"en-US": date: formats: default: "%Y-%m-%d" short: "%b %d" long: "%B %d, %Y" short_with_day_of_week: "%a %e %b" day_names: [sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday] abbr_day_names: [su, mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa] month_names: [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December] abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec] order: [:day, :month, :year] days: sunday: sunday monday: monday tuesday: tuesday wednesday: wednesday thursday: thursday friday: friday saturday: satrday time: formats: default: "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" short: "%d %b %H:%M" long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M" time: "%H:%M" am: "am" pm: "pm" # Used in array.to_sentence. support: array: words_connector: ", " two_words_connector: " and " last_word_connector: " and " or: two_words_connector: " or " last_word_connector: " or " number: format: precision: 2 separator: "." delimiter: "," currency: format: unit: precision: 2 format: '%u %n' # Used in number_to_percentage() percentage: format: # These three are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" # precision: # Used in number_to_precision() precision: format: # These three are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" # precision: # Used in number_to_human_size() human: format: # These three are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" precision: 1 storage_units: # Storage units output formatting. # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB) format: "%n %u" units: byte: one: "Byte" other: "Bytes" kb: "KB" mb: "MB" gb: "GB" tb: "TB" # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words() # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words() datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: "half a minute" less_than_x_seconds: one: "less than one second" other: "less than {{count}} seconds" x_seconds: one: "one second" other: "{{count}} seconds" less_than_x_minutes: one: "less than one minute" other: "less than {{count}} minutes" x_minutes: one: "one minute" other: "{{count}} minutes" about_x_hours: one: "about one hour" other: "about {{count}} hours" x_days: one: "one day" other: "{{count}} days" about_x_months: one: "about one month" other: "about {{count}} months" x_months: one: "one month" other: "{{count}} months" about_x_years: one: "about one year" other: "about {{count}} years" over_x_years: one: "more than one year" other: "more than {{count}} years" prompts: year: "Year" month: "Month" day: "Day" hour: "Hour" minute: "Minute" second: "Second" activerecord: errors: template: header: one: "{{model}} could not be saved because of an error in the form." other: "{{count}} errors in the form prevented {{model}} to be saved." # The variable :count is also available body: "The following problems have occured:" # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization. messages: inclusion: "is not present in the list" exclusion: "is reserved" invalid: "is invalid" confirmation: "was not confirmed" mismatch: "is not identical" accepted: "has to be accepted" empty: "may not be empty" blank: "may not be left blank" too_long: "is too long (maximal {{count}} characters)" too_short: "is too short (minimal {{count}} characters)" wrong_length: "has the wrong length (has to be {{count}} characters)" taken: "is already taken" not_a_number: "is not a number" greater_than: "has to be bigger than {{count}}" greater_than_or_equal_to: "has to be bigger than or equal to {{count}}" equal_to: "has to be equal to {{count}}" less_than: "has to be less than {{count}}" less_than_or_equal_to: "has to be less than or equal to {{count}}" odd: "has to be odd" even: "has to be even" duplicate: "is already been taken" changed: "may not be changed" # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope. models: skyline/variant: attributes: version: outdated: "Antoher user has saved this page while you were editing it. You can't save this page anymore." skyline/sections/link_section: attributes: links: no_links: "No links have been added yet." # You can define own errors for models or model attributes. # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation. # # For example, # models: # user: # blank: "This is a custom blank message for {{model}}: {{attribute}}" # attributes: # login: # blank: "This is a custom blank message for User login" # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and # custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model. #models: # Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name(). #models: # For example, # user: "Dude" # will translate User model name to "Dude" # Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute). #attributes: # For example, # user: # login: "Handle" # will translate User attribute "login" as "Handle" models: skyline/article: one: "Article" other: "Articles" skyline/page: one: "Page" other: "Pages" skyline/page_fragment: one: "Fragment" other: "Fragments" skyline/media_dir: "Folder" skyline/media_file: "File" skyline/section: "Section" skyline/sections/rss_section: "RSS section" skyline/sections/wysiwyg_section: "Paragraph" skyline/sections/heading_section: "Heading" skyline/sections/iframe_section: "Iframe" skyline/sections/content_collection_section: "Content collection" skyline/sections/content_item_section: "Content item" skyline/sections/splitter_section: "Splitter" skyline/sections/link_section: "Link list" skyline/sections/raw_section: "HTML section" skyline/sections/media_section: "Media section" skyline/sections/redirect_section: "Redirect" skyline/sections/page_fragment_section: "Fragment" attributes: skyline/page: title: "Title" variant: "Variant" skyline/article_version: name: "Variant name" template: "Template" skyline/page/data: title: "Title" url_part: "URL" in_navigation: "Show in menu" navigation_title: "Title in navigation" custom_title_tag: "Title tag" meta_description_tag: "Meta description tag" skyline/page_fragment/data: title: "Title" skyline/section: template: "Template" skyline/sections/rss_section: url: "RSS feed" show_count: "Show" skyline/sections/heading_section: heading: "Heading" skyline/sections/iframe_section: url: "URL" size: "Size" skyline/sections/content_collection_section: content_type: "Type" number: "Number" skyline/sections/content_item_section: content_item_type: "Type" content_item_id: "Item" skyline/sections/link_section: title: "Title" links: "Links" skyline/sections/media_section: linked: "Image" alignment: "Alignment" caption: "Caption" alignments: left: "Left" right: "Right" block_left: "Left (full width)" block_right: "Right (full width)" block_center: "Centered" skyline/sections/redirect_section: linked: "Redirect to" delay: "Delay" skyline/sections/page_fragment_section: page_fragment_id: "Fragment" skyline/media_dir: name: "Foldername" skyline/media_file: name: "Filename" title: "Title (used in links)" description: "Description" date: "Date" file_tags: "Tags" skyline/user: email: "E-mail address" name: "Name" current_password: "Current password" password: "Password" password_confirmation: "Confirm password" role: "Role" created_at: "Created on" buttons: plus: "+" add: "+ Add" cancel: "Cancel" save: "Save" publish: "Publish" depublish: "Depublish" delete_variant: "Delete variant" new_variant: "New variant" copy_variant: "Copy variant" lock: "Lock" unlock: "Unlock" rollback: "Rollback" login: "Log in" edit: "Edit" delete: "Delete" new: "New" export: "Export" import: "Import" undo: "Undo" add_link: "+ Add link" browse: "Browse" upload: "Upload" ok: "Ok" delete_media_dir: "Delete folder" yes_force_edit: "Yes, enforce editing" icons: "true" : "true" "false" : "false" templates: page: default: "Default" without_sidebar: "Without sidebar" landing: "Landing page (without beadcrumb)" home: "Homepage" sections: content_collection_section: default: "Default" sidebar: "Sidebar" home: "Home" content_item_section: default: "Default" heading_section: default: "Heading" subkop: "Subheading" subsubkop: "Sub subheading" link_section: default: "Default" files: "Files" related_pages: "Related pages" rss_section: default: "Default" wysiwyg_section: default: "Default" loading: "Loading..." navigation: mainnavigation: pages: "Pages" content_library: "Content library" media_library: "Media library" admin: "Admin" settings: "Settings" users: "Usermanagement" authentication: logout: "Log out" logged_in_as: "Logged in as <strong>{{user}}</strong>" new: log_in: "Log in" email: "E-mailadres" password: "Wachtwoord" create: flashes: error: "Could not login, please check your e-mail address and password and try again." user: roles: super: "Super admin" index: left_header: "Users" header: "There are {{count}} users" confirm_destroy: "Are you sure you want to delete the user {{display_name}}?" edit: dialog_title: "Editing user {{display_name}}" current_password_info: "Your password should be supplied when editing your own user." password_info: "Leave blank to