Upgrading Grape =============== ### Upgrading to >= 1.1.0 #### Changes in HTTP Response Code for Unsupported Content Type For PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests where a non-empty body and a "Content-Type" header is supplied that is not supported by the Grape API, Grape will no longer return a 406 "Not Acceptable" HTTP status code and will instead return a 415 "Unsupported Media Type" so that the usage of HTTP status code falls more in line with the specification of [RFC 2616](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt). ### Upgrading to >= 1.0.0 #### Changes in XML and JSON Parsers Grape no longer uses `multi_json` or `multi_xml` by default and uses `JSON` and `ActiveSupport::XmlMini` instead. This has no visible impact on JSON processing, but the default behavior of the XML parser has changed. For example, an XML POST containing `Bobby T.` was parsed as `Bobby T.` with `multi_xml`, and as now parsed as `{"__content__"=>"Bobby T."}` with `XmlMini`. If you were using `MultiJson.load`, `MultiJson.dump` or `MultiXml.parse`, you can substitute those with `Grape::Json.load`, `Grape::Json.dump`, `::Grape::Xml.parse`, or directly with `JSON.load`, `JSON.dump`, `XmlMini.parse`, etc. To restore previous behavior, add `multi_json` or `multi_xml` to your `Gemfile` and `require` it. See [#1623](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1623) for more information. #### Changes in Parameter Class The default class for `params` has changed from `Hashie::Mash` to `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess` and the `hashie` dependency has been removed. This means that by default you can no longer access parameters by method name. ```ruby class API < Grape::API params do optional :color, type: String end get do params[:color] # use params[:color] instead of params.color end end ``` To restore the behavior of prior versions, add `hashie` to your `Gemfile` and `include Grape::Extensions::Hashie::Mash::ParamBuilder` in your API. ```ruby class API < Grape::API include Grape::Extensions::Hashie::Mash::ParamBuilder params do optional :color, type: String end get do # params.color works end end ``` This behavior can also be overridden on individual parameter blocks using `build_with`. ```ruby params do build_with Grape::Extensions::Hash::ParamBuilder optional :color, type: String end ``` If you're constructing your own `Grape::Request` in a middleware, you can pass different parameter handlers to create the desired `params` class with `build_params_with`. ```ruby def request Grape::Request.new(env, build_params_with: Grape::Extensions::Hashie::Mash::ParamBuilder) end ``` See [#1610](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1610) for more information. #### The `except`, `except_message`, and `proc` options of the `values` validator are deprecated. The new `except_values` validator should be used in place of the `except` and `except_message` options of the `values` validator. Arity one Procs may now be used directly as the `values` option to explicitly test param values. **Deprecated** ```ruby params do requires :a, values: { value: 0..99, except: [3] } requires :b, values: { value: 0..99, except: [3], except_message: 'not allowed' } requires :c, values: { except: ['admin'] } requires :d, values: { proc: -> (v) { v.even? } } end ``` **New** ```ruby params do requires :a, values: 0..99, except_values: [3] requires :b, values: 0..99, except_values: { value: [3], message: 'not allowed' } requires :c, except_values: ['admin'] requires :d, values: -> (v) { v.even? } end ``` See [#1616](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1616) for more information. ### Upgrading to >= 0.19.1 #### DELETE now defaults to status code 200 for responses with a body, or 204 otherwise Prior to this version, DELETE requests defaulted to a status code of 204 No Content, even when the response included content. This behavior confused some clients and prevented the formatter middleware from running properly. As of this version, DELETE requests will only default to a 204 No Content status code if no response body is provided, and will default to 200 OK otherwise. Specifically, DELETE behaviour has changed as follows: - In versions < 0.19.0, all DELETE requests defaulted to a 200 OK status code. - In version 0.19.0, all DELETE requests defaulted to a 204 No Content status code, even when content was included in the response. - As of version 0.19.1, DELETE requests default to a 204 No Content status code, unless content is supplied, in which case they default to a 200 OK status code. To achieve the old behavior, one can specify the status code explicitly: ```ruby delete :id do status 204 # or 200, for < 0.19.0 behavior 'foo successfully deleted' end ``` One can also use