module Katello class Api::V2::RepositoriesBulkActionsController < Api::V2::ApiController before_action :find_repositories api :PUT, "/repositories/bulk/destroy", N_("Destroy one or more repositories") param :ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of repository ids"), :required => true def destroy_repositories deletion_authorized_repositories = @repositories.deletable unpromoted_repos = deletion_authorized_repositories.reject { |repo| repo.promoted? } deletable_repositories = unpromoted_repos.reject { |repo| repo.redhat? } messages1 = format_bulk_action_messages( :success => "", :error => _("You do not have permissions to delete %s"), :models => @repositories, :authorized => deletion_authorized_repositories ) messages2 = format_bulk_action_messages( :success => "", :error => _("Repository %s cannot be deleted since it has already been included in a published Content View."), :models => deletion_authorized_repositories, :authorized => unpromoted_repos ) messages3 = format_bulk_action_messages( :success => "", :error => _("Repository %s cannot be deleted since they are Red Hat repositories."), :models => unpromoted_repos, :authorized => deletable_repositories ) errors = messages3[:error] + messages1[:error] + messages2[:error] task = nil if deletable_repositories.count > 0 task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Repository::Destroy, deletable_repositories) else status = 400 end respond_for_bulk_async :resource => => task, :errors => errors), :status => status end api :POST, "/repositories/bulk/sync", N_("Synchronize repository") param :ids, Array, :desc => N_("List of repository ids"), :required => true def sync_repositories syncable_repositories = @repositories.syncable.has_url if syncable_repositories.empty? msg = _("Unable to synchronize any repository. You either do not have the permission to"\ " synchronize or the selected repositories do not have a feed url.") fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, msg else task = async_task(::Actions::BulkAction, ::Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync, syncable_repositories) respond_for_async :resource => task end end private def find_repositories params.require(:ids) @repositories = Repository.where(:id => params[:ids]) end end end