keep current password." cannot_change_role: "It isn't possible to change your own role." new: dialog_title: "Create new user" destroy: flashes: success: "User successfully deleted." error: "User counldn't be deleted." cant_delete_myself: "You can't delete your own user." create: flashes: success: "User successfully created." error: "The user details could not be saved, please check your input and try again." update: flashes: success: "User details where changed successfully." error: "The user details could not be saved, please check your input and try again." media_dir: directories: "Folders" new: "New" destroy: message: "Are you sure you want to delete this folder?" media_file: update: flashes: success: "File succesfully saved." failed: "File could not be saved, please check your input and try again." index: files_in: "Files in {{directory}}" new: header: "Upload files in" no_files: "No files selected" cancel: "cancel" upload: "upload" files: "files" add_files: "add file(s)" file_progress: "Uploading file <span class=\"current-file\">1</span> of <span class=\"total-files\">2</span>" percentage_progress: "<span class=\"current-percentage\">20%</span> done (<span class=\"current-size\">20 kB</span> of <span class=\"total-size\">100 kB</span>)" all_uploaded_message: "The following files where uploaded:" some_uploaded_message: "Not all files could be uploaded:" edit: preview: "Preview" download: "Download" size: "Size (wxh)" type: "Type" filesize: "Filesize" available_tags: "Available tags:" meta_data: "Details" variant_current_editor: takeover: dialog_title: "Editing has been taken over" message: "{{user}} has forcefully taken over editing of this page." action_to_take: "What do you want to do with your changes?" ignore_changes: "Discard my changed." save_as_new_variant: "Save my changes to a new variant." variant_name: "Name of new variant:" article: headers: options: "Options" advanced: "Advanced" actions: "Actions" general: "General" publication: "Publication" variants: "Variants" security: "Security" page_fragments: "Fragments" tabs: editor: "editor" preview: "preview" buttons: delete: "Delete article" new: new_page: "New" below: "Below" above: "Above" in: "In" edit: add_page: "+" add_page_below: "On the same level" add_page_in: "Below page" add_section: "Add section" published: "(published)" locked_state: "Status:" publication_status: "Publication status:" current_variant: "This variant:" published: "published" created_at: "Created on:" updated_at: "Changed on:" identical_published_variant: "Identical to publication:" last_published: "Last publication:" published_variant: "Gepublished variant:" number_of_publications: "This page has been published <strong>{{count}} times</strong>." publication_history: "Publication history:" publication_history_link: "View previous publications" confirm_delete_variant: "Are you sure you want to remove this variant?" confirm_delete: "Are you sure you want do remove the whole article with it's publication history?" currently_editing_since: "{{user}} has started editing {{duration}} ago ({{since}})." currently_editing_by: "This article is currently being modified by {{user}}." force_editing: "Would you like to edit this article regardless?" update: flashes: success: "Article has been saved succesfully" error: "Article could not be saved because of an error, please check your input and try again." locked: "Article is locked" unlocked: "Article has been unlocked" lock_failed: "Could not lock the article" unlock_failed: "Could not lock the article" destroy: flashes: success: "Article has been removed succesfully." error: "Error" error_page_published: "Article could not be deleted because it's still published." error_page_persistent: "Article could not be deleted because it's marked as special." error_page_has_children: "Article could not be deleted because it still contains articles." create: flashes: error: "Error while creating a new article {{errors}}" page: buttons: delete_image: "delete_page" delete_alt: "Delete page" edit: add_page_in: "In page" number_of_publications: "This page has been published <strong>{{count}} times</strong>." confirm_delete: "Are you sure you would like to remove the whole page including its publication history?" currently_editing_by: "This article is currently being modified by {{user}}" force_editing: "Do you still want to edit this page?" update: flashes: success: "Page successfully saved" error: "The page could not be saved because an error occured, please