the new `return_no_content` helper to explicitly return a 204 status code and an empty body for any request type: ```ruby delete :id do return_no_content 'this will not be returned' end ``` See [#1550](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1550) for more information. ### Upgrading to >= 0.18.1 #### Changes in priority of :any routes Prior to this version, `:any` routes were searched after matching first route and 405 routes. This behavior has changed and `:any` routes are now searched before 405 processing. In the following example the `:any` route will match first when making a request with an unsupported verb. ```ruby post :example do 'example' end route :any, '*path' do error! :not_found, 404 end get '/example' #=> before: 405, after: 404 ``` #### Removed param processing from built-in OPTIONS handler When a request is made to the built-in `OPTIONS` handler, only the `before` and `after` callbacks associated with the resource will be run. The `before_validation` and `after_validation` callbacks and parameter validations will be skipped. See [#1505](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1505) for more information. #### Changed endpoint params validation Grape now correctly returns validation errors for all params when multiple params are passed to a requires. The following code will return `one is missing, two is missing` when calling the endpoint without parameters. ```ruby params do requires :one, :two end ``` Prior to this version the response would be `one is missing`. See [#1510](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1510) for more information. #### The default status code for DELETE is now 204 instead of 200. Breaking change: Sets the default response status code for a delete request to 204. A status of 204 makes the response more distinguishable and therefore easier to handle on the client side, particularly because a DELETE request typically returns an empty body as the resource was deleted or voided. To achieve the old behavior, one has to set it explicitly: ```ruby delete :id do status 200 'foo successfully deleted' end ``` For more information see: [#1532](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1532). ### Upgrading to >= 0.17.0 #### Removed official support for Ruby < 2.2.2 Grape is no longer automatically tested against versions of Ruby prior to 2.2.2. This is because of its dependency on activesupport which, with version 5.0.0, now requires at least Ruby 2.2.2. See [#1441](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1441) for nmore information. #### Changed priority of `rescue_from` clauses applying The `rescue_from` clauses declared inside a namespace would take a priority over ones declared in the root scope. This could possibly affect those users who use different `rescue_from` clauses in root scope and in namespaces. See [#1405](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1405) for more information. #### Helper methods injected inside `rescue_from` in middleware Helper methods are injected inside `rescue_from` may cause undesirable effects. For example, definining a helper method called `error!` will take precendence over the built-in `error!` method and should be renamed. See [#1451](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/1451) for an example. ### Upgrading to >= 0.16.0 #### Replace rack-mount with new router The `Route#route_xyz` methods have been deprecated since 0.15.1. Please use `Route#xyz` instead. Note that the `Route#route_method` was replaced by `Route#request_method`. The following code would work correctly. ```ruby TwitterAPI::versions # yields [ 'v1', 'v2' ] TwitterAPI::routes # yields an array of Grape::Route objects TwitterAPI::routes[0].version # => 'v1' TwitterAPI::routes[0].description # => 'Includes custom settings.' TwitterAPI::routes[0].settings[:custom] # => { key: 'value' } TwitterAPI::routes[0].request_method # => 'GET' ``` #### `file` method accepts path to file Now to serve files via Grape just pass the path to the file. Functionality with FileStreamer-like objects is deprecated. Please, replace your FileStreamer-like objects with paths of served files. Old style: ```ruby class FileStreamer def initialize(file_path) @file_path = file_path end def each(&blk) File.open(@file_path, 'rb') do |file| file.each(10, &blk) end end end # ... class API < Grape::API get '/' do file FileStreamer.new('/path/to/file') end end ``` New style: ```ruby class API < Grape::API get '/' do file '/path/to/file' end end ``` ### Upgrading to >= 0.15.0 #### Changes to availability of `:with` option of `rescue_from` method The `:with` option of `rescue_from` does not accept value except Proc, String or Symbol now. If you have been depending the old behavior, you should use lambda block