect(subject.licenses.first).to eql(lgpl) expect(subject.licenses.last).to eql(gpl) end it 'returns both matched_files' do expect(subject.matched_files.count).to eql(2) expect(subject.matched_files.first.filename).to eql('COPYING.lesser') expect(subject.matched_files.last.filename).to eql('LICENSE') end it 'returns both license_files' do expect(subject.license_files.count).to eql(2) expect(subject.license_files.first.filename).to eql('COPYING.lesser') expect(subject.license_files.last.filename).to eql('LICENSE') end end context 'with a copyright file' do let(:fixture) { 'mit-with-copyright' } it 'returns MIT' do expect(subject.license).to eql(mit) end end end end