check your input and try again." locked: "The page is blocked" unlocked: "Page is unblocked" lock_failed: "Blocking the page was unsuccessful" unlock_failed: "Unblocking the page was unsuccessful" destroy: flashes: success: "Page deleted successfully." error: "Error" error_page_published: "The page could not be deleted because it's still published." error_page_persistent: "The page could not be deleted because the page has been made persistent." error_page_has_children: "The page could not be deleted because the page includes other pages." create: flashes: error: "Error while creating page {{errors}}" section: form: will_be_destroyed: "{{section}} will be deleted when saving." delete: "X" no_sectionable: "Help, I don't have a Sectionable" messages: "messages" link_section: form: will_be_destroyed: "Link {{link}} will be deleted when saving" delete: "X" redirect_section: form: seconds: "seconds" publication: index: dialog_title: "Previous publications" publications: "Publications" preview: "Preview" rollback: flashes: success: "Publication succesfully rolled back!" error: "Publication could not be rolled back" published_publication: article: create: flashes: success: "Article succesfully published!" error: "Article not ready for publication!" destroy: flashes: success: "Article unpublished successfully" error: "Article cannot be unpublished" error_persistent: "The article could not be unpublished because it has been made persistant." page: create: flashes: success: "Page published successfully!" error: "Page not ready for publication!" destroy: flashes: success: "Page unpublished successfully" error: "Page cannot be unpublished" error_persistent: "The page could not be unpublished because it has been made persistant." page_version: default_name: "main" default_title: "New page" page_fragment: default_title: "New fragment" buttons: delete: "Delete fragment" variant: create: flashes: success: "New variant successfully created." destroy: flashes: article: success_variant_and_page: "The variant and the article where succesfully deleted." page: success_variant_and_page: "The variant and the page where succesfully deleted." success_variant: "The variant was successfully deleted." error: "The variant could not be deleted." error_variant_published: "The variant could not be deleted because it is still published." settings: title: "{{class}} settings" group_title: Settings update: flashes: success: Settings where successfully saved. error: Settings could not be saved. browser: tabs: "Skyline::Page" : "Pages" "Skyline::MediaFile" : "Media library" "Skyline::ReferableUri" : "External" external_link: url: "URL" external_image: url: "URL" file: dialog_title: "Choose file" links_to: "{{referable_title}}" nothing_selected: "No file has been selected" page: dialog_title: "Choose page" links_to: "{{referable_title}}" nothing_selected: "No page has been selected" link: dialog_title: "Choose link" links_to: "Links to: {{referable_title}}" nothing_selected: "No link has been selected" title: "Tooltip" target: "Open in" targets: "_blank" : "New window" "-" : "Same window" image: dialog_title: "Choose image" links_to: "{{referable_title}}" nothing_selected: "No image has been selected" alt: "Alt" dimensions: "Size (WxH)" align: "Align" alignments: "-" : "" "left" : "Left" "right" : "Right" "block" : "Block" content: headers: actions: "Actions" head: Content elements menu: Content elements default_group: Content elements breadcrumb_prefix: "Breadcrumb:" add_a_new: Add {{class}} add_more: Add more {{class}} pagination: number_of: "Nubmer of {{class}}:" pages: "Pages:" next: "Next »" previous: "Previous »" editors: checkable_list: blank: "There are no {{class}}." file: no_file_selected: No file selected cancel_selection: Cancel file selection display: empty: Empty joinable_list: adding: "{{class}} beeing added..." add_to: "add to {{class}}" flashes: invalid_record: Not good - ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid successfully_saved: The {{class}} is saved validation_error: The {{class}} could not be saved. Check your input and try again. successfully_deleted: The {{class}} has been deleted. fail_deleted: The {{class}} could not be deleted version_conflict: > <strong>Alert!