fileTypes spec.rb foldingStartMarker (?x)^ (\s*+ (module|class|def |unless|if |case |begin |for|while|until |^=begin |( "(\\.|[^"])*+" # eat a double quoted string | '(\\.|[^'])*+' # eat a single quoted string | [^#"'] # eat all but comments and strings )* ( \s (do|begin|case) | (?<!\$)[-+=&|*/~%^<>~] \s*+ (if|unless) ) )\b (?! [^;]*+ ; .*? \bend\b ) |( "(\\.|[^"])*+" # eat a double quoted string | '(\\.|[^'])*+' # eat a single quoted string | [^#"'] # eat all but comments and strings )* ( \{ (?! [^}]*+ \} ) | \[ (?! [^\]]*+ \] ) ) ).*$ | [#] .*? \(fold\) \s*+ $ # Sune’s special marker foldingStopMarker (?x) ( (^|;) \s*+ end \s*+ ([#].*)? $ | (^|;) \s*+ end \. .* $ | ^ \s*+ [}\]] \s*+ ([#].*)? $ | [#] .*? \(end\) \s*+ $ # Sune’s special marker | ^=end ) keyEquivalent ^~R name RSpec patterns match (?<!\.)\b(before|after)\b(?![?!]) name keyword.other.special-method.ruby.rspec include #behaviour include #example include source.ruby repository behaviour begin ^\s*(describe)\b beginCaptures 1 name keyword.other.behaviour.ruby.rspec end \b(do)\s*$ endCaptures 1 name keyword.control.start-block.ruby.rspec name meta.behaviour.ruby.rspec patterns include source.ruby example begin ^\s*(it)\b beginCaptures 1 name keyword.other.example.ruby.rspec end \b(do)\s*$ endCaptures 1 name keyword.control.start-block.ruby.rspec name meta.example.ruby.rspec patterns include source.ruby scopeName source.ruby.rspec uuid 923F0A10-96B9-4792-99A4-94FEF66E0B8C