instead. ```ruby class API < Grape::API rescue_from :all, with: -> { Rack::Response.new('rescued with a method', 400) } end ``` #### Changes to behavior of `after` method of middleware on error The `after` method of the middleware is now also called on error. The following code would work correctly. ```ruby class ErrorMiddleware < Grape::Middleware::Base def after return unless @app_response && @app_response[0] == 500 env['rack.logger'].debug("Raised error on #{env['PATH_INFO']}") end end ``` See [#1147](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/1147) and [#1240](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/1240) for discussion of the issues. A warning will be logged if an exception is raised in an `after` callback, which points you to middleware that was not called in the previous version and is called now. ``` caught error of type NoMethodError in after callback inside Api::Middleware::SomeMiddleware : undefined method `headers' for nil:NilClass ``` See [#1285](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1285) for more information. #### Changes to Method Not Allowed routes A `405 Method Not Allowed` error now causes `Grape::Exceptions::MethodNotAllowed` to be raised, which will be rescued via `rescue_from :all`. Restore old behavior with the following error handler. ```ruby rescue_from Grape::Exceptions::MethodNotAllowed do |e| error! e.message, e.status, e.headers end ``` See [#1283](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1283) for more information. #### Changes to Grape::Exceptions::Validation parameters When raising `Grape::Exceptions::Validation` explicitly, replace `message_key` with `message`. For example, ```ruby fail Grape::Exceptions::Validation, params: [:oauth_token_secret], message_key: :presence ``` becomes ```ruby fail Grape::Exceptions::Validation, params: [:oauth_token_secret], message: :presence ``` See [#1295](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1295) for more information. ### Upgrading to >= 0.14.0 #### Changes to availability of DSL methods in filters The `#declared` method of the route DSL is no longer available in the `before` filter. Using `declared` in a `before` filter will now raise `Grape::DSL::InsideRoute::MethodNotYetAvailable`. See [#1074](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/1074) for discussion of the issue. #### Changes to header versioning and invalid header version handling Identical endpoints with different versions now work correctly. A regression introduced in Grape 0.11.0 caused all but the first-mounted version for such an endpoint to wrongly throw an `InvalidAcceptHeader`. As a side effect, requests with a correct vendor but invalid version can no longer be rescued from a `rescue_from` block. See [#1114](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1114) for more information. #### Bypasses formatters when status code indicates no content To be consistent with rack and it's handling of standard responses associated with no content, both default and custom formatters will now be bypassed when processing responses for status codes defined [by rack](https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/utils.rb#L567) See [#1190](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1190) for more information. #### Redirects respond as plain text with message `#redirect` now uses `text/plain` regardless of whether that format has been enabled. This prevents formatters from attempting to serialize the message body and allows for a descriptive message body to be provided - and optionally overridden - that better fulfills the theme of the HTTP spec. See [#1194](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1194) for more information. ### Upgrading to >= 0.12.0 #### Changes in middleware The Rack response object is no longer converted to an array by the formatter, enabling streaming. If your custom middleware is accessing `@app_response`, update it to expect a `Rack::Response` instance instead of an array. For example, ```ruby class CacheBusterMiddleware < Grape::Middleware::Base def after @app_response[1]['Expires'] = Time.at(0).utc.to_s @app_response end end ``` becomes ```ruby class CacheBusterMiddleware < Grape::Middleware::Base def after @app_response.headers['Expires'] = Time.at(0).utc.to_s @app_response end end ``` See [#1029](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1029) for more information. There is a known issue because of this change. When Grape is used with an older than 1.2.4 version of [warden](https://github.com/hassox/warden) there may be raised the following exception having the [rack-mount](https://github.com/jm/rack-mount) gem's lines as last ones in the backtrace: ``` NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass ``` The issue