</strong> This version ({{your_version}}) could not be saved. A newer version ({{current_version}}) creaded by <em>{{current_author}}</em> is available. Compare your version with the current version before saving. {{show_link}} successfully_imported: The import was successful no_import_file_selected: Import was not successful, the XML file was not uploaded. import_failed: Import was not successful, check the XML file. index: title: "{{value}} — Content" intro: On the left side you can see all the possible content-types. Choose one of the content-types to view, edit or delete. list: info: "Details" confirm_deletion: Are you sure you want to delete {{class}}? up_one_level: ".. move up" blank_slate: "there are no {{class}}" export: "Export »" import: "Import »" title: Content list — {{class}} title_sublisting: Content list — {{group}} for {{title}} filter: Filter filter_none: "-- no filter --" filter_apply: Apply filter import: dialog_title: "Import" choose_file: "Choose file to be imported (XML)" create: title: Create {{class}} edit: title: "Edit {{class}}: {{title}}" meta_information: Meta details available_tags: "Available tags:" available_tags_info: "(click on a tag to select or deselect the tag)" no_tags_available: "There are currently no tags, to add new tags enter them in the box above." tags: Tags publish: Publish published: Published publish_automatically_at: "Publiceren automaticaly on:" add_a_to_b: "add {{a}} to {{b}}" add_multiple: Add multiple (avoids closing this window) version_conflict: <strong>Attention</strong> Saving will override the changes made by {{current_author}} see_changes_by: Click here to view the changes of {{current_author}}. discard_changes: Discard my changes show: title: "View {{class}}: {{title}}" currently_viewing: > <strong>Shown version </strong> versie {{current_version}} by <em>{{current_author}}</em>. error: title: this content-type does not exist. intro: global: logged_in_on: Logged in on logged_in_on_as: as <strong>%s</strong> logged_in_as: Logged in as <strong>%s</strong> logout: Logout cancel: Cancel, close_window: Close window loading: Please wait... tinymce: skyline_table: { desc: "Inserts a new table", row_before_desc: "Insert row before", row_after_desc: "Insert row after", delete_row_desc: "Delete row", col_before_desc: "Insert column before", col_after_desc: "Insert column after", delete_col_desc: "Remove column", split_cells_desc: "Split merged table cells", merge_cells_desc: "Merge table cells", row_desc: "Table row properties", cell_desc: "Table cell properties", props_desc: "Table properties", paste_row_before_desc: "Paste table row before", paste_row_after_desc: "Paste table row after", cut_row_desc: "Cut table row", copy_row_desc: "Copy table row", del: "Delete table", row: "Row", col: "Column", cell: "Cell" } skyline_code: { dialog_title: "HTML bewerken", btn_ok: "Ok", btn_cancel: "annuleren" } skyline: { style_select: "Styles", font_size: "Font size", fontdefault: "Font family", block: "Format", paragraph: "Paragraph", div: "Div", address: "Address", pre: "Preformatted", h1: "Heading 1", h2: "Heading 2", h3: "Heading 3", h4: "Heading 4", h5: "Heading 5", h6: "Heading 6", blockquote: "Blockquote", code: "Code", samp: "Code sample", dt: "Definition term ", dd: "Definition description", bold_desc: "Bold (Ctrl+B)", italic_desc: "Italic (Ctrl+I)", underline_desc: "Underline (Ctrl+U)", striketrough_desc: "Strikethrough", justifyleft_desc: "Align left", justifycenter_desc: "Align center", justifyright_desc: "Align right", justifyfull_desc: "Align full", bullist_desc: "Unordered list", numlist_desc: "Ordered list", outdent_desc: "Outdent", indent_desc: "Indent", undo_desc: "Undo (Ctrl+Z)", redo_desc: "Redo (Ctrl+Y)", link_desc: "Insert/edit link", unlink_desc: "Unlink", image_desc: "Insert/edit image", cleanup_desc: "Cleanup messy code", code_desc: "Edit HTML Source", sub_desc: "Subscript", sup_desc: "Superscript", hr_desc: "Insert horizontal ruler", removeformat_desc: "Remove formatting", custom1_desc: "Your custom description here", forecolor_desc: "Select text color", backcolor_desc: "Select background color", charmap_desc: "Insert custom character", visualaid_desc: "Toggle guidelines/invisible elements", anchor_desc: "Insert/edit anchor", cut_desc: "Cut", copy_desc: "Copy", paste_desc: "Paste", image_props_desc: "Image properties", newdocument_desc: "New document", help_desc: "Help", blockquote_desc: "Blockquote", clipboard_msg: "Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\r\nDo you want more information about this issue?", path: "Path", newdocument: "Are you sure you want clear all contents?", toolbar_focus: "Jump to tool buttons - Alt+Q, Jump to editor - Alt-Z, Jump to element path - Alt-X", more_colors: "More colors" }