module Netzke module Basepack class GridPanel < Netzke::Base module Services extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do endpoint :get_data do |params| get_data(params) end endpoint :post_data do |params| mod_records = {} [:create, :update].each do |operation| data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params["#{operation}d_records"]) if params["#{operation}d_records"] if !data.nil? && !data.empty? # data may be nil for one of the operations mod_records[operation] = process_data(data, operation) mod_records[operation] = nil if mod_records[operation].empty? end end on_data_changed { :update_new_records => mod_records[:create], :update_mod_records => mod_records[:update] || {}, :netzke_feedback => @flash } end endpoint :delete_data do |params| if !config[:prohibit_delete] record_ids = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:records]) data_adapter.destroy(record_ids) on_data_changed {:netzke_feedback => I18n.t('netzke.basepack.grid_panel.deleted_n_records', :n => record_ids.size), :load_store_data => get_data} else {:netzke_feedback => I18n.t('netzke.basepack.grid_panel.cannot_delete')} end end endpoint :resize_column do |params| raise "Called resize_column endpoint while not configured to do so" if !config[:persistence] current_columns_order = state[:columns_order] || initial_columns_order current_columns_order[normalize_index(params[:index].to_i)][:width] = params[:size].to_i update_state(:columns_order, current_columns_order) {} end endpoint :move_column do |params| raise "Called move_column endpoint while not configured to do so" if !config[:persistence] remove_from = normalize_index(params[:old_index].to_i) insert_to = normalize_index(params[:new_index].to_i) current_columns_order = state[:columns_order] || initial_columns_order column_to_move = current_columns_order.delete_at(remove_from) current_columns_order.insert(insert_to, column_to_move) update_state(:columns_order, current_columns_order) {} end endpoint :hide_column do |params| raise "Called hide_column endpoint while not configured to do so" if !config[:persistence] current_columns_order = state[:columns_order] || initial_columns_order current_columns_order[normalize_index(params[:index].to_i)][:hidden] = params[:hidden] update_state(:columns_order, current_columns_order) {} end # Returns choices for a column endpoint :get_combobox_options do |params| query = params[:query] column = columns.detect{ |c| c[:name] == params[:column] } scope = column.to_options[:scope] || column.to_options[:editor].try(:fetch, :scope, nil) query = params[:query] {:data => combobox_options_for_column(column, :query => query, :scope => scope, :record_id => params[:id])} end endpoint :move_rows do |params| data_adapter.move_records(params) {} end end # # Some components' overridden endpoints # ## Edit in form specific endpoint def add_form__form_panel0__netzke_submit_endpoint(params) res = component_instance(:add_form__form_panel0).netzke_submit(params) if res[:set_form_values] # successful creation on_data_changed res[:set_form_values] = nil end res.to_nifty_json end def edit_form__form_panel0__netzke_submit_endpoint(params) res = component_instance(:edit_form__form_panel0).netzke_submit(params) if res[:set_form_values] on_data_changed res[:set_form_values] = nil end res.to_nifty_json end def multi_edit_form__multi_edit_form0__netzke_submit_endpoint(params) ids = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params.delete(:ids)) data = ids.collect{ |id| ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:data]).merge("id" => id) }!{|el| el.delete_if{ |k,v| v.is_a?(String) && v.blank? }} # only interested in set values mod_records_count = process_data(data, :update).count # remove duplicated flash messages @flash = @flash.inject([]){ |r,hsh| r.include?(hsh) ? r : r.push(hsh) } if mod_records_count > 0 on_data_changed {:set_result => "ok", :netzke_feedback => @flash}.to_nifty_json else {:netzke_feedback => @flash}.to_nifty_json end end # When providing the edit_form component, fill in the form with the requested record def deliver_component_endpoint(params) components[:edit_form][:items].first.merge!(:record_id => params[:record_id].to_i) if params[:name] == 'edit_form' super end # Implementation for the "get_data" endpoint def get_data(*args) params = args.first || {} # params are optional! if !config[:prohibit_read] {}.tap do |res| records = get_records(params) res[:data] ={|r| r.netzke_array(columns(:with_meta => true))} res[:total] = count_records(params) if config[:enable_pagination] end else flash :error => "You don't have permissions to read data" { :netzke_feedback => @flash } end end protected # Returns an array of records. def get_records(params) params[:limit] = config[:rows_per_page] if config[:enable_pagination] params[:scope] = config[:scope] # note, params[:scope] becomes ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess data_adapter.get_records(params, columns) end def count_records(params) params[:scope] = config[:scope] # note, params[:scope] becomes ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess data_adapter.count_records(params, columns) end # Override this method to react on each operation that caused changing of data def on_data_changed; end # Given an index of a column among enabled (non-excluded) columns, provides the index (position) in the table def normalize_index(index) norm_index = 0 index.times do while true do norm_index += 1 break unless columns[norm_index][:included] == false end end norm_index end # Params: # :operation: :update or :create def process_data(data, operation) success = true mod_records = {} if !config[:"prohibit_#{operation}"] modified_records = 0 data.each do |record_hash| id = record_hash.delete('id') record = operation == :create ? data_adapter.new_record : data_adapter.find_record(id) success = true # merge with strong default attirbutes record_hash.merge!(config[:strong_default_attrs]) if config[:strong_default_attrs] record_hash.each_pair do |k,v| record.set_value_for_attribute(columns_hash[k.to_sym].nil? ? {:name => k} : columns_hash[k.to_sym], v) end # try to save mod_records[id] = record.netzke_array(columns(:with_meta => true)) if success && # flash eventual errors if !record.errors.empty? success = false record.errors.to_a.each do |msg| flash :error => msg end end end else success = false flash :error => "You don't have permissions to #{operation} data" end mod_records end def normalize_extra_conditions(conditions) conditions.each_pair do |k,v| conditions[k] = "%#{v}%" if ["like", "matches"].include?(k.to_s.split("__").last) end end end end end end