require 'spec_helper' describe NightcrawlerSwift::Options do subject do opts end let :opts do {} end describe "initialization" do context "verify_ssl" do it "defauts to false" do expect(subject.verify_ssl).to eql false end end context "retries" do it "defauts to 5" do expect(subject.retries).to eql 5 end end context "max_retry_time" do it "defauts to 30" do expect(subject.max_retry_time).to eql 30 end end context "password" do before do expect(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("NSWIFT_PASSWORD").and_return("123") end it "can be defined by the ENV variable 'NSWIFT_PASSWORD'" do expect(subject.password).to eql "123" end context "when configured" do let :opts do {password: "345"} end it "takes the ENV variable in precedence" do expect(subject.password).to eql "123" end end end context "and max_age isn't an integer" do let(:opts) { {max_age: "a string"} } it "raises NightcrawlerSwift::Exceptions::ConfigurationError" do expect { subject }.to raise_error(NightcrawlerSwift::Exceptions::ConfigurationError) end end context "when configured" do let :opts do { bucket: "rogue", password: "123", retries: 2 } end it "creates with the given values" do expect(subject.bucket).to eql "rogue" expect(subject.password).to eql "123" expect(subject.retries).to eql 2 end end end end