module Netzke module BaseExtras # # Module which provides JS-class generation functionality for the widgets ("client-side"). This code is executed only once per widget class, and the results are cached at the server (unless widget specifies config[:no_caching] => true). # Included into Netzke::Base class # Most of the methods below are meant to be overwritten by a concrete widget class. # module JsBuilder def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end # # Instance methods # # The config that is sent from the server and is used for instantiating a widget def js_config res = {} # Unique id of the widget res.merge!(:id => @id_name) # Recursively include configs of all non-late aggregatees, so that the widget can instantiate them in # in the browser immediately. aggregatees.each_pair do |aggr_name, aggr_config| next if aggr_config[:late_aggregation] res["#{aggr_name}_config".to_sym] = aggregatee_instance(aggr_name.to_sym).js_config end # Interface interface = self.class.interface_points.inject({}){|h,interfacep| h.merge(interfacep => widget_action(interfacep))} res.merge!(:interface => interface) # Widget class name res.merge!(:widget_class_name => short_widget_class_name) # Include res.merge!(js_ext_config) # Actions, toolbars and menus tools && res.merge!(:tools => tools) actions && res.merge!(:actions => actions) tbar && res.merge!(:tbar => tbar) bbar && res.merge!(:bbar => bbar) menu && res.merge!(:menu => menu) # Permissions res.merge!(:permissions => permissions) unless available_permissions.empty? res end def js_ext_config config[:ext_config] || {} end # All the JS-code required by this instance of the widget to be instantiated in the browser. # It includes the JS-class for the widget itself, as well as JS-classes for all widgets' (non-late) aggregatees. def js_missing_code(cached_dependencies = []) dependency_classes.inject("") do |r,k| cached_dependencies.include?(k) ? r : r + "Netzke::#{k}".constantize.js_code(cached_dependencies).strip_js_comments end end def css_missing_code(cached_dependencies = []) dependency_classes.inject("") do |r,k| cached_dependencies.include?(k) ? r : r + "Netzke::#{k}".constantize.css_code(cached_dependencies) end end # # The following methods are used when a widget is generated stand-alone (as a part of a HTML page) # # instantiating def js_widget_instance %Q{var #{config[:name].to_js} = new Ext.netzke.cache.#{short_widget_class_name}(#{js_config.to_js});} end # rendering def js_widget_render %Q{#{config[:name].to_js}.render("#{config[:name].to_s.split('_').join('-')}");} end # container for rendering def js_widget_html %Q{
} end # # # # widget's actions, tools and toolbars that are loaded at the moment of instantiating a widget def actions; nil; end def tbar; nil; end def bbar; nil; end def menu; nil; end def tools; nil; end # little helpers def this; "this".l; end def null; "null".l; end # Methods used to create the javascript class (only once per widget class). # The generated code gets cached at the browser, and the widget intstances (at the browser side) # get instantiated from it. # All these methods can be overwritten in case you want to extend the functionality of some pre-built widget # instead of using it as is (using both would cause JS-code duplication) module ClassMethods # the JS (Ext) class that we inherit from on JS-level def js_base_class; "Ext.Panel"; end # default config that gets merged with Base#js_config def js_default_config { # :header => user_has_role?(:configurator) ? true : nil, :title => "".l, :listeners => js_listeners, :tools => "".l, :actions => "config.actions".l, :tbar => "config.tbar".l, :bbar => "config.bbar".l, # :items => "config.items".l, # :items => js_items, :height => 400, :width => 800, :border => false } end # functions and properties that will be used to extend the functionality of (Ext) JS-class specified in js_base_class def js_extend_properties; {}; end # code executed before and after the constructor def js_before_constructor; ""; end def js_after_constructor; ""; end # widget's listeners def js_listeners; {}; end # widget's menus def js_menus; []; end # items def js_items; null; end # are we using JS inheritance? for now, if js_base_class is a Netzke class - yes def js_inheritance js_base_class.is_a?(Class) end # Declaration of widget's class (stored in the cache storage (Ext.netzke.cache) at the client side # to be reused at the moment of widget instantiation) def js_class if js_inheritance <<-JS Ext.netzke.cache.#{short_widget_class_name} = function(config){ Ext.netzke.cache.#{short_widget_class_name}, config); }; Ext.extend(Ext.netzke.cache.#{short_widget_class_name}, Ext.netzke.cache.#{js_base_class.short_widget_class_name}, Ext.applyIf(#{js_extend_properties.to_js}, Ext.widgetMixIn)); JS else js_add_menus = "this.addMenus(#{js_menus.to_js});" unless js_menus.empty? <<-JS Ext.netzke.cache.#{short_widget_class_name} = function(config){ this.beforeConstructor(config); #{js_before_constructor} Ext.netzke.cache.#{short_widget_class_name}, Ext.apply(#{js_default_config.to_js}, config)); this.afterConstructor(config); #{js_after_constructor} #{js_add_menus} }; Ext.extend(Ext.netzke.cache.#{short_widget_class_name}, #{js_base_class}, Ext.applyIf(#{js_extend_properties.to_js}, Ext.widgetMixIn)); JS end end # # Include extra code from Ext js library (e.g. examples) # def ext_js_include(*args) included_ext_js = read_inheritable_attribute(:included_ext_js) || [] args.each {|f| included_ext_js << f} write_inheritable_attribute(:included_ext_js, included_ext_js) end # # Include extra Javascript code. This code will be loaded along with the widget's class and in front of it. # # Example usage: # js_include "File.dirname(__FILE__)/form_panel_extras/javascripts/xdatetime.js", # :ext_examples => ["grid-filtering/menu/EditableItem.js", "grid-filtering/menu/RangeMenu.js"], # "File.dirname(__FILE__)/form_panel_extras/javascripts/xcheckbox.js" # def js_include(*args) included_js = read_inheritable_attribute(:included_js) || [] args.each do |inclusion| if inclusion.is_a?(Hash) # we are signalized a non-default file location (e.g. Ext examples) case inclusion.keys.first when :ext_examples location = Netzke::Base.config[:ext_location] + "/examples/" end files = inclusion.values.first else location = "" files = inclusion end files = [files] if files.is_a?(String) for f in files included_js << location + f end end write_inheritable_attribute(:included_js, included_js) end # returns all extra js-code (as string) required by this widget's class def js_included # from extjs - defined in the widget class with ext_js_include # extjs_dir = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/extjs" # TODO: make extjs location configurable # begin # res = super # rescue # raise self.superclass.to_s # end res = "" included_js = read_inheritable_attribute(:included_js) || [] res << included_js.inject("") do |r, path| f = r << end # res << "\n" # # # from