# Kind - __kind/bug__ the reported issue or PR addresses a bug. - __kind/design__ design work for a _kind/feature_. - __kind/eng__ general eng work. Part of a larger _kind/feature_. - __kind/feature__ a comprehensive - __kind/task__ non-eng/design work such as updating blogs, registering accounts, etc. # Review - __review/ship-it__ - changes are approved. Merge to master. - __review/waiting-for-changes__ - the PR has been reviewed but changes are required. Remove label when changes have been submitted. - __review/work-in-progress__ - the PR is a work in progress open for comments understanding it is not ready for production. # Status - __status/blocked__ - cannot ship due to dependencies. Mention any open issues or PRs that are blocking. - __status/duplicate__ - duplicate of another issue or PR. - __status/hold__ - ready for production but don't deploy yet. - __status/in-progress__ - work is currently being done on the issue. - __status/need-help__ - issue needs help from OSS community. - __status/wontfix__ - while the issue or PR may be valid we are choosing not to address it.