can be solved by upgrading warden to 1.2.4 version. See [#1151](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/1151) for more information. #### Changes in present Using `present` with objects that responded to `merge` would cause early evaluation of the represented object, with unexpected side-effects, such as missing parameters or environment within rendering code. Grape now only merges represented objects with a previously rendered body, usually when multiple `present` calls are made in the same route. See [grape-with-roar#5](https://github.com/dblock/grape-with-roar/issues/5) and [#1023](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/1023). #### Changes to regexp validator Parameters with `nil` value will now pass `regexp` validation. To disallow `nil` value for an endpoint, add `allow_blank: false`. ```ruby params do requires :email, allow_blank: false, regexp: /.+@.+/ end ``` See [#957](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/957) for more information. #### Replace error_response with error! in rescue_from blocks Note: `error_response` is being deprecated, not removed. ```ruby def error!(message, status = options[:default_status], headers = {}, backtrace = []) headers = { 'Content-Type' => content_type }.merge(headers) rack_response(format_message(message, backtrace), status, headers) end ``` For example, ``` error_response({ message: { message: 'No such page.', id: 'missing_page' }, status: 404, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'api/error' }) ``` becomes ``` error!({ message: 'No such page.', id: 'missing_page' }, 404, { 'Content-Type' => 'api/error' }) ``` `error!` also supports just passing a message. `error!('Server error.')` and `format: :json` returns the following JSON response ``` { 'error': 'Server error.' } ``` with a status code of 500 and a Content Type of text/error. Optionally, also replace `Rack::Response.new` with `error!.` The following are equivalent: ``` Rack::Response.new([ e.message ], 500, { "Content-type" => "text/error" }).finish error!(e) ``` See [#889](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/889) for more information. #### Changes to routes when using `format` Version 0.10.0 has introduced a change via [#809](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/809) whereas routes no longer got file-type suffixes added if you declared a single API `format`. This has been reverted, it's now again possible to call API with proper suffix when single `format` is defined: ```ruby class API < Grape::API format :json get :hello do { hello: 'world' } end end ``` Will respond with JSON to `/hello` **and** `/hello.json`. Will respond with 404 to `/hello.xml`, `/hello.txt` etc. See the [#1001](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/1001) and [#914](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/914) for more info. ### Upgrading to >= 0.11.0 #### Added Rack 1.6.0 support Grape now supports, but doesn't require Rack 1.6.0. If you encounter an issue with parsing requests larger than 128KB, explictly require Rack 1.6.0 in your Gemfile. ```ruby gem 'rack', '~> 1.6.0' ``` See [#559](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/559) for more information. #### Removed route_info Key route_info is excluded from params. See [#879](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/879) for more information. #### Fix callbacks within a version block Callbacks defined in a version block are only called for the routes defined in that block. This was a regression introduced in Grape 0.10.0, and is fixed in this version. See [#901](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/901) for more information. #### Make type of group of parameters required Groups of parameters now require their type to be set explicitly as Array or Hash. Not setting the type now results in MissingGroupTypeError, unsupported type will raise UnsupportedTypeError. See [#886](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/886) for more information. ### Upgrading to >= 0.10.1 #### Changes to `declared(params, include_missing: false)` Attributes with `nil` values or with values that evaluate to `false` are no longer considered *missing* and will be returned when `include_missing` is set to `false`. See [#864](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/864) for more information. ### Upgrading to >= 0.10.0 #### Changes to content-types The following content-types have been removed: * atom (application/atom+xml) * rss (application/rss+xml) * jsonapi (application/jsonapi) This is because they have never been properly supported. #### Changes to desc New block syntax: Former: ```ruby desc "some descs", detail: 'more details', entity: API::Entities::Entity, params: API::Entities::Status.documentation, named: 'a