require "scaffolding/block_manipulator" require "masamune" class Scaffolding::RoutesFileManipulator attr_accessor :child, :parent, :lines, :transformer_options, :concerns def initialize(filename, child, parent, transformer_options = {}) @concerns = [] self.child = child self.parent = parent @filename = filename self.lines = File.readlines(@filename) self.transformer_options = transformer_options @msmn = end def child_parts @child_parts ||= child.underscore.pluralize.split("/") end def parent_parts @parent_parts ||= parent.underscore.pluralize.split("/") end def common_namespaces unless @common_namespaces @common_namespaces ||= [] child_parts_copy = child_parts.dup parent_parts_copy = parent_parts.dup while child_parts_copy.first == parent_parts_copy.first && child_parts_copy.count > 1 && parent_parts_copy.count > 1 @common_namespaces << child_parts_copy.shift parent_parts_copy.shift end end @common_namespaces end def divergent_parts unless @divergent_namespaces @divergent_namespaces ||= [] child_parts_copy = child_parts.dup parent_parts_copy = parent_parts.dup while child_parts_copy.first == parent_parts_copy.first && child_parts_copy.count > 1 && parent_parts_copy.count > 1 child_parts_copy.shift parent_parts_copy.shift end child_resource = child_parts_copy.pop parent_resource = parent_parts_copy.pop @divergent_namespaces = [child_parts_copy, child_resource, parent_parts_copy, parent_resource] end @divergent_namespaces end def find_namespaces(namespaces, within = nil) namespaces = namespaces.dup results = {} reinstantiate_masamune_object # `within` can refer to either a `resources`, `namespace`, `scope`, or `shallow` block. blocks = { |node| node.token_value.match?(/resources|namespace|scope|shallow/) } namespace_nodes = { |node| node.token_value.match?(/namespace/) } if within starting_block = blocks.find { |block| block.line_number - 1 == within } block_range = (starting_block.location.start_line)..(starting_block.location.end_line)! { |node| block_range.cover?(node.line_number) } end namespace_nodes.each do |node| name = node.arguments.child_nodes.first.unescaped results[namespaces.shift] = node.line_number - 1 if namespaces.first.to_s == name end results end # TODO: Remove this and use the BlockManipulator def insert_before(new_lines, line_number, options = {}) options[:indent] ||= false before = lines[0..(line_number - 1)] new_lines = { |line| (Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.indentation_of(line_number, lines) + (options[:indent] ? " " : "") + line).gsub(/\s+$/, "") + "\n" } after = lines[line_number..] self.lines = before + (options[:prepend_newline] ? ["\n"] : []) + new_lines + after end # TODO: Remove this and use the BlockManipulator def insert_after(new_lines, line_number, options = {}) options[:indent] ||= false before = lines[0..line_number] new_lines = { |line| (Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.indentation_of(line_number, lines) + (options[:indent] ? " " : "") + line).gsub(/\s+$/, "") + "\n" } after = lines[(line_number + 1)..] self.lines = before + new_lines + (options[:append_newline] ? ["\n"] : []) + after end def insert_in_namespace(namespaces, new_lines, within = nil) namespace_lines = find_namespaces(namespaces, within) if namespace_lines[namespaces.last] block_start = namespace_lines[namespaces.last] insertion_point = Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.find_block_end(starting_from: block_start, lines: lines) insert_before(new_lines, insertion_point, indent: true, prepend_newline: (insertion_point > block_start + 1)) else raise "we weren't able to insert the following lines into the namespace block for #{namespaces.join(" -> ")}:\n\n#{new_lines.join("\n")}" end end def find_or_create_namespaces(namespaces, within = nil) namespaces = namespaces.dup created_namespaces = [] current_namespace = nil while namespaces.any? current_namespace = namespaces.shift namespace_lines = if within.nil? find_namespaces(created_namespaces + [current_namespace], within) else scope_namespace_to_parent(current_namespace, within) end unless namespace_lines[current_namespace] lines_to_add = ["namespace :#{current_namespace} do", "end"] if created_namespaces.any? insert_in_namespace(created_namespaces, lines_to_add, within) else insert(lines_to_add, within) end end created_namespaces << current_namespace end namespace_lines = find_namespaces(created_namespaces + [current_namespace], within) namespace_lines ? namespace_lines[current_namespace] : nil end # Since it's possible for multiple namespaces to exist on different levels, # We scope the namespace we're trying to scaffold to its proper parent before processing it. # # i.e: # Parent: Insight => Child: Personality::CharacterTrait # Parent: Team => Child: Personality::Disposition # In this case, the :personality namespace under :insights should be # ignored when Super Scaffolding Personality::Dispositon. # # resources do :insights do # namespace :personality do # resources :character_traits # end # end # # namespace :personality do # resources :dispositions # end # # In this case, Personality::CharacterTrait is under Team just like Personality::Disposition, # but Personality::CharacterTrait's DIRECT parent is Insight so we shouldn't scaffold its routes there. def scope_namespace_to_parent(namespace, within) namespace_block_start = namespace_blocks_directly_under_parent(within).map do |namespace_block| namespace_line_number = namespace_block.begin namespace_line_number if lines[namespace_line_number].match?(/ +namespace :#{namespace}/) end.compact namespace_block_start.present? ? {namespace => namespace_block_start} : {} end def find_last_in_namespace(needle, namespaces, within = nil, ignore = nil) if namespaces.any? namespace_lines = find_namespaces(namespaces, within) within = namespace_lines[namespaces.last] end lines_within = Scaffolding::FileManipulator.lines_within(lines, within) lines_within.reverse.each_with_index do |line, line_number| reversed_line_number = lines_within.count - line_number - 1 # + 2 because line_number starts from 0, and within starts one line after actual_line_number = (within + reversed_line_number + 2) # The lines we want to ignore may be a a series of blocks, so we check each Range here. ignore_line = false if ignore.present? ignore.each do |lines_to_ignore| ignore_line = true if lines_to_ignore.include?(actual_line_number) end end next if ignore_line return (within + (within ? 1 : 0) + reversed_line_number) if line.match?(needle) end nil end def find_in_namespace(needle, namespaces, within = nil, ignore = nil) if namespaces.any? namespace_lines = find_namespaces(namespaces, within) within = namespace_lines[namespaces.last] end Scaffolding::FileManipulator.lines_within(lines, within).each_with_index do |line, line_number| # + 2 because line_number starts from 0, and within starts one line after actual_line_number = (within + line_number + 2) # The lines we want to ignore may be a a series of blocks, so we check each Range here. ignore_line = false if ignore.present? ignore.each do |lines_to_ignore| ignore_line = true if lines_to_ignore.include?(actual_line_number) end end next if ignore_line return (within + (within ? 1 : 0) + line_number) if line.match?(needle) end nil end def find_resource_block(parts, options = {}) within = options[:within] parts = parts.dup resource = parts.pop needle = /resources :#{resource}#{options[:options] ? ", #{options[:options].gsub(/({)(.*)(})/, '{\2}')}" : ""}(,?\s.*)? do(\s.*)?$/ # TODO this doesn't take into account any options like we do in `find_resource`. if options[:find_last] find_last_in_namespace(needle, parts, within) else find_in_namespace(needle, parts, within) end end def find_resource(parts, options = {}) parts = parts.dup resource = parts.pop needle = /resources :#{resource}#{options[:options] ? ", #{options[:options].gsub(/({)(.*)(})/, '{\2}')}" : ""}(,?\s.*)?$/ if options[:find_last] find_last_in_namespace(needle, parts, options[:within], options[:ignore]) else find_in_namespace(needle, parts, options[:within], options[:ignore]) end end def find_or_create_resource(parts, options = {}) parts = parts.dup resource = parts.pop namespaces = parts namespace_within = find_or_create_namespaces(namespaces, options[:within]) # The namespaces that the developer has declared are captured above in `namespace_within`, # so all other namespaces nested inside the resource's parent should be ignored. options[:ignore] = top_level_namespace_block_lines(options[:within]) || [] unless (result = find_resource([resource], options)) result = insert(["resources :#{resource}" + (options[:options] ? ", #{options[:options]}" : "")], namespace_within || options[:within]) end result end # Finds namespace blocks no matter how many levels deep they are nested in resource blocks, etc. # However, will not find namespace blocks inside namespace blocks. def top_level_namespace_block_lines(within) namespaces = @msmn.method_calls(token_value: "namespace") namespace_line_numbers = local_namespace_blocks = [] Scaffolding::FileManipulator.lines_within(lines, within).each do |line| # Masamune gets the actual line number, whereas File.readlines etc. start at 0. line_index = lines.index(line) + 1 # Since we only want top-level namespace blocks, we ensure that # all other namespace blocks INSIDE the top-level namespace blocks are skipped if namespace_line_numbers.include?