require 'big_keeper/util/logger' module BigKeeper # Operator for got class GitOperator def current_branch(path) Dir.chdir(path) do `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.chop end end def has_remote_branch(path, branch_name) has_branch = false IO.popen("cd #{path}; git branch -r") do |io| io.each do |line| has_branch = true if line.include? branch_name end end has_branch end def has_local_branch(path, branch_name) has_branch = false IO.popen("cd #{path}; git branch") do |io| io.each do |line| has_branch = true if line.include? branch_name end end has_branch end def has_branch(path, branch_name) has_branch = false IO.popen("cd #{path}; git branch -a") do |io| io.each do |line| has_branch = true if line.include? branch_name end end has_branch end def checkout(path, branch_name) Dir.chdir(path) do IO.popen("git checkout #{branch_name}") do |io| io.each do |line| Logger.error("Checkout #{branch_name} failed.") if line.include? 'error' end end end end def fetch(path) Dir.chdir(path) do `git fetch origin` end end def rebase(path, branch_name) Dir.chdir(path) do `git rebase origin/#{branch_name}` end end def clone(path, git_base) Dir.chdir(path) do `git clone #{git_base}` end end def commit(path, message) Dir.chdir(path) do `git add .` `git commit -m "#{message}"` end end def push_to_remote(path, branch_name) Dir.chdir(path) do `git push -u origin #{branch_name}` end end def pull(path) Dir.chdir(path) do `git pull` end end def has_commits(path, branch_name) has_commits = false IO.popen("cd #{path}; git log --branches --not --remotes") do |io| io.each do |line| has_commits = true if line.include? branch_name end end has_commits end def has_changes(path) has_changes = true clear_flag = 'nothing to commit, working tree clean' IO.popen("cd #{path}; git status") do |io| io.each do |line| has_changes = false if line.include? clear_flag end end has_changes end def discard(path) Dir.chdir(path) do `git checkout . && git clean -xdf` end end def del_local(path, branch_name) Dir.chdir(path) do `git branch -D #{branch_name}` end end def del_remote(path, branch_name) Dir.chdir(path) do `git push origin --delete #{branch_name}` end end def user `git config`.chop end def tag(path, version) tags = IO.popen("cd #{path}; git tag") do |io| io.each do |line| tags << line end end unless tags.include? "#{version}\n" Dir.chdir(path) do `git tag -a #{version} -m "release: V #{version}" master;` `git push --tags` end return end Logger.highlight("tag already exists in the remote, skip this step") end def tag_list(path) tag_list = IO.popen("cd #{path}; git tag -l") do |io| io.each do |line| unless line=~(/[a-zA-Z]/) tag_list << line end end end tag_list end def check_merge(path, condition) unmerged_branch = IO.popen("cd #{path}; git branch --no-merged") do |io| io.each do |line| unmerged_branch.push(line) if line.include? "#{condition}" end end if (unmerged_branch.size > 0) { |item| Logger.default(item) } Logger.error("Still has unmerged feature branch, please check") end end def check_diff(path, branch, compare_branch) compare_branch_commits = IO.popen("cd #{path}; git log --left-right #{branch}...#{compare_branch} --pretty=oneline") do |io| io.each do |line| compare_branch_commits.push(line) if (line.include? '>') && (line.include? "Merge branch #{branch} into #{compare_branch}") end end if compare_branch_commits.size > 0 { |item| Logger.default(item) } Logger.error("#{compare_branch} branch has commit dont committed in #{branch}, please check") return end end def merge(path, branch_name) IO.popen("cd #{path}; git merge #{branch_name}") do |line| Logger.error("Merge conflict in #{branch_name}") if line.include? 'Merge conflict' end end end # p #"/Users/mmoaay/Documents/eleme/BigKeeperMain").list end