name', headers: [XAuthToken: { description: 'Valdates your identity', required: true } get nil, http_codes: [ [401, 'Unauthorized', API::Entities::BaseError], [404, 'not found', API::Entities::Error] ] do ``` Now: ```ruby desc "some descs" do detail 'more details' params API::Entities::Status.documentation success API::Entities::Entity failure [ [401, 'Unauthorized', API::Entities::BaseError], [404, 'not found', API::Entities::Error] ] named 'a name' headers [ XAuthToken: { description: 'Valdates your identity', required: true }, XOptionalHeader: { description: 'Not really needed', required: false } ] end ``` #### Changes to Route Options and Descriptions A common hack to extend Grape with custom DSL methods was manipulating `@last_description`. ``` ruby module Grape module Extensions module SortExtension def sort(value) @last_description ||= {} @last_description[:sort] ||= {} @last_description[:sort].merge! value value end end Grape::API.extend self end end ``` You could access this value from within the API with `route.route_sort` or, more generally, via `env['api.endpoint'].options[:route_options][:sort]`. This will no longer work, use the documented and supported `route_setting`. ``` ruby module Grape module Extensions module SortExtension def sort(value) route_setting :sort, sort: value value end end Grape::API.extend self end end ``` To retrieve this value at runtime from within an API, use `env['api.endpoint'].route_setting(:sort)` and when introspecting a mounted API, use `route.route_settings[:sort]`. #### Accessing Class Variables from Helpers It used to be possible to fetch an API class variable from a helper function. For example: ```ruby @@static_variable = 42 helpers do def get_static_variable @@static_variable end end get do get_static_variable end ``` This will no longer work. Use a class method instead of a helper. ```ruby @@static_variable = 42 def self.get_static_variable @@static_variable end get do get_static_variable end ``` For more information see [#836](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/836). #### Changes to Custom Validators To implement a custom validator, you need to inherit from `Grape::Validations::Base` instead of `Grape::Validations::Validator`. For more information see [Custom Validators](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape#custom-validators) in the documentation. #### Changes to Raising Grape::Exceptions::Validation In previous versions raising `Grape::Exceptions::Validation` required a single `param`. ```ruby raise Grape::Exceptions::Validation, param: :id, message_key: :presence ``` The `param` argument has been deprecated and is now an array of `params`, accepting multiple values. ```ruby raise Grape::Exceptions::Validation, params: [:id], message_key: :presence ``` #### Changes to routes when using `format` Routes will no longer get file-type suffixes added if you declare a single API `format`. For example, ```ruby class API < Grape::API format :json get :hello do { hello: 'world' } end end ``` Pre-0.10.0, this would respond with JSON to `/hello`, `/hello.json`, `/hello.xml`, `/hello.txt`, etc. Now, this will only respond with JSON to `/hello`, but will be a 404 when trying to access `/hello.json`, `/hello.xml`, `/hello.txt`, etc. If you declare further `content_type`s, this behavior will be circumvented. For example, the following API will respond with JSON to `/hello`, `/hello.json`, `/hello.xml`, `/hello.txt`, etc. ```ruby class API < Grape::API format :json content_type :json, 'application/json' get :hello do { hello: 'world' } end end ``` See the [the updated API Formats documentation](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape#api-formats) and [#809](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/809) for more info. #### Changes to Evaluation of Permitted Parameter Values Permitted and default parameter values are now only evaluated lazily for each request when declared as a proc. The following code would raise an error at startup time. ```ruby params do optional :v, values: -> { [:x, :y] }, default: -> { :z } end ``` Remove the proc to get the previous behavior. ```ruby params do optional :v, values: [:x, :y], default: :z end ``` See [#801](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/801) for more information. #### Changes to version If version is used with a block, the callbacks defined within that version block are not scoped to that individual block. In other words, the callback would be inherited by all versions blocks that follow the first one e.g ```ruby class API < Grape::API resource :foo do version 'v1', :using => :path do before do @output ||= 'hello1' end get '/' do @output += '-v1' end end version 'v2', :using => :path do before do @output ||= 'hello2' end get '/:id' do @output += '-v2' end end end end ``` when making a API call `GET /foo/v2/1`, the API would set instance variable `@output` to `hello1-v2` See [#898](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/898) for more information. ### Upgrading to >= 0.9.0 #### Changes in Authentication The following middleware classes have been removed: * `Grape::Middleware::Auth::Basic` * `Grape::Middleware::Auth::Digest` * `Grape::Middleware::Auth::OAuth2` When you use theses classes directly like: ```ruby module API class Root < Grape::API class Protected < Grape::API use Grape::Middleware::Auth::OAuth2, token_class: 'AccessToken', parameter: %w(access_token api_key) ``` you have to replace these classes. As replacement can be used * `Grape::Middleware::Auth::Basic` => [`Rack::Auth::Basic`](https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/auth/basic.rb) * `Grape::Middleware::Auth::Digest` => [`Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5`](https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/auth/digest/md5.rb) * `Grape::Middleware::Auth::OAuth2` => [warden-oauth2](https://github.com/opperator/warden-oauth2) or [rack-oauth2](https://github.com/nov/rack-oauth2) If this is not possible you can extract the middleware files from [grape v0.7.0](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/tree/v0.7.0/lib/grape/middleware/auth) and host these files within your application See [#703](https://github.com/ruby-grape/Grape/pull/703) for more information. ### Upgrading to >= 0.7.0 #### Changes in Exception Handling Assume you have the following exception classes defined. ```ruby class ParentError < StandardError; end class ChildError < ParentError; end ``` In Grape <= 0.6.1, the `rescue_from` keyword only handled the exact exception being raised. The following code would rescue `ParentError`, but not `ChildError`. ```ruby rescue_from ParentError do |e| # only rescue ParentError end ``` This made it impossible to rescue an exception hieararchy, which is a more sensible default. In Grape 0.7.0 or newer, both `ParentError` and `ChildError` are rescued. ```ruby rescue_from ParentError do |e| # rescue both ParentError and ChildError end ``` To only rescue the base exception class, set `rescue_subclasses: false`. ```ruby rescue_from ParentError, rescue_subclasses: false do |e| # only rescue ParentError end ``` See [#544](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/pull/544) for more information. #### Changes in the Default HTTP Status Code In Grape <= 0.6.1, the default status code returned from `error!` was 403. ```ruby error! "You may not reticulate this spline!" # yields HTTP error 403 ``` This was a bad default value, since 403 means "Forbidden". Change any call to `error!` that does not specify a status code to specify one. The new default value is a more sensible default of 500, which is "Internal Server Error". ```ruby error! "You may not reticulate this spline!", 403 # yields HTTP error 403 ``` You may also use `default_error_status` to change the global default. ```ruby default_error_status 400 ``` See [#525](https://github.com/ruby-grape/Grape/pull/525) for more information. #### Changes in Parameter Declaration and Validation In Grape <= 0.6.1, `group`, `optional` and `requires` keywords with a block accepted either an `Array` or a `Hash`. ```ruby params do requires :id, type: Integer group :name do requires :first_name requires :last_name end end ``` This caused the ambiguity and unexpected errors described in [#543](https://github.com/ruby-grape/Grape/issues/543). In Grape 0.7.0, the `group`, `optional` and `requires` keywords take an additional `type` attribute which defaults to `Array`. This means that without a `type` attribute, these nested parameters will no longer accept a single hash, only an array (of hashes). Whereas in 0.6.1 the API above accepted the following json, it no longer does in 0.7.0. ```json { "id": 1, "name": { "first_name": "John", "last_name" : "Doe" } } ``` The `params` block should now read as follows. ```ruby params do requires :id, type: Integer requires :name, type: Hash do requires :first_name requires :last_name end end ``` See [#545](https://github.com/ruby-grape/Grape/pull/545) for more information. ### Upgrading to 0.6.0 In Grape <= 0.5.0, only the first validation error was raised and processing aborted. Validation errors are now collected and a single `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` exception is raised. You can access the collection of validation errors as `.errors`. ```ruby rescue_from Grape::Exceptions::Validations do |e| Rack::Response.new({ status: 422, message: e.message, errors: e.errors }.to_json, 422) end ``` For more information see [#462](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/issues/462).