(line_index) # Grab the first symbol token on the same line as the namespace. reinstantiate_masamune_object namespace_name = @msmn.symbols.find { |sym| sym.line_number == line_index }.token_value local_namespace = find_namespaces([namespace_name], within) starting_line_number = local_namespace[namespace_name] local_namespace_block = ((starting_line_number + 1)..(Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.find_block_end(starting_from: starting_line_number, lines: lines) + 1)) if local_namespace_blocks.empty? local_namespace_blocks << local_namespace_block else skip_block = false local_namespace_blocks.each do |block_range| if block_range.include?(local_namespace_block.first) skip_block = true else next end end local_namespace_blocks << local_namespace_block unless skip_block end end end local_namespace_blocks end # Whereas top_level_namespace_block_lines grabs all namespace blocks that # appear first no matter how many resource blocks they're nested in, # this method grabs namespace blocks that are only indented one level deep. def namespace_blocks_directly_under_parent(within) blocks = [] if lines[within].match?(/do$/) parent_indentation_size = Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.indentation_of(within, lines).length within_block_end = Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.find_block_end(starting_from: within, lines: lines) within.upto(within_block_end) do |line_number| if lines[line_number].match?(/^#{" " * (parent_indentation_size + 2)}namespace/) namespace_block_lines = line_number..Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.find_block_end(starting_from: line_number, lines: lines) blocks << namespace_block_lines end end end blocks end def find_or_create_resource_block(parts, options = {}) find_or_create_resource(parts, options) find_or_convert_resource_block(parts.last, options) end def find_or_convert_resource_block(parent_resource, options = {}) resource_statement_line = find_resource([parent_resource], options) if resource_statement_line resource_statement = lines[resource_statement_line] if !resource_statement.match?(/ do(\s.*)?$/) lines[resource_statement_line].gsub!("\n", " do\n") insert_after(["end"], resource_statement_line) end else raise"the parent resource (`#{parent_resource}`) doesn't appear to exist in `#{@filename}`.") end # capture the line number of the block of code we're working within. unless (within = find_resource_block([parent_resource], options)) raise "tried to convert the parent resource to a block, but failed?" end within end # TODO: Remove this and use the BlockManipulator def insert(lines_to_add, within) insertion_line = Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.find_block_end(starting_from: within, lines: lines) result_line = insertion_line unless insertion_line == within + 1 # only put the extra space if we're adding this line after a block if /^\s*end\s*$/.match?(lines[insertion_line - 1]) lines_to_add.unshift("") result_line += 1 end end insert_before(lines_to_add, insertion_line, indent: true) result_line end def apply(base_namespaces) child_namespaces, child_resource, parent_namespaces, parent_resource = divergent_parts within = find_or_create_namespaces(base_namespaces) # Add any concerns passed as options. add_concern(:sortable) if transformer_options["sortable"] # e.g. Project and Projects::Deliverable if parent_namespaces.empty? && child_namespaces.any? && parent_resource == child_namespaces.first # resources :projects do # scope module: 'projects' do # resources :deliverables, only: collection_actions # end # end parent_within = find_resource([parent_resource], within: within) # With deeply nested namespaces we end up with mutliple resource blocks and some things need # to go into the last block. See this issue for details: # last_parent_within = find_or_convert_resource_block(parent_resource, within: within, find_last: true) # add the new resource within that namespace. line = "scope module: '#{parent_resource}' do" # TODO you haven't tested this yet. unless (scope_within = Scaffolding::FileManipulator.find(lines, /#{line}/, last_parent_within)) scope_within = insert([line, "end"], last_parent_within) end if child_namespaces.size > 1 # If a model has multiple namespaces, we have to account for that here. # For example, this creates the :issues namespace here when `SendAction` # and the `parent_resource` is `newsletters`. # # resources :newsletters do # scope module: 'newsletters' do # resources :issues, only: collection_actions # namespace :issues do # resources :send_actions, shallow: false # end # end # end # TODO: We should be able to just do `child_namespaces.shift`. child_namespaces_without_parent = child_namespaces.dup child_namespaces_without_parent.shift deeply_nested_within = find_or_create_namespaces(child_namespaces_without_parent, scope_within) routing_options = "shallow: false" routing_options += ", #{formatted_concerns}" if formatted_concerns find_or_create_resource([child_resource], options: routing_options, within: deeply_nested_within) else routing_options = "only: collection_actions" routing_options += ", #{formatted_concerns}" if formatted_concerns # We find last here for this reason: # find_or_create_resource([child_resource], options: routing_options, within: scope_within, find_last: true) # namespace :projects do # resources :deliverables, except: collection_actions # end # We want to see if there are any namespaces one level above the parent itself, # because namespaces with the same name as the resource can exist on the same level. parent_block_start = Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.find_block_parent(parent_within, lines) namespace_line_within = find_or_create_namespaces(child_namespaces, parent_block_start) routing_options = "except: collection_actions" routing_options += ", #{formatted_concerns}" if formatted_concerns find_or_create_resource([child_resource], options: routing_options, within: namespace_line_within) unless find_namespaces(child_namespaces, within)[child_namespaces.last] raise "tried to insert `namespace :#{child_namespaces.last}` but it seems we failed" end end # e.g. Projects::Deliverable and Objective Under It, Abstract::Concept and Concrete::Thing elsif parent_namespaces.any? # namespace :projects do # resources :deliverables # end top_parent_namespace = find_namespaces(parent_namespaces, within)[parent_namespaces.first] find_or_create_resource(child_namespaces + [child_resource], options: formatted_concerns, within: top_parent_namespace) # resources :projects_deliverables, path: 'projects/deliverables' do # resources :objectives # end block_parent_within = Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.find_block_parent(top_parent_namespace, lines) parent_namespaces_and_resource = (parent_namespaces + [parent_resource]).join("_") parent_within = find_or_create_resource_block([parent_namespaces_and_resource], options: "path: '#{"_", "/")}'", within: block_parent_within) find_or_create_resource(child_namespaces + [child_resource], within: parent_within) else begin within = find_or_convert_resource_block(parent_resource, within: within) rescue within = find_or_convert_resource_block(parent_resource, options: "except: collection_actions", within: within) end find_or_create_resource(child_namespaces + [child_resource], options: formatted_concerns, within: within) end end def add_concern(concern) @concerns.push(concern) end def formatted_concerns return if @concerns.empty? "concerns: #{@concerns}" end # Adds a concern to an existing resource at the given line number. (used by the audit logs gem) def add_concern_at_line(concern, line_number) line = lines[line_number] existing_concerns = line.match(/concerns: \[(.*)\]/).to_a[1].to_s.split(",")! { |e|":", "").tr("\"", "").squish&.to_sym } existing_concerns.filter! { |e| e.present? } existing_concerns << concern existing_concerns.uniq! if line.include?("concerns:") lines[line_number].gsub!(/concerns: \[(.*)\]/, "concerns: [#{ { |e| ":#{e}" }.join(", ")}]") elsif line.squish.ends_with?(" do") lines[line_number].gsub!(/ do$/, ", concerns: [#{ { |e| ":#{e}" }.join(", ")}] do") else lines[line_number].gsub!(/resources :(.*)$/, "resources :\\1, concerns: [#{ { |e| ":#{e}" }.join(", ")}]") end end def reinstantiate_masamune_object @msmn = end end